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Emma Clippinger has recently gotten off a 24-hour

flight from Africa, and she commands the stage of a Manhattan boardroom without the slightest sign of 1)jet lag. Clippinger, a junior at 2)Brown University, is delivering a PowerPoint presentation to a panel of executives at the investment banking firm 3)JPMorgan. On the screen behind her is a photograph of Rwanda, showing 4)verdant fields of bananas and corn. The scene may look healthy, but it’s not, the 22-year-old tells the executives. The banana and corn crops are so dominant in that nation that many Rwandans get too much 5)starch and not enough other nutrients. “This,” she says confidently, “is the picture we’re trying to change.”

Clippinger is a passionate and 6)resourceful young woman 7)poised to make her mark on the world. What Clippinger wants from them is charitable funding to support Gardens for Health International, a nonprofit venture she co-founded with Emily Morell, a junior at Yale, that aims to improve the nutrition of HIV-8)positive Rwandans by helping them diversify their diets, making the

9)antiretroviral drugs they take more effective.

What the bankers want from Clippinger is something more complicated and long-term. Simply put, they want her to like them. They want her to be their 10)emissary by returning to college and telling classmates how globally oriented and 11)civic-minded JPMorgan seems. And if she likes them enough to apply for a summer internship or a full-time job after she graduates next year, they want that, too. But if she chooses not to do all or any of those things, there are other promising candidates who might. At the bank this morning are about 30 students organized into 10 teams. Each team will 12)pitch a charitable endeavor, and the winning project will be awarded $25,000. The finalists were chosen from more than 100 projects submitted by students around the world as part of what JPMorgan calls its Good Venture Competition, a contest for undergraduates that is part genuine philanthropic giveaway, part recruiting 13)gimmick.

For a relatively small investment, the JPMorgan execs have assembled before them some of the most desirable potential 14)hires in the world. In addition to teams from Stanford, Harvard, Columbia and other 15)blue-chip universities, there are entrants from England and Ireland. These 16)standouts were asked to submit résumés along with their project packets, and Clippinger’s, which is typical, shows the depth of their achievements. Clippinger is a developmental studies and comparative literature double major who has spent time not only in Rwanda but also France and 17)Senegal. She captains the Brown varsity 18)equestrian team, worked as a production assistant on 19)Martin Scorsese’s The Departed, interned with the Clinton Foundation in Africa, and speaks fluent French and Wolof, which is spoken in Senegal.

The frenzy to hire these 20)prodigies is called “the war for talent.” And, as well qualified as this group seems to be, the graduates’ appeal also lies in the fact that they’ll be paid less than more experienced workers would be. A recruiting event can no longer be just a recruiting event. Instead, it must be a competition―an 21)extravaganza where students 22)showcase their smarts and competitive instincts, and companies try to sell themselves, presenting their missions as unique, their workdays as exciting. Last spring, Google invited 23)UC Berkeley and Stanford students to the “Google Games,” a day of puzzle-solving, 24)Lego-building, sports and a trivia competition. It’s all designed, according to the Google spokesman, to “familiarize students with Google and our corporate culture of collaboration and 25)relishing challenges.”

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There are some hopeful signs for the Gardens of Health women. During a break, one of the judges compliments them not only on their presentation, but on their résumés. “Nice 26)GPAs!” he says.

It should be pointed out that not every student feels 27)coveted and wined and dined. The hiring process is competitive for applicants as well as employers, who are 28)drumming up recruits but ultimately must select among them. And because it’s relatively easy to apply online, employers end up 29)awash in résumés, forced to look at bottom-line figures such as GPAs.

“The emphasis on grades when you get that many applications is enormous,” says Gia Morón, spokeswoman for 30)Goldman Sachs, where just 6 percent of applicants are awarded summer internships. The company also looks for teamwork and leadership, as evidenced by club

officer positions.

And for some, that competition is 31)dispiriting. “Your diploma means nothing; even though you went to 32)William and Mary, there’s a lot of people who went to Yale, who went to Harvard,” sighs a young woman named Nosheen. “There’s too much competition!” Her life sometimes feels like one long competition in which she is always 33)up against some better-qualified 34)millennial. But others

relish the competition. “It’s fun to compete even if you don’t win. Though winning is better,” says Nimit Mehta, a Columbia student with a double major in engineering management systems and

electrical engineering, who is part of the Good Venture team that aspires to bring 35)hydroelectric power to rural India.

It is 3 p.m., and all the presentations are finished. The collective projects were overwhelming. “You’re all winners,” says one judge, Alex Lynch, JPMorgan’s vice chairman for investment banking, “The work you are all doing and the causes you help, that work is very

powerful.” Then he begins to announce the 36)runners-up: the 37)dashing young men from Dublin who want to help homeless addicts; the project to help Brazilian schoolchildren. The only people still sitting in the audience are the Gardens for Health women. They’ve won. “Congratulations to Gardens for Health!” Lynch announces.

Standing on 38)Park Avenue after the competition, the Columbia students say that they would certainly consider interning with JPMorgan. As for the Gardens for Health women: one of the Yale students, Julie Carney, a senior, will receive recruiting inquiries from JPMorgan. But she, like Clippinger, plans at least in the short term to pursue a career in philanthropy rather than investment banking. Still, they head back to Brown and Yale with a very positive impression of JPMorgan, which they will be happy to share with their classmates. So the bank, ultimately, is a winner, too.



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健康菜园项目的女士们似乎看到了一些希望。休息期间,一位裁判除了称赞她们的演示,还对她们的简历赞不绝口。 “GPA真棒!”他说。




下午3点,所有的小组结束项目介绍。这些团队都表现非凡。“你们都是获胜者。”担任裁判之一的摩根大通投资银行副总裁亚历克斯・林奇说,“你们所做的工作和你们协助发展的事业都非常有影响力。” 然后,林奇开始宣读两位亚军得主――来自都柏林致力帮助无家可归的瘾君子的几位闯劲十足的小伙子和计划开展帮助巴西学童项目的小组。观众席上只剩下健康菜园小组的几位成员。她们获得冠军!“祝贺健康菜园小组!”林奇宣布。



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