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The role of PE Teaching Practice on Health Education in University

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Abstract. Physical fitness activities, what the people often call, in a certain sense, is a specific manifestation of sports activities which studied in this research. The sports activities are closely linked to people's daily lives. It is a purposeful, conscious and organized social activity. In the human’s social development, we should enhance physical fitness and improve the relevant sports technical level. The physical culture and sports which rises and develops on the basis of physical training both follows physical and mental development law, and enrich people's daily social and cultural life. The development of physical education teaching is related to the development of national sports. This paper mainly discusses the teaching aspects of physical education.

Key words: Physical education; fitness; physical culture


Physical education is a basic discipline which aims to equip students with the basic sports knowledge and motor skills of the sport, and constantly enhance the physical fitness of students, and eventually develop the students’ lifelong exercise habits. Traditional college sports teaching mode has played an important role in improving the students basic knowledge and skills, but with the change of the new physical education content and teaching methods, the concepts and methods of the traditional college physical education has been unable to meet the current education teaching requirements. The humanistic education concept emphasizes on students' creativity and self-expression, and vigorously promotes the realization of human potential. Meanwhile, it not only concerns about the culture of teaching on students' cognitive development, but more concerning about teaching students emotional and interest in the development law. This has had a profound impact on the means of modern higher education changes.

1.The important role of the physical education and teaching

The first and foremost goal of physical education and teaching is to help the students' physical fitness. Students in important stage in the growth of knowledge and body are the future builders of our motherland. Only have a strong physique, can they have enough energy to deal with the challenges of society. In the sports teaching, the physical education teachers ought to take a variety of teaching methods, and actively guide the students to participate in physical activities. Sports teaching of improving their physical fitness can also improve the students’ mental health. Babanski, a psychologist, said: "whether the teachers are good at creating a good classroom atmosphere as well as to maintain the equal relationship between teachers and students in the class has a major role in the students learning. With such a good atmosphere, students learning activities can be particularly productive, and you can play to their highest level of learning possibilities." Sports’ teaching is different from other cultural programs, it is mostly an extra-curricular activities. Exchanges between the teachers and students in the physical education are far more than other courses. Relaxing atmosphere in this class can ease psychological tension of some students in other classes. Therefore, this active learning state is conducive to the healthy growth of the students’ psychology.

2.College Physical Education and Teaching under the concept of humanistic education

Under the concept of humanistic education, the goals of college physical education must fully consider and respect the individual differences of students, teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make them do what they can, so as to effectively stimulate the potential of university students, and help every college students pursue and realize their own goals. In additional, the past stale college physical education highlighted the goals of skills, and pay less attention to the goal of college students cognitive and affective objectives. However, under the concept of humanistic education, the goals must be based on specific teaching content and teaching form, thus contributing to the all round development of students, including emotion, personality and sociality, and implementing it. Secondly, college sports teachers should change the past traditional college sports programs, and gradually locate the nature of college sports into the promotion of their all-round development, which include not only the improvement of the student body, but also attentions to college students inner world, including emotional will development and mental health level, so as to promote the comprehensive development and harmonious development of the students.

3.College PE teaching concerning in the concept

of lifelong sports

Strengthening the learning and teaching of sports theoretical knowledge aims to improve students' understanding of sports science. Only the awareness being raised, can it turns into conscious action, and actively participate in physical exercise. Theoretical knowledge should highlight the pertinence, guidance and practicality with the lifetime sports science knowledge as the main content. Different projects and content take different influence on the body, which include training methods and means of movement principle, physical theory, self-assessment, self-monitoring, good health, health sports, life sciences, simple first aid, and prevention of common sports injuries and so on. To strengthen the learning of theoretical knowledge, it must have a time guarantee and a corresponding increase in the number of sports theory classes in our departments, and transfix the theoretical mathematics into the outdoor physical education teaching. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the assessment of the theory class, focusing on lifelong sports, that is to say the knowledge of education. Assessment is used to promote student learning of theoretical knowledge of the sport

4. Lifestyle in modern society and physical

education teaching

4.1 Status quo of modern college sports lifestyle

To grasp the situation and development trend of modern college students’ sports lifestyle must be comprehensively tested from the time, frequency, project, place, consumption and motivation in the students sporting life. Currently, the overall characteristics of the students' sports lifestyle are adequate time, higher frequency, diverse activities, fixed spaces, economical and practical consumption and diverse sports motivations. In the field of consciousness, the pursuit of individual development, practicality and the concept of health have been strengthened. In behavioral characteristics of sporting life, the content of the college students suggests an obvious modern and enlarged tendency. The practice of sports life shows a gradually extended tendency. The level of sports consumption has been constantly improved. In the view of the life quality, the collegiate athletic quality of life has been continuously improved. The content, level, inputs and emotional experience effects of the sporting life of college students have also been substantially developed. I n the view of population characteristics, the obvious gender differentiation trend has been emerged.

