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旅游观光 第11期

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1.More and more peopleare fond of travelling.喜欢旅行的人越来越多了。

2.People are anxious tovisit various parts of the world.人们渴望到世界各地去参观访问。

3.Travel is considered ameans to broaden one's mind.人们把旅行看做是能使心胸开阔的一种办法。

4.That's why most travelagencies are doing a roaringtrade today.因此,多数旅行社现在都生意兴隆。

5.The tourist industry of this country is very prosperous owing tothe beautiful scenery and mild climate throughout the year.这个国家风景优美,常年气候温和,因此旅游业兴旺发达。

6.It seems that there is always a flow of tourists during the sum-mer months.在夏季月份,游客似乎络绎不绝。

7.The two months are the peak(slack) months of the tourist seasonhere.这两个月是这里的旅游旺(淡)季。

8.Many foreigners from every corner of the globe are here on holi-days.许多来自世界各地的外国人到这里度假。

9.Tourism has become an industry that contributes a lot to the na-tional income.旅游业已成为对国民收入有很大贡献的一种事业了。

10.That's quite true.We benifit immensely from it.的确如此,我们从旅游业得到很大的好处。

11.The tourist industry does a great deal in people-to-people con-taets.旅游业大大有助于各国人民之间的交往。

12.This city has begun attracting quite a few foreigners in recentyears.这个城市近年来已开始吸引了不少外国游客。

13.What scenic spots are there in this city?这座城市有哪些风景优美的地方?

14.They've got some magnificent countryside and beautiful histori-cal sites here.这里有一些景色秀丽的乡村和优美的历史古迹。

15.It has some large,beautiful parks and excellent shopping facil-ities,too.这里还有几个大而漂亮的公园和精美的商业区。

16.And there's an ancient tower as an added attraction.此外,还有一个古老的宝塔也是很吸引人的。

17.Tourists can go up the tower and get a bird's-eye view of thewhole city.游客们可以登上宝塔俯瞰全城的景色。

18.You'll find beautiful examples of traditional architecture there.你在那里会看到一些传统建筑的精美标本。

19.There are many wonderful spots worth seeing here indeed.这里确实有许多值得一游的好地方。

20.I suggest we have a seven-day tour here.What do you think?我建议我们在这里游览七天。你看怎样?

21.I'm afraid a week doesn't give enough time to see all the placesof interest.恐怕一个星期要把所有名胜地游完是不够的。

22.Let's go ahead and make our plans.那就让我们来制订游览计划吧。

23.It's better to go on a guided tour when we first arrive in a city.我们初来一个城市最好参加有向导的旅游。

24.We'll take some food and have a picnic lunch in the woods.我们将带食品到树林中去野餐。

25.I'm very fond of fishing.It's so restful sitting by the riversideangling.我喜欢钓鱼,坐在河边等鱼上钩,这是多好的休息。

26.I don't care for fishing.I'm very keen to go mountainclimbingand see the waterfall.我不喜欢钓鱼,我非常喜欢爬山和观看瀑布。

27.After lunch we'll take a nap in the shade on the hill.午餐后我们将在小山的树荫下睡午觉。

28.Maybe we'll have to take a compass along.也许我们得带上一个指南针。

29.We ought to buy a guide book.我们得买一本旅游指南。

30.We're going to have a most enioyable and profitable time.我们将会度过极有乐趣而极为有益的时光。