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基金项目 福建省医学创新课题(2007-CXB-6)

摘 要 目的:探讨社区居民超重、肥胖的影响因素,旨在为控制超重、肥胖率提供理论依据;方法:采用自编的福州市鼓楼区成年居民超重、肥胖暴露情况调查表和现时体力活动评价问卷对1851人进行调查;结果:①福州市鼓楼区成年居民体重指数均数为23.14±3.12,并随着年龄的增长逐渐增高,性别差异有统计学意义;②城镇成年居民超重率27%,肥胖率4.6%;③腰臀比超标发生率44.4%,女性60岁后反超男性,差异无统计学意义;腰围超标发生率48.8%,腰围超标在30岁年龄组性别差异有统计学意义;④婚姻状况、家人监督体重、饮食结构、年龄、文化程度、工作外体力活动、性别及吸烟是超重、肥胖的相关影响因素。结论:目前城镇居民超重、肥胖增长迅速;应尽快采取有效措施遏制,尤其是对中年人、体力活动少及文化程度低者更应加强宣教及督导,同时,不应忽视腹型肥胖对健康的影响。

关键词 成人 超重 肥胖 横断面调查


AbstractObjective:To scratch the influence factors of overweight and obesity in community population in order to provide the theory base to control the rate of overweight and obesity.Methods:The study population included 2410 adults from nine streets and one town with random sampling and whole sampling. 1911 copies of questionnaire named The exposure rate of common risk factors for hypertension questionnaire was compiled by the investigators.Results:①The mean of BMI of adults in Gulou district,Fuzhou is 23.14±3.12,The BMI increases with age,it was difference from gender.②It was found a 27% overweight rate,a 4.6% obesity ratein all participants;③There was 44.4% participants exceeding the WHR standards,and female was to go beyond male after 60 years old;It was a 46.8% obesity in the belly,and difference was found between male and female at 30 years old,④The age,gender,education, marriage,smoking,dietetic style,leisure time physical activity,whether the family supervised the weight or not are the influence factors for overweight or obesity.

Key WordsAdults;Overweight;Obesty;cross-sectional study



