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Rational Thinking upon Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

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This article is intended to provide some effective methods to help college students realize their entrepreneurship by analyzing the present situation and defects of the entrepreneurship education for college students based on its connotation.

Key words: Entrepreneurship education; College students; Employment

WEN Nuan, GUO Xin (2012). rational thinking upon entrepreneurship education of college students. Higher Education of Social Science, 3(3), -0. Available from http:///index.php/hess/article/view/j.hess.1927024020120303.1121 DOI: http:///10.3968/j.hess.1927024020120303.1121

In recent years, the difficulty in seeking employment of college graduates has become a severe social problem, which has aroused the attention of all levels of the government and people related to universities and colleges. Faced with such a situation, college graduates, as high-level intellectuals, should not only be job seekers, but more active to create job positions. Therefore, to introduce entrepreneurship education into universities at such a time when the employment situation is becoming more and more worsened has no doubt very positive practical meaning. At present, with the constant calling and encouragement by our nation, more and more universities and colleges are beginning to gradually arrange education related to entrepreneurship, which has achieved some preliminary effects. However, influenced by many factors including traditional ideas, social realities and the education system, the implementation of entrepreneurship education of college students has not been completely carried out. It needs more rational thinking and some further exploration for the effective paths of entrepreneurship education of college students.

1. Definition and Features of Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

1.1 Definition of Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

“Entrepreneurship education” is a new education concept, which was proposed by the UNESCO in the “21st Century International Education Development Trend” seminar at the end of 1980s. In essence, the concept of entrepreneurship education aims to cultivate the entrepreneurship consciousness, entrepreneurship competences and entrepreneurship personality of the students. The concept should be reflected in the entire course system and extra-curricular activities of higher education, mainly through reforms in curriculum provision, course contents, teaching methods and second classroom activities. Thus it can continuously improve the comprehensive quality of students and enhance the entrepreneurship consciousness, spirit and competences of students to meet the new requirements for the entrepreneurship competences of contemporary college students raised by the fast developing age of knowledge economy and meet the new demand of changes in talent specifications during the adjustment period of social and economic structures. In fact, the implementation of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges is an important path to improve the comprehensive quality of college students. It is a long-term design for cultivating the employment skills of college students, extending the employment channels of students, and applying to the changes in innovation strategy from “Made in China” to “Created by China”. And it is an extension of the function of higher education to serve the development of the economy and the society.

1.2 Features of Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

1.2.1 Diversification of Targets of Entrepreneurship Education

On one hand, it can promote employment through entrepreneurship and relieve the pressure of employment of college students; on the other hand, it can cultivate the volitional qualities of college students including integrity, braveness and confidence, which have positive meaning for their comprehensive development, in order to cultivate entrepreneurship talents suitable for the age of knowledge economy. In the meanwhile, entrepreneurship education, which emphasizes on the cultivation of entrepreneurship skills, may also help college students or people craving for entrepreneurship obtain means of subsistence or extend their new undertakings.

1.2.2 Comprehensiveness of the Contents of Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship education, professional education and political education should be interpenetrating in contents. Entrepreneurship education usually has two modules, basic theory module and basic quality module. The main contents of basic theory courses of entrepreneurship education are business administration courses teaching entrepreneurship knowledge and entrepreneurship skills; entrepreneurship education basic quality module mainly permeates thoughts through political education, aiming at cultivating the entrepreneurship concepts and spirits including subject consciousness, integrity consciousness, cooperation consciousness, risk awareness and action consciousness of college students.

1.2.3 Practicality Entrepreneurship Education Mode

In order to achieve the best effect of entrepreneurship education, the guidance of correct entrepreneurship education purposes is not enough. There should be more effective teaching methods in order to fulfill the teaching of entrepreneurship knowledge and training of entrepreneurship skills. The aim of entrepreneurship education of college students is to cultivate the entrepreneurship practical abilities so that students may enjoy entrepreneurship, be skilled in entrepreneurship and be able to entrepreneurship. Therefore, during the process of entrepreneurship education, practicality is crucial. We should change from the passive to the active, and actively mobilize the subjective initiative of students to let the students participate in the whole process of education and teaching, while emphasizing the subjectivity of the students to make the entrepreneurship education implementation process an effective locale to cultivate and train the entrepreneurship practical abilities of students.

2. Current Situation of Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

2.1 Errors in Understanding of Entrepreneurship Education by Relevant Groups

2.1.1 Errors in Understanding of Entrepreneurship Education by Subjects of Entrepreneurship Education

Presently, college students, as the subjects of entrepreneurship education, have the following errors in understanding of entrepreneurship education: First, narrow understanding of the concept of “entrepreneurship”, believing that entrepreneurship is to establish entrepreneurships and become bosses; second, regarding capital as the major bottleneck for entrepreneurship, believing that once there is capital, all problems of entrepreneurship are solved, thus ignoring the significance of knowledge and ability for entrepreneurship of college students; third, insufficient emphasis upon entrepreneurship education, believing that entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges is dispensable, without realizing the importance of entrepreneurship education for the future practical entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship not only means establishing entrepreneurships and starting business, more importantly, it is pregnant with innovative ideas, creative notions, and innovative abilities and potentials.

2.1.2 Errors in Understanding of Entrepreneurship Education by Universities and Colleges

As executors of entrepreneurship education, universities and colleges, to some extent, should further deepen their understanding of entrepreneurship education, i.e. they have not penetrated entrepreneurship education through the whole process of education and teaching, nor have they fully realized the significance of entrepreneurship education in the development of college students. The practical problem is that entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities is only at the level of teaching theories, while ignoring the practical training of true entrepreneurship of college students. The limitations in the implementation of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges to some extent harmed the enthusiasm of college students in entrepreneurship.

