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No doubt, you’ve heard of the recent scandal involving the New York Knicks star, Jeremy Lin. After a crushing defeat by the New Orleans Hornets, ESPN ran the headline “A Chink in the Armor” for the story covering the game.1 Fans were outraged, and spread the story all over the Internet, it was Lin-sanity. Not soon after they ran the story, the headline was changed, and the writer of the article, Anthony Federico was fired. ESPN also issued a formal apology to Jeremy Lin.

Now you may wonder, what’s all the fuss2 about? After all, it isn’t even a swear word3. But in America, racial slurs and derogatory names are taken very seriously.4 When I asked my friend his opinion on the issue, he replied,“I can’t believe ESPN would do something like that. How is something like that ever OK? It’s not funny, it’s just plain5 rude.” And this is coming from a 16 year-old American male, who would normally be as impassive6 as a brick wall when it comes to these things.



Here’s a little etymology7 lesson on the word “chink”. First used in the 1890’s, it was generally a way to refer to people of Chinese descent. But in the Korean War and the Vietnam War it was expanded to include other people of East Asian descent as well, as the word was applied to enemy soldiers.8 It has a very high degree of offensiveness, when compared to other ethnic slurs.

I personally, also find this word quite offensive. In fact, the aforementioned9 Lin-cident reminds me of something that happened to me in middle school. I was in 8th grade10; it was just another typical day. My friends and I were sitting in the cafeteria. We heard the remark, “Man, I wish I had a chink to do my homework. I’m about to flunk11 math.” It is a stereotype that Asians are extremely bookish people who excel only at schoolwork.12 My friends looked at me, but I waved it off; I wasn’t going to let them get to me.13 Then louder, I heard a different voice say, “What about miss chinky-eyes over there?” Then he looked over at me. That just made me mad. To first be insulted with such a derogatory term made me quite angry. I’ve dealt with racial slurs before, but this was just going too far.



Tears sprang in my eyes, but I blinked them back.14 I walked over to their table with a milk carton in my hand, and promptly dumped all of the contents on the boy’s head.15 A teacher ran over to the scene, outraged at my actions, but another walked over to her telling her that I was sensible16, and would not do anything without reason. My friend then explained the situation while I stood there, numb.

Interestingly enough, the boy was called to the principal’s office. He explained everything to her, including how he used an inappropriate racial slur. When I went to see the principal after lunch, she told me if anything like this was ever to happen again, I should tell her or a teacher and they would help me. The boy then apologized to me and the subject was dropped17.

So, seemingly innocent remarks can be hurtful in nature. Neither the boy in my grade or the ESPN writer meant to do harm, but it often hurts anyway. Hopefully, one day we can live in a world where racial slurs are no more and we can all live in peace.





1. ESPN: 娱乐与体育节目电视网,是全天播放运动比赛的美国有线体育节目频道,1979年开播,是当今世界最著名的体育电视网,英文全称 Entertainment and Sports Programming Network;chink: 裂缝,裂口,a chink in sb.’s armor是“某人的缺点、弱点、薄弱环节”之意。chink在美国俚语中还指“中国佬”,带有贬义。此处一语双暗讽林书豪所在的球队惨败。

2. fuss: 大惊小怪,小题大做。

3. swear word: 〈口〉诅咒语,咒骂语。

4. slur: 诋毁,玷污;derogatory: 贬低毁损的,有辱人格的。

5. plain: [用以加强语气]显然,完全地。

6. impassive: 泰然的,无动于衷的。

7. etymology: 阐述词源,词源说明。

8. Korean War: 【史】朝鲜战争(1950—1953);Vietnam War: 越南战争(1961—1973);apply to: 使用,运用。

9. aforementioned: 前面提到的。

10. 8th grade: 八年级,相当于国内的初中二年级。

11. flunk: 〈美口〉通不过(考试等),不及格。

12. stereotype: 偏见;bookish: 书呆子气的,只有书本知识的,学究式的;excel: 突出,超常,胜过他人。

13. wave off: 挥手驱去;get to:〈口〉对……产生影响。

14. sprang: spring的过去式,(水等)涌出; blink: 眨眼睛忍住(眼泪)。

15. carton: (硬蜡纸制的)液体容器;promptly:迅速地;dump: 倾倒,把……倒空;content: 所容纳的东西,所含之物。

16. sensible: 明白事理的,明智的。

17. drop: 〈口〉使停止,使终止。