4.2 Trends of physical education teaching

Currently, the existing campus sports and cultural life, which include the lack of the counseling of the extracurricular sports life, relatively insufficient practical venue facilities and equipment, and underdeveloped college physical education teaching content and mode, cannot meet the increasing students’ demand for sporting and cultural life. Therefore, in order to meet the sports’ demands of the modern college students, it is essential to adopt an extensive promotional mode to implement the physical education, to speed up the study of the physical education teaching mode reform, to expand the development direction of college sports and cultural life, to strengthen thesports and organizations of cultural life, to establish the counseling system of college physical sports life, to rationally develop the economy of campus sports and promote the modern sports, to expand sports equipment and strengthen the practical construction of venues and facilities.

5. The challenges of teaching technology modernization

to Physical Education

Modernization of education and teaching, that is, to apply the modern media such as projection, video, computer-aided teaching software, multimedia technology to class teaching, which is not only conducive to expand the information of class teaching and mobilize the enthusiasm of students, but also helpful to promote students' mastery of knowledge and skills more quickly and convenient, to develop students' observing ability, thinking ability, imagination and creativity, to generate the best teaching effect. Currently, the physical education teaching methods in most China's colleges and universities are backward and antique, and modern science and technology is poorly represented in teaching methods. For example, teaching methods of discipline, still focus on lecture-style, but underestimate the importance of induction, analysis and permeability, and comprehensive development, and ignore the practical ability training. "Heuristic" and "Discussion" are seldom used in teaching methods. Subjects teaching methods remain traditional Communication Arts teaching: students lack of autonomy and independence, the theoretical knowledge and skills learned are seriously diverged from sports social practice, which on one hand limit the class information dissemination, new knowledge and information cannot be imparted to students, resulting in limited teaching content but class expansion ; on the other hand, it is not conducive to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of students learning, and students are always engaged in taking notes and teachers' teaching, which is unable to mobilize students' multiple senses of participation in learning. Considering their characteristics, College Physical Education should enhance heuristic and inquiry of lectures and exercises, combine knowledge and skills with the guidance of the methodology ,strengthen self-learning ability and social sports practice training, let students learn in practice, innovate in practice. Modernization of teaching methods, one of the important symbols of modern teaching, will lead to the reform of teaching methods. Therefore, increasing investment and building modernization of Physical Education technology will be an important factor for the smooth conduct of Physical Education and Teaching.

6.Relationship between physical education teaching and school and students

Adhering to the guiding ideology of "health first" in school sports is to promote students 'physical, psychological and social adaptation ability for a goal of the overall health, and to concern about the students' awareness of health and exercise habits. School sports should pay attention to the student's personality, so as to most incisively publicize and natural express in physical activity and exercise training. What the sports teaching bringing to students should be the joy and happiness of body and heart, a natural expression of human nature, the freedom of an emotional catharsis and release fully.

6.1 Development and utilization of sports teaching resources

The so-called development of sports teaching resources, in essence, is the resources that can explore all the possibilities into the physical education curriculum, and link with physical education and teaching activities. The so-called utilization of sports teaching resources, in essence, is to fully tap instructional value of the resources of sports curriculum which has been developed. In the course of the development and utilization of teaching resources in sports, physical education teachers must raise awareness and take positive efforts to the development, innovation and utilization of curriculum resources.

Physical education teachers should learn to look for, develop, product and integrate the sports teaching resources and information, but also to use modern information technology. It means that they should extensively develop and use all possible internal and external courses for physical education resources. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity and learning of curriculum reform, to carry out the multi-level and multi-training for physical education teachers, so as to highlight the comprehensive image of the physical education teachers and make greater social impact, and help to promote their professional development perspective to recognize the significance of participating in the development of curriculum resources, thereby to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of physical education teachers by participating in the curriculum resource development of and to establish a whole new concept of sports teaching resources.

