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新藤黄酸通过调控PI3K/Akt/mTOR 信号通路诱导黑色素瘤B16细胞凋亡的研究

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[摘要] 目的:探讨新藤黄酸诱导黑色素瘤B16细胞凋亡的机制。方法:MTT 试验检测新藤黄酸对B16细胞增殖抑制的作用;采用Hochest 33258荧光染色观察新藤黄酸对B16细胞的影响;透射电镜观察新藤黄酸对B16细胞的超微结构的改变;Western blot法检测PI3K,p-PI3K,Akt,p-Akt,p-mTOR,PTEN蛋白的变化以探讨新藤黄酸诱导B16细胞凋亡的分子机制。结果:新藤黄酸对黑色素瘤细胞B16生长和增殖有明显地抑制作用,并随着新藤黄酸浓度的增加和作用时间的延长细胞活力明显下降;Hochest 33258染色结果显示,新藤黄酸处理的细胞中呈现明显的凋亡特征;透射电镜观察发现新藤黄酸作用B16细胞后,细胞发生明显凋亡的形态学变化;Western blot 检测表明p-PI3K蛋白表达呈时间依赖性下降;p-Akt蛋白表达呈时间依赖性下降,而PI3K,Akt蛋白表达量基本不变,p-mTOR蛋白的表达随着时间的延长有所下降,PTEN 蛋白的表达呈时间依赖性增加。结论:新藤黄酸在一定的时间和浓度范围内能够抑制黑色素瘤B16细胞的增殖,诱导细胞凋亡,其诱导细胞凋亡的机制可能与调控pi3k/akt/mtor信号通路有关。





1.1细胞株 黑色素瘤b16细胞来源于ATCC(美国国立细胞库),中国科学技术大学生命科学院惠赠。细胞在含10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基中于37 ℃,5% CO2条件下培养,选取对数生长期细胞进行实验。

1.2材料 DMEM(Gibco公司);胎牛血清(Thermo Fisher scientific公司);胰蛋白酶(Amersco公司); Akt,β-actin,PI3K,p-PI3K购自Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz,CA,USA);Phospho-Akt(Ser 473),PTEN和p-mTOR购自Cell Signaling(Cell Signaling Technology, MA, USA);ECL发光试剂盒(Thermo公司)。

1.3仪器 超净工作台(苏净集团安泰公司);Spectra Max M5多功能酶标仪(美国MD公司);Hitachi-600透射电子显微镜(日本日立);DMI-6000B倒置荧光显微镜(德国徕卡)。


2.1MTT试验 取对数生长期的小鼠黑色素瘤B16细胞,消化收集细胞并将细胞调整为6×104个/mL的悬液,再接种于无菌的96孔板中,每孔100 μL,实验设6个复孔,并设空白对照组。接种,培养过夜,镜下观察确认细胞贴壁良好。实验组加入不同浓度的新藤黄酸溶液(0,0.75,1.5,3.0,6.0,12 μmol・L-1),细胞在培养箱中分别培养24,48,72 h。结束培养前4 h小心吸去细胞培养液,每孔加入MTT 溶液20 μL,37 ℃继续培养4 h,每孔再加入DMSO 150 μL,振荡20 min,混匀。570 nm波长酶标仪检测每孔吸光度A,实验重复3次。按照公式计算抑制率(IR)= (A阴性对照-A实验组) /A阴性对照×100%。

2.2Hochest 33258荧光染色 将处于对数生长期的B16细胞以8×104个/孔接种到6孔板中,每孔分别加入2 mL细胞培养基。于种板后24 h,吸弃各孔中的培养液,新藤黄酸处理组各孔中分别加入含新藤黄酸1.5,3.0,6.0 μmol・L-1的培养基3 mL,对照组加入完全培养基3 mL。置37 ℃恒温培养箱中孵育24 h后,弃各孔中培养基,PBS(pH 7.4)冲洗细胞,共2次,每次5 min;加入1~2 mL 2%多聚甲醛固定10 min,弃多聚甲醛,PBS缓冲液漂洗细胞3次,每次5 min。再加入l0 g・L-1 Hoechst 33258在37 ℃下避光孵育l h,最后PBS缓冲液轻洗细胞,5 min 1次,倒置荧光显微镜下观察并拍照。

2.3透射电子显微镜观察黑色素瘤B16细胞超微结构 B16细胞接种于6孔板,过夜后再加1.5,3.0,6.0 μmol・L-1新藤黄酸处理24 h,空白对照组加完全培养基继续培养。胰酶消化后离心收集细胞,预冷的PBS洗2遍,细胞团块用2.5%戊二醛4 ℃固定12 h以上,制备超薄切片,枸橼酸铅染色,透射电镜下观察并摄片。

2.4Western blot检测蛋白变化 B16细胞在3.0 μmol・L-1新藤黄酸作用6,12,18,24 h后提取细胞总蛋白,BCA蛋白定量试剂盒进行蛋白定量。10%~15%分离胶和5%浓缩胶进行SDS-PAGE电泳,然后将蛋白转移至硝酸纤维素膜。以5%脱脂奶粉封闭,4 ℃ 一抗孵育过夜。PBST 洗涤3次,每次10 min。再加HRP标记的二抗稀释液室温孵育2 h,PBST 洗涤3 次,每次10 min。ECL试剂盒显影,Bio-Rad 凝胶成像系统采集图片。

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Study of gambogenic acid-induced apoptosis of melanoma B16

cells through PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways

CHENG Hui, ZHANG Xuan, SU Jing-jing, LI Qing-lin*

(Key Laboratory of Xin′an Medicine under Ministry of Education and Anhui Province,

R&D Experimental Center of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230038, China)

[Abstract] Objective: To discuss the mechanism of gambogenic acid (GNA) in inducing the apoptosis of melanoma B16 cells. Method: The inhibitory effect of GNA on the proliferation of B16 cells was measured by the methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay. The effect of GNA on B16 cells was detected by the Hoechst 33258 staining. The transmission electron microscopy was used to observe the ultra-structure changes of B16 cells. The changes in PI3K, p-PI3K, Akt, p-Akt, p-mTOR, PTEN proteins were detected by the Western blotting to discuss the molecular mechanism of GNA in inducing the apoptosis of B16 cells. Result: GNA showed a significant inhibitory effect in the growth and proliferation of melanoma B16 cells. The cell viability remarkably decreased with the increase of GNA concentration and the extension of the action time. The results of the Hoechst 33258 staining showed that cells processed with GNA demonstrated apparent apoptotic characteristics. Under the transmission electron microscope, B16 cells, after being treated with GNA, showed obvious morphological changes of apoptosis. The Western blot showed a time-dependent reduction in the p-PI3K and p-Akt protein expressions, with no change in p-PI3K and p-Akt protein expression quantities. The p-mTOR protein expression decreased with the extension of time, where as the PTEN protein expression showed a time-dependent increase. Conclusion: GNA could inhibit the proliferation of melanoma B16 cells and induce their apoptosis within certain time and concentration ranges. Its mechanism in inducing the cell apoptosis may be related to PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways.

[Key words] gambogenic acid; apoptosis; B16; molecular mechanism
