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Part 2 Unexpected Inspiration

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Livia: Here we are!

Brandt: But this is a 1)vintage store. I thought you said granny chic was a new thing.

Livia: Without a doubt! But this shop also carries a few new styles… and granny chic has such a vintage, 2)retro feel to it.

Brandt: ①Oh, brother. Is this “new style” just more of the same?

Livia: Certainly not! Here, 3)take a gander at this 4)cardigan. Brandt: A cardigan? Cardigans have been old news for decades now.

Livia: True, but this ain’t your grandma’s cardigan! Check out the pattern in the cloth.

Brandt: Hey, that’s a fun pattern. A fun pattern on an old-style cardigan… it’s got a little of the old…

Livia: …and a little of the new! ②I knew this would be right up your alley.

Brandt: But I’m not sold yet! That’s just one cardigan,③and one swallow does not a summer make.

Livia: Too true, too true. Here, feast your eyes on this skirt.① Oh, brother. Is this “new style” just more of the same? 天啊,这种“新的风格”就只是和原本一样的吗?

Oh, brother.: a mild expression of annoyance, surprise, etc., same as “Man”and “Oh, man.”(轻微烦恼、惊讶的表达,等同于“天”或“天啊”)。例如:Oh, brother, the phone is ringing. It’s the eighth time tonight.


② I knew this would be right up your alley. 我知道这正符合你的口味。

right up or down sb.’s alley: ideally suited to sb.’s interests or abilities(正合某人兴趣,为某人所能)。例如:

Harry knows a lot about computers and software, so this job is right up his alley.哈里非常了解电脑和电脑软件,因此,这份工作很适合他。

③ And one swallow does not a summer make. 别贸然下结论。

One swallow does not make a summer.: proverb; one should not assume that something is true just because one piece of evidence was seen(谚语;一燕不成夏;不可凭偶然现象而贸然下结论)。例如:

—Steve got an A in Chemistry; he is so smart.史蒂夫的化学成绩是优秀,他真聪明。

—Well, one swallow does not make a summer.


④ You’ve hit the nail on the head!你说得完全正确!

hit the nail (right) on the head: get to the precise point(正中要害)。例如:

My father doesn’t say much, but every now and then he hits the nail right on the head.


Brandt: Wow! A gray, ankle-length, 5)tweed skirt? That’s a real blast from the past!

Livia: But when you pair it with some modern accessories, the effect is 6)uber-modern.

Brandt: So, I’m beginning to get it. Grandma’s styles with new 7)touches, or grandma’s styles paired with modern accessories, can come together for a new look. Livia: And that’s not all! It’s not just about the looks, you know.

Brandt: What ELSE could it be about?

Livia: Oh, don’t be 8)dense! Where do clothes come from?

Brandt: Are you trying to make a fool out of me? They come from stores like this one.

Livia: For you, yeah. But what about your grandparents?

Brandt: Well, my grandma was always knitting sweaters for us little 9)tiddlers…

Livia: ④You’ve hit the nail on the head! As granny chic becomes more popular, even young people are beginning to try their hand at knitting, 10)crocheting, you name it!

Brandt: So it’s not just the LOOK that is coming back…it’s the whole package!

Livia: Couldn’t have said it better myself. Some young stars are even dying their hair gray. Can you imagine? Young women 11)trying their darndest to get the “old”look! I don’t think I could do it.

Brandt: Haha, well, just wait a few years, and you won’t have to!

Livia: Haha, ⑤you callin’ me old? I’ve killed for less!

Brandt: OK, OK! Didn’t mean to get you all 12)riled up. I can’t help but wonder… if people are wearing grandma’s clothes, practicing her hobbies, and copying her hair…what about her house? Her furniture?

Livia: Wow, you’re 13)sharp today! Actually, the only reason I know about all this granny chic business is because my mom redid our house in granny chic last month!

Brandt: I can’t imagine! But I still need more inspiration for my project… mind if I came over and had a look?

Livia: Sure, come on over!

I’ve killed for less.: a teasing expression when another said sth. unpleasant, same as“I’m seriously offended” or “I’m mad”(玩笑用语,用于对方说了一些令自己不快的话,等同于“I’m seriously offended”或“I’m mad”。)例如:

—Don’t even think about that dress, Jessie. It was designed for skinny people.


—I’m not fat! I’ve killed for less.
