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1. 人称的变化


He said,“I like reading newspapers.”

He said he liked reading newspapers.


“You should do your homework carefully,”the teacher said to me.

The teacher said to me that I should do my homework carefully.

“You mustn’t play football in the street,”the policeman said to the boys.

The policeman said to the boys that they mustn’t play football in the street.


He said, “I have lost my pen.”

He said that he had lost his pen.

She said,“The book on the desk is mine.”

She said that the book on the desk was hers.

2. 句子结构的变化

(1)如果直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时应该转换成由连词that引导的宾语从句,在口语中that 常被省略。例如:

She says,“I am going to visit my uncle.”

She said that she was going to see her uncle.

(2)如果直接引语是一般疑问句、选择疑问句或反意疑问句,将它们变为间接引语时,应变成由连词if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序。例如:

He asked, “Has she come?”

He asked if she had come.

Her brother said, “Does the teacher know it or not?”

Her brother asked whether the teacher knew it or not.


He said,“When will we arrive in Shanghai?”

He asked when they would arrive in Shanghai.

He said, “What grade are you in?”

He asked what grade I was in.


He says to us, “Be quite.”

He asked us to be quiet.

“Don’t go out, ”she says to me.

She told me not to go out.

3. 时态的变化



He said, “This book is yours.”

He said that book was mine.


The teacher said,“The children are reading a text.”

The teacher said the children were reading a text.


He said,“I have read the book.”

He said he had read the book.


He said, “I’ll wait for you outside the school gate.”

He said he would wait for me outside the school gate.


She said, “I bought the book yesterday.”

She said she had bought the book the day before.

4. 其它的变化

直接引语变为间接引语时,其中的时间状语、地点状语以及某些对比性的指示代词和动词也要作相应的变化,如:yesterday变为the day before,here变为there, come变为go,this变为that, these变为those 等。例如:

He said,“I will stay here.”

He said that he would stay there.

“I bought these flowers for you,”she said.

She said she had bought those flowers for me.


1. 如果说话人引述自己的话,人称代词便不必变化。例如:

I said,“I have been to Beijing.”

I said I had been to Beijing.


He asks, “Where do you come from?”

He asks where I come from.

3. 直接引语中比较具体的时间状语,在间接引语中可以不变,谓语动词的时态也不变。例如:

“It happened in 2008,” he said.

He said it happened in 2008.

4. 如果直接引语叙述的是客观事实、自然现象、谚语、格言等,那么直接引语中的一般现在时在间接引语中不变。例如:

The boy asked,“Does water boil at 100℃?”

The boy asked if water boils at 100℃.

The teacher said,“The earth turns around the sun.”

The teacher said the earth turns around the sun.

5. 如果是在当时或当地进行转述,那么,时间状语和地点状语以及某些对比性的指示代词和动词等也可不变。例如:

He said, “I came here three days ago.”

He said he came here three days ago.