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Host: British actress, Emma Watson, on the screen of the new American movie, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. She is best known to millions of 1)moviegoers the world over as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films. This is her first major role since the Potter series ended.


Host: “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” centres on the experiences of a 2)tentative young adolescent who forms a friendship with two elders, step-siblings Patrick and Sam. Watson plays Sam. It’s a story set in 1991 Pittsburg in a high school that’s 3)light years away from Hogwarts.




(Sound bite from the movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”)

Patrick: C-minus, ladies and gentlemen. I am below average!

Sam: Below average!

Patrick: Below average!

Crowd: (Cheering)

Emma Watson: No, I mean it’s another world. It’s really like, you know, American high school is…is…is another planet to…to what…to what I’ve done before, so I really try to do as much research as I could, but then, actually, what I realized, when we were about to start shooting, is that, it actually doesn’t have very much to do with that. It’s a very human experience. The adolescent experience I think is relatable, you know, whether you’re in Pittsburg or whether you’re in, like Spain, or whether, wherever ….

(Sound bite from the movie)

Charlie: What is she doing?

Patrick: Ah, don’t worry. She does it all the time.

Sam: Turn it up!

Charlie: Got it, your highness.


Host: How keen are you to rebrand your image, so to speak, ’cause people do think of Harry Potter when they hear your name. Is that something that’s in your mind?

Emma: I don’t think I ever will be able to, to be…to be honest. It’s…it’s like rebranding my image is…is gonna be like a fluid thing that happen[s]. I can’t, like, force anyone to perceive me any differently. I just hope that my performances will speak for themselves, that the movie choices I…I take on will…will have their own…will have their own weight. I’m not here to be, like, frustrated by the fact that people still love Hermione. People are always gonna love Hermione; they’re always gonna love those books, but I just hope that they’ll be open-minded and generous enough to…to see a different side, and…and let me kind of 4)reincarnate myself.














(Sound bite from the movie)

Cam: Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we’re nothing?

Charlie: We accept the love we think we deserve.

Host: The movie is based on the best-selling book written by the film’s director. This is his first feature. It’s a comingof-age story that, while adopting many of the conventions of the 5)genre, does feel fresh. He brings some honesty to his portrayal of growing up.This book has been banned in libraries, in school libraries in the United States. What is so 6)contentious about it, and what does it say about contemporary America, that it has been banned?

Stephen Chbosky (Director of the film): It’s not the fact that we deal with…with drugs, or it’s not the fact that we deal with teen sex or homosexuality or any of those issues. It’s the fact that the movie does not openly judge it. We’re not talking down to anyone. We’re not…we’re not giving a lecture. We’re just telling the story about what kids go through. And I think the fact that we don’t make 7)overt judgments bothers certain people.

Host: When it opened last week, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” won some good reviews. There were complaints the film was too 8)generic, too much slave to formula, but it is nonetheless being seen as an 9)enticing heartfelt picture with good performances from its young cast. And many think that Emma Watson really delivered as the American high school girl she played.







Wallflower的本义是桂竹香属的植物,是一种香味馥郁、形态雅致的花,花朵的颜色有黄色、桔红色和棕色等。桂竹香(Cheiranthus cheiri)之所以得名wallflower,是因为这种草本植物生命力很强,可以生活在旧墙面、岩石上或矿井面上。


那么是谁最先发明这个有趣的比喻呢?尽管“始作俑者”至今已无据可查,但wallflower的书面记录始见于英国伯爵夫人坎贝尔·普雷德(Mrs. Campbell Praed)1820年的作品《郡办舞会》(County Ball)中。
