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egg不是“蛋”和 hand不是“手”

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇egg不是“蛋”和 hand不是“手”范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!



1.His joke laid an egg.他的笑话不逗人笑。

2.Never cackle till your egg is laid.事未成功莫先夸耀。

3.He had eggs on his face when he did like that.他那样做显得可笑(丢脸)。

4.He bears me grudges because I broke the egg in his pocket.他对我怀恨在心,因为我


5.I'm sorry, l have eggs on the spit.对不起,我正忙得不可开交。

6.He will have a good-sized egg from the oof-bird when his uncle dies.他的叔叔死后他会得到一大笔遗产。

7.As sure as eggs is eggs it will rain tomorrow.明天肯定会下雨。

8.Tom is such a good egg that everybody wants to be his friend.汤姆是个好人,大家都愿意和他交朋友。


1.He had no hand in the matter.他跟那事毫无关系。

2.The terminal examination is at hand.期末考试快到了。

3.Would you please give me a hand?请给我帮个忙?

4.He writes in a clear hand.他书写很清楚。

5.Did this letter come by hand or through the post?这封信是专人送来的还是邮寄过来的?

6.You must have your hands full in that company.你在那个公司一定是个大忙人。

7.Mr.Hunter suddenly failed,and all hands in the mill were turned off.亨特先生突然破了产,工厂的所有职工都被解雇。

8.He plays the violin every day to keep his hand in.他每天拉小提琴以保证熟练。

9.He played his hand openly at the meeting.他在会上公开了自己的计划。

10.Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach.量入为出。

11.She heard the story at first hand.她直接听到此事。

12.The boys have got quite out of hand.这些男孩已完全不受管束了。

13.Please be on hand at ten sharp.请10点准时出席。

14.They both are hand in glove with each other.他俩相互勾结(狼狈为奸)。

15.The teacher had a free hand in her classroom.那位女教师自如地进行课堂教学。