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冰雪为伴 瑞典冰酒店

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What is ICE HOTEL? A hotel built of ice and snow, would be the most common response. The first and the largest in the world, someone might add. But ice hotel has more thrilling stories to tell. Lean closer and it will whisper them in your ear.

“ICE HOTEL”是什么? 对它最直白的解读是“一座由冰和雪打造的酒店”。而除了“世界首座”和“规模最大”的头衔,ICE HOTEL还有更多奇妙的故事静待来者。


The ideas originate from the place it stand on:Jukkasj?rvi. The river Torne that flows outside the office windows, the cold arctic climate, The Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun, So it is not a only a hotel we build each winter, it is an ephemeral art project.

ICE HOTEL的灵感源于它的所在地优卡斯亚维,源于窗外流淌的托尔讷河、寒冷的北极气候、摄人心魄的极光和璀璨绚丽的午夜太阳。由于冰雪的消融,ICE HOTEL 仅在每年12月至3月开放,到了下一年就会重新设计打造。在ICE HOTEL人看来,他们每年冬天来建造的不仅仅是酒店,更是一项恢弘的、短暂而惊艳的艺术。


Night at ICEHOTEL is an experience - and not like any other hotel stay. You sleep in a thermal sleeping bag on a bed built by ice blocks, a wooden frame, mattress and it is topped with reindeer skins. Surrounded by art work made of ice and snow, by artists from all over the world. In the morning you will be awakened with a cup of hot lingonberry juice....

在ICE HOTEL的夜宿会是一次绝对不同以往的经历:宽大的冰床上铺着厚厚的海绵垫,上面盖着驯鹿皮。旅馆提供的睡袋再加上睡帽,就是在这里过夜的全部装备了。就这样,在来自世界各地的大师们精心雕刻的艺术品中,沉沉睡去。清晨,再被一杯温热的越橘汁唤醒……


The Absolute Ice Bar in Jukkasj?rvi probably enjoys more international fame than the trendiest bars in Stockholm. It was one of the most stunning bars in the world, it certainly leaves no-one cold. At night, the bar is a natural meeting place for all those who are taking the plunge and spending the night in the Ice Hotel.



Come along on the search for the Northern Lights and enjoy a true winter experience. In the northern hemisphere, in the so-called Aurora oval, Northern Lights can be seen almost every clear night.Experience the dream-like sensation of being close to everything animals, snow and nature with yourself in the center of it all. Our four-legged local transport will take you to the wilderness around Jukkasj?rvi a landscape without roads.



Many roads lead to ICEHOTEL. Although ICEHOTEL does not offer any transport (except for transfer) here are some good tips on how to get here. ICEHOTEL is located in the small village Jukkasj?rvi, 200 km above the Arctic Circle but only 15 km from Kiruna Airport (KRN) and 17 km from Kiruna train station.

ICE HOTEL位于小村庄Jukkasj?rvi,距离北极圈200公里以上,相距基律纳火车站15公里、基律纳机场(KRN)17公里。

By train /

SJ, the Swedish train company, has daily departures all the way up to northern Norway passing ICEHOTEL (Kiruna). You can book tickets via SJ by phoning (+46) 771-75 75 75.

这里每天都有通往基律纳的瑞典SJ火车。您可以致电(+46)771-75 75 75订票。

Book a flight / 火车

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) offers almost daily flights to Kiruna. They also offer connecting flights from many metropolises around the world.Or you can check out direct flights from the UK and Copenhagen.


Are you arriving by private plane? / 私人飞机

We would be happy to assist you with making your stay more enjoyable. We can arrange transfers, a private guide and tailormake all your activities. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
