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摘 要:随着互联网的发展,网络欺凌所导致的恶性事件频频出现。心理、情感发展不成熟的未成年人,既容易成为网络欺凌“沉默的

>> 对网络欺凌防范与干预的思考 青少年网络欺凌:现状与思考 校园欺凌与暴力的特点、成因及防范 网络欺凌与网络活动的实证研究 自恋与网络欺凌:道德推脱的中介作用 青少年“网络欺凌”行为透析与对策 青少年网络欺凌研究总结与思考 少年网络欺凌诉案 网络攻击与防范 欺凌与玩笑边界在哪? 校园欺凌与“善良教育” 当代青少年“网络欺凌”现象探析 孩子遭遇网络欺凌家长怎样做? 上海:首推《网络欺凌预防指南》 青少年网络欺凌的研究述评 美国网络欺凌立法及其启示 网络信息安全与防范 南非防范校园欺凌行为的“全校参与”模式 校园欺凌及其预防与干预策略 隐藏的欺凌与放纵的暴力 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:

⑩Wanda Cassidy, Chantal Faucher and Margaret Jackson. Cyberbullying among youth: A comprehensive review of current international research and its implications and application to policy and practice[J]. School Psychology International,2013 (5):1-38

张乐 《青少年网络欺凌研究综述》,中国青年研究[J].2010(12)

Ken Strutin,Social Media and the Vanishing Points of Ethical and Constitutional Boundaries, 31 PaceL.Rev. 228 (2011)

Perren, S., Corcoran, L., Cowie, H., Dehue, F., Garcia, D., Mc Guckin, C., et al. (2012).Coping with cyberbullying: A systematic literature review. Final Report of the COST IS 0801 Working Group 5 (published online)

Wanda Cassidy, Chantal Faucher and Margaret Jackson. Cyberbullying among youth: A comprehensive review of current international research and its implications and application to policy and practice[J]. School Psychology International,2013 (5):1-38

Livingstone, Sonia, Leslie Haddon, Anke G?rzig, and Kjartan Olafsson 2011. Risks and Safety on the Internet: The Perspective of European Children: Full Findings and Policy Implications from the EU Kids Online Survey of 9—16 Year Olds and Their Parents in 25 Countries. London: LSE.

Perren, S., Corcoran, L., Cowie, H., Dehue, F., Garcia, D., Mc Guckin, C., et al. (2012).Coping with cyberbullying: A systematic literature review. Final Report of the COST IS 0801 Working Group 5 (published online)

Price, M., & Dalgleish, J. (2010). Cyberbullying: Experiences, Impacts and Coping Strategies as Described by Australian Young People. Youth Studies Australia, 29(2), 51- 59

陈钢 《网络欺凌:青少年网民的新困境》[J].《青少年保护》,2011(4)