2.2 Reform Needed in Curriculum Provision of Entrepreneurship Education

In the current stage, the entrepreneurship education in Chinese universities and colleges is only focusing on the forms, i.e. keen on holding activities related to entrepreneurship such as science and technology festival of college students, competition of business plans, competition of marketing simulation, etc.. Although these activities may help to enhance the entrepreneurship competence of college students, they cannot solve the true problems. Therefore, systematic entrepreneurship education or entrepreneurship practical training is quite significant.

The main problems in the curriculum provision of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges are: first, entrepreneurship education textbooks are not uniform; second, courses of entrepreneurship education should be further improved, and the relationship between courses of entrepreneurship education and other professional courses and the relationship between different courses of entrepreneurship education should be balanced; third, entrepreneurship education has no definite purpose and the subject content is not systematic. Therefore, scientific and rational course system of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges has significant meaning for enhancing innovative consciousness of college students, cultivating initiative entrepreneurship capacities of college students, and improving success rate of entrepreneurship.

2.3 Insufficient Code of Practice of Entrepreneurship Education

The implementation of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges of China begins from business plan competition. Due to limitations of conditions such as time and location of competition, most universities organized several groups to participate in the competition just before the competition. The students participating in the competition have taken up less than 10% of the number of all students. Few students truly participated in the competition. Therefore, entrepreneurship education is not popularized among universities and colleges in China. Entrepreneurship education, in fact, has not been included in the formal education course system of universities. It is still a kind of “spare time education” out of “formal education”, lack of organic combination with discipline professional education. To some extent, it has largely affected and restrained the implementation of entrepreneurship education.

In fact, entrepreneurship education is an important part of quality education as well as an assignable content of education and teaching in universities and colleges. The implementation of entrepreneurship education can to some extent cultivate the comprehensive quality of students including innovative ideas, knowledge of market economy and basic skills of entrepreneurship, which can unconsciously influence their future employment or entrepreneurship. This is exactly the important meaning of entrepreneurship education. Therefore, universities and colleges must consider how to include entrepreneurship education into the entire education system of universities and colleges.

2.4 Emergent Need of Teachers in Entrepreneurship Education

At present, the most prominent problem of entrepreneurship education of universities and colleges in China is the organization of teachers of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges. The strength of the teacher group of entrepreneurship education at the current stage is comparatively weak, consisting of mostly teachers with some theoretical knowledge. They took the positions only after a short period of training, and most of them do not have entrepreneurship experiences. However, entrepreneurship education requires that teachers have rich experiences in practical operation. Therefore, the strength of teacher group of entrepreneurship education and the quality of teaching of entrepreneurship education should both be improved.

3. Effective Path to Realize Entrepreneurship Education of College Students

3.1 Concepts

Concepts are forerunners of actions. Entrepreneurship education is not only “the business of teachers of entrepreneurship education, but the business of all teachers”. The first thing to do is to change the education concepts of teachers. The notion of entrepreneurship education should be comprehensively permeated into education and teaching, and the entire process of teaching, administration and service for cultivating people. Besides, the entrepreneurship concepts of students should be practically changed as well and let college students have “macro entrepreneurship view”. Entrepreneurship is making achievements when working besides starting companies, establishing entrepreneurships and being bosses. In the meanwhile, as the future constructors and successors of the nation, we should guide college students to have the notion of starting undertakings in rural areas and communities, especially the backward and remote areas. In this way, the students may have a “macro entrepreneurship view” which adapts to the market economy and conforms to the development of modern society.

3.2 Establish Effective Course System of Entrepreneurship Education

The building of course system of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges includes: First, the cultivation of entrepreneurship consciousness and interests in transactions of commodities of college students; second, the cultivation of basic qualities required by entrepreneurship, mainly including entrepreneurship competences, entrepreneurship qualities, abilities to bear setbacks, etc.; third, the basic knowledge and basic methods related to entrepreneurship, such as finance, registration, compiling business plans, commodity marketing strategies, etc.. Through systematic entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurship potentials of college students will be inspired, awakened and excavated. The college students are encouraged to have more active minds and their innovative abilities and executive capacities will be cultivated. They will be cultivated into multi-applicable talents who have broad horizons, are brave in practice and are able to innovate in practice.

3.3 Continuously Enrich Forms of Entrepreneurship Education

First, bring “example demonstration” function into play, which means inviting industry people with entrepreneurship experiences to universities periodically to give reports or discussion courses to students, in order to provide references for practical entrepreneurship of college students through such kind of learning of entrepreneurship and development experiences of entrepreneurships. Second, strengthen external contacts, i.e. universities take the initiative to contact the local government departments in an effort to find proper entrepreneurship projects and preferential policies for college students in order to encourage entrepreneurship of college students. Third, with the help of constantly emerging strength in the society. Currently, there are institutions such as business incubators and youth innovation parks in the society, which have brought more opportunities for college students in practical entrepreneurship. Universities should encourage students to establish some business entities with small investments, fast effects and low risks and to constantly accumulate entrepreneurship experiences in their spare time with the premise of not influencing their study. Fourth, during social practices, organize students to go into entrepreneurships, feel the actual operation and management atmosphere of entrepreneurships and learn entrepreneurship knowledge in practice.

Above all, entrepreneurship education is a new education concept, a systematic education project and a new mode of cultivating talents. Entrepreneurship education of college students is good for solving the problems in employment and entrepreneurship as well as helping college students in making their career plans and development. Therefore, universities and colleges must further transform education concepts and education thoughts while deepening education reform so as to continuously strengthen reform and building of entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges and finally realize the aim of helping college students in starting entrepreneurship by themselves.


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