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鸟和老鼠 第3期

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In the forest lived a lot of different animals. Most of the animals were good and kind. Some of the animals be- longed to a gang. The gang was led by Cat. The animals in the gang were lazy.They did not work and they took things from the other animals whenever they wanted to.

Bird and Mouse belonged to Cat's gang.Bird and Mouse were taking a walk in the forest and saw a cottage. They looked in the windows of the cottage. No one was there. They saw a basket of fruit on a table.

Bird and Mouse were so hungry that they stole into the cottage. They both wanted an apple. There was only one apple in the basket. They decided to take the apple and figure out how to divide it later. Bird and Mouse hid behind a big tree.

Bird said, "Come on Mouse, now we must divide the apple."

"Okay," said Mouse, "I'm really hungry."

"Me too," said Bird. "How do you think we should divide the apple."

"I know," said Mouse. "I'll eat the apple and leave you the seeds. Birds eat seeds all the time anyway."

"No way," said Bird. "Then you would be getting more than me."

They argued and argued but Bird and Mouse could not agree on how to divide the apple. Finally they decided to take the apple to Cat and ask Cat to divide it for them. So they went to Cat's house and told Cat their problem. He agreed to help.

"First I need a sharp knife and my scale." said Cat.

He went and got the knife and scale and put them on a big flat rock. Then he cut the apple into two pieces and weighed them.

"Oh, oh the first piece weighs more than the second one. I'll just cut a small piece off the first one." Cat cut a small piece off the first one and popped it into his mouth. Then he weighed both pieces again. "Now the second piece weighs more than the first piece," said Cat. "So I'll have to cut a little off." He did and then he popped it into his mouth.

This happened over and over again. Each time Cat cut a piece of apple, he ate it. Soon there was only one small piece left of the apple. Cat shrugged his shoulders and gave the apple to Bird and Mouse. "Sorry," said Cat, "I'm too full to try and divide the apple anymore."











