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吴凤花、陈飞表演的《梁祝•楼台会》。 Wu Fenghua and Chen Fei in Butterfly Lovers






资源整合 大胆创新



他说:“把众多越剧明星聚集在一起,演绎同一台经典名剧,就会产生强大的明星效应,从而吸引一大批观众。只有观众爱看,越剧才会有市场,才会繁荣。 ”





Tibetan g xmove of Yueju Opera.


French college students enjoy a Yueju Opera play




观众欣喜 明星艰辛



新疆观众马成虎是第一次看越剧,他说,舞台上江南秀丽气息始终吸引着自己,觉得实在太美了。在乌鲁木齐市做生意的浙江籍观众林忠说:“离开浙江十几年了,第一次在外地看家乡戏,让我回忆起儿时搬小板凳去戏院的场景。 ”在海口演出时,两个姑娘再三要求工作人员把她们领到后台去,只为一睹心中偶像。





鲜花掌声 启迪振兴





By Jin Aosheng

The last performance of a national road show of classic Yueju

Opera play “Butterfly Lovers” took place in Lhasa on August 21,

2011, bringing to a glorious end the 200-plus performances of the grand three-year tour in nearly 100 cities across China.


Yueju Opera stars meet the public at Qingchuan, a region in Sichuan heavily de-stroyed by an earthquake in 2008.


Wang Jun’an and Li Min in Butterfly Lovers



The play was considered an extravagance for a few reasons. It

was first conceived in 2006 to celebrate the birth centenary of Yueju

Opera in Shengxian County. The start of the grassroots opera enter-

tainment in 1906 was nondescript and obscure, but it soon became popular with local villagers. Troupes appeared and came to Shanghai, where the regional opera genre

matured and flourished. In 2006, the 100-year-old

Yueju Opera was inscribed as a national cultural heritage. Promoters at Shaoxing Performance Company conceived the idea of producing an all-

star “Butterfly Lovers,” the most famous and most

performed in the classic Yueju Opera repertoire.

“Butterfly Lovers” is widely regarded as a Chinese

version of Romeo and Juliet.

In 2008, more than 20 star artists gathered to pro-duce a new performance. They are from ten Yueju Opera troupes of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Fujian, the four Yueju Opera strongholds that boast the largest audience bases of the genre in China. All

these artists are stars of national renown repre-senting more than 10 dif-ferent schools that formed and matured in the golden years of the young opera in Shanghai. Moreover, the choreography was restyled, costumes and stage sets redesigned, music re-orchestrated. The result was a dazzlingly beautiful per-formance.

The all-star play made its debut on 8 June 2008 at the opening ceremony of the sixth Yueju Opera Festival of Zhejiang and Shang-hai, marking the beginning of the national tour. The troupe moved

northward first and then westward. Each show starred a different

Romeo and Juliet and each show was a huge sensation. Theaters sold tickets for the standing room section. For fans in provinces far away from Yueju Opera strongholds, such a performance was a lifetime opportunity to see stars in person. For many with their an-cestral roots in eastern China, watching a show by artists from their home province was like paying a long overdue visit to home. Some people even bought tickets as gifts for anniversaries.

For some young audience members who had never seen a Yueju Opera play, watching a performance by these stars was like at-tending a lovely lecture in visual and audio aesthetics. The old-generation Yueju Opera stars, now retired and in their golden years, spoke highly of the all-star extravagance. They agreed that the new play represented the best of Yueju Opera and served as a prototype for Chinese theater.

The stars themselves felt both happy about the opportunity to bring the best of Yueju Opera to the national audience, but they felt the hardship of the long journeys across the country. The troupe traveled by bus for 17 hours to reach Guiyang from Guilin. The bumpy road was a torture on a rainy day. Tibet was a special chal-lenge. Most artists suffered from altitude disease. They took pre-

吴凤花、吴素英表演的《梁祝•草桥结拜》。 Wu Fenghua and Wu Suying in Butterfly Lovers

vention pills and drank bottled oxygen water. Oxygen was stocked backstage for emergency.

The success of the all-star show has made people pause to rethink the performance market and promotion strategy.

Shaoxing Performance Company, a small show business based in Shaoxing, is the producer behind the huge success of Yueju Opera Festival in Shaoxing, which is 10 years old now. The annual gala attracts loyal fans from all over the country. The business shows the importance of using the resources available and producing a best show.

Another revelation from the phenomenal success of the grand show is that the performance market is not as sluggish as previously considered. Ordinary performances cannot compete with television dramas and films, but all-star shows still allure audiences. The road shows were profitable and the market responses in cities where audiences had never seen any Yueju Opera play before were unex-pectedly good. Invitations for more shows of the all-star play are coming in, some from overseas Chinese communities.

The last revelation about the prosperity of performance market is of course hard work. Shaoxing Performance Company worked hard to bring all the artists together. The stars were from ten big troupes and each troupe had its performance schedules. To coordinate all these schedules was a big test of the small show business’ capabil-ity. The troupes supported the promoter’s idea: troupes get bigger markets shares and stars get bigger followings only if audiences come to watch Yueju Opera shows.