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近义词突破 (一)

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I. forbid 和ban


Adam: May I use your iPhone?

Erin: No, I forbid you to.

Adam: You know, on campus we students are banned from using cell phones.

Erin: Don’t you know it is a holiday today?

Adam: Sorry, I forgot we are free to use cell phones today.



1. forbid指“命令某人不做某事(to order sb. not to do something)”, 这里“I forbid you to”是“I forbid you to use my iPhone”的省略形式,意思是“我不允许你用我的手机”。

2. ban 语气较重, 指官方“正式禁止 (decide or say officially that sth. is not allowed, 即forbid , esp. by law)”,“... on campus we students are banned from using cell phones”意思是“学生禁止在校园内使用手机”。

3. forbid常用于forbid sb. from doing sth.,forbid sb./sb.’s doing sth.,forbid sb. to do sth., forbid sb. sth.等结构。ban通常采用ban sth.或ban sb. from doing sth.结构。 例如:

Mary was forbidden by her parents to marry Tom . = Mary was forbidden from marrying Tom by her parents. 玛丽父母不让玛丽嫁给汤姆。

Chemical weapons are banned interna-tionally. 国际上禁止使用化学武器。

My doctor has forbidden me sugar. 医生禁止我吃糖。

此外, ban作为名词时,其后常接on,而且常与动词put/impose,lift/remove搭配。例如: put/impose a ban on... 禁止; lift/remove a ban on... 解禁。又如:

There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。


一、 请用ban或forbid的适当形式填空。

1. The government _________ the use of chemical weapons so far.

2. The other day her father _________ their marriage.

3. She _______________ the access to the club, for she was under the legal age.

4. She __________ from driving, having broken the traffic rules.


1. 那本书在我们国家被禁了很多年。

for many years in our country.

2. 英格兰的禁烟令于2007年开始生效,禁止在酒馆、酒吧和公司汽车吸烟。

in pubs, bars and company buses came into effect in England in 2007.

3. 当局解除了不许在这条河里游泳的禁令。

The authorities

swimming in this river.

Ⅱ. common,ordinary和 normal


Kate:What’s the matter with you? You keeps coughing.

Bruce:I caught a cold yesterday.

Kate:Colds are common in winter. When you are suffering from colds, it is important to regulate your diet. It’s said that you often go to school on an empty stomach. Pay more attention to your breakfast.

Bruce:Well, my ordinary breakfast con- sists of bread, milk and apples.

Kate: Wow, you’re living a normal life.


对话中,“Colds are common in winter” 的意思是“感冒在冬天很常见”;“My ordinary supper consists of bread and milk”意为“我晚餐通常是面包和牛奶”;“you’re living a normal life”则是“你过着正常的生活”。


1. common强调“常见的,不足为奇的(occurring or appearing frequently : not rare)”, 例如:

“Tom” is a common name in English-speaking countries. “汤姆”是英语国家常见的名字。

2. ordinary强调“平常的,平淡无奇的(not unusual, different, or special)”,例如:

He made all the other players on the field look undoubtedly ordinary. 他使场上所有其他运动员都黯然失色。

3. normal强调“正常的,常态的(not strange,regular)”, 例如:

Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be a problem. 在正常情况下,这个不成问题。(这儿under normal circumstances 意思是normally, usually)


一、 请选用common, ordinary或 normal填空。

1. Heart disease is one of the ____ causes of death in the world.

2. I thought the paintings were pretty ____, that is, they were not particularly good.

3. What’s the ________ temperature of the human body?

二、 根据所提示汉语,完成下列句子。

1. 学生考试前有点紧张是常见的现象。

________ ________ ________ a student to be nervous before a test.

2. 假日结束了,今天又是一个通常的工作日。

The holiday is at an end. Today is just ________ ________ ________ at work.

3. 他在大学受了四年正规教育。

He received four years of _________ __________ at college.

Ⅲ. after all,above all,at all 和in all


Adam: You should have studied hard, for you’re a Senior Three student after all.

Erin: I don’t think I should study so hard. Every day I have always spent two hours in all, on my studies.

Adam: By that you mean you study two hours after class. Please remember: Never waste anything; above all, never waste time. If you would like to achieve greater success at all, you should spare no pains.

Erin: Thanks for reminding me.


对话中的“...you’re a Senior Three student after all”意思是“你毕竟是高三了”,“two hours in all”是“总共两小时”的意思,“above all, never waste time”则为“尤其重要的是,决不能浪费时间”,“If you would like to achieve greater success at all”意思是“既然想取得更大成功”。

1. after all 毕竟

You should apologize to her. After all, it’s your fault. 毕竟是你的过错。

2. above all 尤其重要的是

Above all, we must consider what is best for the children. 尤其重要的是,我们必须考虑什么对孩子们最有好处。

3. in all 总共

There were about a thousand people at the concert in all. 大约共有1, 000人参加了音乐会。

4. at all 全然,完全,究竟,既然,反正

Did you find out anything at all? 你究竟弄清楚了什么?

This journey is not at all comfortable. 这旅途一点也不舒适。

在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。如:

(1) A: Thank you very much.

B: Not at all.

(2) A: I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

B: Oh, not at all.


一、 根据英语解释,选择正确的短语。

1. ― ;2. ― ;

3. ― ;4. ― 。

二、请选择at all, in all, above all或after all填入下面句子中的空格里。

1. Have you read any of the report _________________?

2. I don’t know why you’re so con-cerned, it isn’t your problem _________.

3. Tommy is fair, hardworking, and _________ honest.

4. ―How many students would like to take part in the sports meet?

―Forty _______.



一、 1. banned 2. forbade/forbad

3. was forbidden 4. was banned

二、 1. That book has been banned

2. The ban on smoking

3. lifted the ban on

一、 1. commonest 2. ordinary 3. normal

二、 1. It’s common for

2. another ordinary day

3. normal education

一、 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c

二、 1. at all 2. after all 3. above all

4. in all