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肯定陈述句+否定的反意疑问句:It is cold,isn’t it?

否定的陈述句+肯定的疑问句:It isn’t cold,is it?

肯定陈述句+肯定的疑问句:It is cold,is it?

否定的陈述句+否定的反意疑问句It isn’t cold,isn’t it?




Tom goes to school from Monday to Friday,doesn’t he?

They didn’t have lunch at school yesterday,did they?



Everything is ready,isn’t it?

This is a book,isn’t it?

That dress is a bit small for me,isn’t it?

②若陈述部分的主语是somebody,everybody,anybody,nobody,someone,anyone,no one,none,neither等不定代词时,附加成分的主语一般用they,有时也用he。例如:

Everyone in our class wants to help Jenny with her Chinese,don’t they?/doesn’t he?

No one knows him,do they?

Someone stole his wallet on the bus,didn’t they?


These are chairs,aren’t they?

Those apples are hers,aren’t they?


To learn English well isn’t easy,is it?

Doing morning exercises has helped her improve her health,hasn’t it?

What he said is true,isn’t it?(不用didn’t he?)

Where we will build the library has not been decided yet,has it?(不用won’t we?)

“united” means “together”,doesn’t it?

⑤ 当陈述句主语是不定代词one时,反意问句的主语可用one,也可用you(但美式英语用he)。例如:

One should obey the rules of traffic,shouldn’t one/you/he?(每个人都应该遵守交通规则,不是吗?)

⑥neither...nor...,both...and...,not only...but also...,either...or...,not...but...,...or...,...and...等连接的并列主语,改为相应的复数代词。例如:

Neither you nor I am wrong,are we?(neither...nor...为否定结构,故附加部分用肯定形式。)

Both Tom and Jack came,didn’t they?




They can speak Spanish,can’t they?

The twin brothers couldn’t drive a car,could they?

You won’t go swimming tomorrow,will you?

He was cooking dinner at 6:00 yesterday,wasn’t he?(这里was是助动词)

The Smith family have been in Shanghai for three years,haven’t they?

They had finished their homework before they played games,hadn’t they?


She is a pretty girl,isn’t she?

They were all happy last night,weren’t they?

最后,若陈述部分的谓语是实义动词的某种形式,应选取一个恰当的助动词,常见的助动词有be(am,is,are,was,were,been );do(do,does,did);have(have,has,had);shall,will,would,should等。例如:

Tom usually plays soccer on weekends,doesn’t he?

He spent all his money in the supermarket,didn’t he?


①当陈述部分中谓语含有情态动词have to/has to/had to时,附加成分的助动词分别用do/does/did。例如:

They had to walk home yesterday afternoon,didn’t they?

②当陈述部分中含有情态动词had better时, 附加成分的动词用had。例如:

You’d better get up early,hadn’t you?

We’d better not play in the street,had we?

③当陈述部分中是would rather +v.或would like to +v.时,疑问部分用wouldn’t +主语。例如:

He would rather stay at home than go out,wouldn’t he?

You’d like to go with me,wouldn’t you?

④当陈述部分中谓语含有边缘情态动词used to时,附加成分的谓语动词有两种形式:usedn’t +人称代词或didn’t+人称代词。例如:

She used to study in Russia,usedn’t /didn’t she?

⑤当陈述部分中含有ought to时,附加成分的动词用oughtn’t或shouldn’t。例如:

She ought to be in New York by now,oughtn’t/shouldn’t she?


(1)must表示“不准、禁止”时,反意疑问部分要用must (mustn’t)。例如:

You mustn’t stop your car here,must you?你不准把车停在这地方,知道吗?


They must finish the work today,needn’t they?他们今天必须要完成这项工作,是吗?


He must be good at maths,isn’t he?他数学一定学得很好,是吗?

(4)当must用来表示对过去的情况进行“推测”(must + have done)时,如果是强调对过去情况的推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语)时,问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn’t+主语”或“wasn’t/weren’t+主语”结构;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语)时,问句要用“haven’t/hasn’t+主语”。例如:

She must have read the novel last week,didn’t she?她上星期一定读了这本小说了,是吗?

They have been in the office last night,weren’t they?昨晚他们一定是在办公室,是吗?

You must have told her about it,haven’t you?你一定把这事告诉她了,是吗?



I didn’t do that,did I?

They have had lunch already,haven’t they?


①若陈述部分含有no,no one,nobody,nothing,little,few,never,hardly,seldom等表示否定意义的词时,附加成分就用肯定形式。例如:

He knows little French,does he?

There are few apples on the tree,are there?

She can hardly read,can she?

He was never late for school last term,was he ?

如果陈述句部分谓语中含有带否定意义前缀dis-,un-,im-或后缀-less等的词(如dislike,discourage,be unfair,untrue,unable等)时,仍视作肯定句,其反问部分要用否定形式。例如:

The man is dishonest,isn’t he?

Tom dislikes some bread for supper,doesn’t he?

He looked unhappy today,didn’t he?

He was unhappy today,wasn’t he?

The patient is unable to move round,isn’t he?

It is impossible to master a foreign language in two or three days,isn’t it?


①当陈述部分是“There(Here)+ be + 主语”句型时,反问部分用“be +there(here)”。例如:

There isn’t any milk in the cup,is there?

Here is a book on gardening,isn’t here?

②当陈述部分是“I am...”时,问句部分习惯上用aren’t I;如陈述句部分的主语是I am not时,反问部分通常要用am I。例如:

I’m late for the meeting,aren’t I?

I’m not doing well,am I?


She said Tom had finished the work,didn’t she?

We believe he will come soon,don’t we?

We think English is very useful,don’t we?

He will let me go in if I show him my ticket,won’t he?

I thought he was a teacher,didn’t I?

I didn’t think he was happy,did I?


如果陈述部分是I(don’t)think/ suppose/ believe/ suggest/ guess/ imagine / expect/ am afraid/ am sure等后跟that引导的宾语从句时,附加部分的主语和谓语动词要与宾语从句中的主语和谓语动词保持一致,而且当主句含有don’t时,还应注意宾语从句的否定转移。例如:

I think she takes good care of the dog,doesn’t she?

I don’t think she takes good care of the dog,does she?

I suppose I had better go at once,hadn’t I?

I don’t suppose that he cares,does he?

I’m sure Vera has said something to you since she met you,hasn’t she?

④let’s引导的祈使句,其问句一般用shall we。例如:

Let’s start early,shall we?

⑤由动词原形或let us(此处不包含缩略形式的let’s)引导的祈使句,其附加成分表示请求时一般用will you,表示委婉请求或邀请时用won’t you,但在否定的祈使句后面只能用肯定形式的will you。例如:

You feed the bird today,will you?

Please open the window,won’t / will you?

Don’t talk in the reading-room,will you?

Let us go swimming now,will /won’t you?

⑥感叹句的附加问句,疑问部分用be +主语,并且要用否定结构。例如:

What beautiful flowers,aren’t they?多漂亮的花呀,不是吗?

What a clever girl,isn’t she?多聪明的女孩,不是吗?


I wish to visit America,may I?我想去美国旅行,行吗?

I wish to go to the moon by spaceship some day,may I?我希望某一天能乘宇宙飞船去月球,可以吗?
