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Thomas Alva Edison was called Alva,or Al by his family. He was a very curious child. He was always asking questions. Even his mother,who had once been a schoolteacher could not answer all his questions. He would experiment to try to find the answers. Once he tried to hatch some eggs by sitting on them. Another time he accidently burned down the family's barn1.

The teacher told someone that she thought there was something wrong with Alva; that he was "addled2 . He told his mother and they took him out of the school. He only went to school for 3 months in his whole life. After that, he was taught at home.

He wanted to experiment.To make money for his experiments,he went to work at age 12 selling newspapers and candy on a train. When he had some spare time on the train, he would do experiments in the baggage car. When he was 16 he went to work for the telegraph3 office sending messages.

When he was 22 years old he went to New York.He only had $1 in his pocket. He hunted for4 a job during the day, and at night he slept in the basement5 of a gold company.He watched everything around him very closely. Some equipment broke down and Edison was able to fix it because he had been watching it work before he went to sleep each night. The owners gave him a job.He improved the machinesomuchthatthe company paid him $40,000 for his invention. He started the American Telegraph Works in New Jersey.

He built a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. It was here with his employees6 that he made many of his inventions. He would work night after night, and sometimeshewouldfall asleep at his workbench. His wife wouldn't see him for days at a time.

He and his team worked to make a light bulb that would burn for a long time without burning out. They tried 1,500 materials and nothing worked well. Finally he tried a new material in the filament7 that burned nearly 200 hours.

After he had made the light bulb,he worked to make a power system so that people could use the bulb. In 1882 he flipped8 a switchs9 and 85 houses in New York City had electric lights for the first time.

Thomas Edison was probably the world's greatest inventor. He had a patent on 1,093 inventions. In addition to the electric light,he also invented the phonograph10, a camera to take motion pictures, a cement mixer, the automatic telegraph, and he improved Alexander Graham Bell's telephone.


1. barn n. 谷仓

2. addled adj. 昏乱的,糊涂的

3. hunt vi. ~for 寻找

4. basement n. (全部或部分在地 面以下的)地下室

5. telegraph n. 电报机,电报

6. employee n. 受雇者,雇员

7. filament n. 灯丝

8. flip vt. 转动

9. switch n. 开关

10. phonograph n. 留声机,唱机

托马斯・阿尔瓦・爱迪生又名阿尔瓦,或被家人亲切地称为阿尔。他是一个好奇心很强的孩子, 经常问问题。甚至连他那个曾经在学校作过老师的妈妈都不能完全回答出他的问题。他会做实验试着找到答案。一次,他坐在鸡蛋上孵鸡蛋。还有一次,他意外地把家里的谷仓烧为平地。





他和他的工作组研制了一种能长时间发光而不烧坏灯丝的电灯泡。他们试用了 1500种材料,可是没有一种合适。最后爱迪生试用了一种新的灯丝材料,它能持续发光近 200小时。