6.2 Assessment of the university sports classroom teaching quality

Throughout the reform of physical education teaching evaluation, most of them starting from a single and unilateral aspect are the plan that lacks of overall structure, as a result, separating the physical education from evaluation. Evaluation one-sidedly pursue some surface things, like teachers’ teach state, lesson planning, lesson structure, site layout, demonstrations and organizational measures, the amount of student exercises, teaching methods and means. Reform of the sports teaching quality evaluation program just stand on the position of the physical teaching class. Usually it is difficult to notice the nature of the problems and to find a meaningful breakthrough. Therefore, we need a broader perspective, and study the intrinsic links and correlations between sports classroom teaching on the basis of course.

The establishment of PE teaching quality evaluation system should consider physical education and health curriculum standards as the theoretical basis, regard estimated principle as means of operation, treat the development trend of physical education teaching as guidance, and make the mission and purpose of physical education and health curriculum as goals. The whole process of sports classroom teaching should be surveyed at the height of the course. Currently, during sports classroom teaching, teachers are no longer the negative teaching staff, but the designer of the course. Physical Education Teaching is a process that teachers selected according to the teaching goals textbook teaching methods and means which are necessary for students to acquire knowledge and enhance the physical agility, adjust mental and physical conditioning, so as to achieve teaching objectives. Therefore, the interaction and mutual influence between teachers and student directly determine the completion of the goals of teaching and the quality of teaching.

6.3 Developing students’ appreciation to sports

It requires that college students have to strengthen their own cultural accomplishment and understanding of sports in the past and now, look to the future of the sport, to understand what is the spirit and purpose of the sports, and advocating unsporting. Only to establish a correct outlook on sports in order to have a perfect sports aesthetics and appreciation. Appreciation Ability limited classroom teaching alone is not enough sports, but as long as we can teach the correct aesthetic appreciation of knowledge in a timely manner to be guided, take full advantage of a good university four years time, the majority of students can gradually formed good sports aesthetics and appreciation.

6.4 Enable students to master the basic sports knowledge.

Basic sports knowledge is the basis for students to do scientific physical exercise. Therefore, we cannot take PE class as a purely technical action exercises, but at the same time must teach sports knowledge, such as the significance and role of sports, knowledge of physical growth and development, methods of scientific training, the sports’ function to body, sports exercise and health, sports injuries, protection and processing, common sense of sports health and athletic competition in simple rules and methods of competitions. According to characteristics in various stages of education, teachers should take various forms of teaching, including specialized theoretical teaching and the teaching method combining theory with practice, to teach the students necessary knowledge. So that students in physical education can do from passiveness to activeness, from blindness to consciousness and adapt to the needs of lifelong exercises and entertainment.

6.5 Correct management in the leading role of teachers

Interactive teaching methods requires to correctly handle with the relationship between the leading role of teachers and the subjectivity of students The practice of sports classroom teaching must highlight the body--students, meanwhile, it cannot ignore the leading role of teachers. First, teachers in physical education and teaching, must make full use of their knowledge, and take practical and effective measures to develop various cognitive abilities of college students, actively create a variety of teaching and learning environment to stimulate the enthusiasm of college students, help students develop good habits of lifelong physical. Secondly, the physical education teachers must work out a clear teaching objective in advance in the process of guiding sports learning methods, and regard each student in a distinctive way, so as to make them feel happy in learning physical education, to let them master the learning method and change passive learning and exercise to active ones. Finally, when the teachers tutor university students in the classroom, on the one hand, they should take care of special groups of students, on the other hand, they should make special sports special arrangements and considerations on special sports, in particular, teachers should pay attention to security risks, and take preventive measures in order to ensure the normal order of classroom teaching.

7. Summary

Leaders and sports authorities must pay much attention to the college physical education teaching reform and actively pursue quality education, turn traditional sports teaching into health education and accelerate the integration of the existing teaching model and related theories, so as to build a representative, typical and innovative physical education teaching mode. It is also necessary to transform the teaching philosophy, establish the concept of education which treats the student as the body, and play the initiation and creativity of students. Education mission of the training of the CCDS personnel requires to bring educational attributes and social attributes into the physical education teaching and to combine the individual student's needs with social development and the needs of the students.


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