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Every generation has its common characteristics that distinguish it from those that came before it. The post-WWII generation in North America and Europe married young, were successful in work and had large families. Consequently, they were known as the Baby Boomers. What about the generation that came after the Baby Boomers? Those born in the 1960s and 1970s are a very different bunch. Their apparent apathy towards everything makes them harder to define than previous generations. There is a name, however, for 'the generation that has no name'; Generation X.

The actual dates for Generation X are debatable. Some say that everyone born between 1960 and 1980 are Generation Xers. Others put the date at 1965 to 1979. This Generation grew up in the West during a transition period between the fall of colonialism and the rise of globalisation. Their lives were shaped by events such as the oil crisis of 1973, the dramatic changes in gender roles of the 1970's, the increasing role of the US in global affairs and the ending of the Cold War.

Due to their tendency to marry late and have fewer children, this generation is sometimes referred to as the Baby Busters. The term 'Generation X' was coined by a study of teenagers in 1960's Britain and did not actually refer to the generation it is used to describe now. The study was originally intended for a woman's magazine but was found to be unsuitable and was printed in the form of a book called Generation X instead. It was then used to describe those born in the sixties and seventies after a book, titled Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, was published in 1991. The author of the book, Douglas Copeland, claims that he took the term from a study of American class strata. The study pinpointed a certain class of Americans who wanted to "hop off the merry-go-round of status, money and social climbing that so often frames modern existence". Copeland felt that this perfectly described Generation Xers.

In his novel, he portrays the lives of three young people who are typical Gen-Xers. Stuck in dead-end meaningless jobs and surrounded by rampant commercialism the three characters lead a bleak life. Their only hope is to go on a journey of rediscovery and try to find a way to live without the trappings of modern society.

On an American chat show, David Schwimmer, one of the four stars of the hit sit-com, Friends said he hated the term 'Generation X'. It is true that Gen-Xers are often deemed to be shiftless drop outs who have a cynical attitude towards life. They feel like they are living in the shadow of their parents' achievements. They reject the idealism of the 1960's but offer no alternative political outlook for the world. They grew up in a highly materialistic world in which the traditional values and morals of the past had been rejected. Their response was to 'turn on, tune in and drop out'. Another factor which moulded this generation was the changing structures of the family. Despite living in an era of wide scale divorce, images of the perfect nuclear family in the media bombarded the Gen Xers, causing them to feel isolated and inadequate.

The Gen Xers are often referred to as slackers. Slackers are people who fare poorly at school or work and display no ambition whatsoever. They are overeducated, alienated and underachievers. The impact of Generation X on popular culture in the West became recognizable in the 1980s and 1990s. In North America it was exemplified by the popularity of Grunge music bands like Nirvana. This music expresses the frustrations of a generation who have lost their sense of direction. It also displays a cynical attitude towards the values of the last generations. In Europe, it was electronic music, such as Acid House and Rave, which represented Generation X. The Rave scene reflected an urbanized youth that chose to live a hedonistic life as a means of escaping the drudgery of the 9 to 5. The close association of this music and drugs earned considerable notoriety.

The image of Gen-Xers as social drop outs has been exaggerated by the media and is not all that fair. If they rebelled against the idealism of their parents, it is because that idealism gave way to a society unequivocally focused on commercial and industrial progress. Gen-Xers recognize the inaccuracy of the ideological labels used by their parents' generation and see social class and cultural backgrounds as being more influential. They are not necessarily cynical but are certainly pragmatic.

They work as hard as their parents did but prefer free agency to loyal corporatism. They are far more likely to take risks in regard to their careers. While past generations aimed to land secure jobs that enabled them to amass material comforts, Gen-Xers tend to look for jobs that allow them to develop their personal talents.省略 boom.

What's next? The term Generation Y has already been coined to describe those born in the 1980's. Unlike the Gen-Xers, who grew up in a time of transition, Generation Y were born into a world dominated by technology; a world in which face-to-face communication is secondary. What this generation will be like, however, remains to be seen.










bunch /b7C/ n.一群;一帮

apathy /`2p9Fi/ n.冷漠

transition /tr2n`ziE9n/ n.过渡

colonialism /k9`l9unj9liz9m/ n.殖民主义

globalisation /,Gl9ub9lai`zeiH9n/ n.全球化

shape /Heip/ vt.影响;决定

gender /`_end9/ n.性别

coin /k4in/ vt.杜撰

pinpoint /`pin,p4int/ v.确定;确认

merry-go-round n.旋转木马

rampant /`r2mp9nt/ adj.猖獗的;蔓生的

bleak /bl1k/ adj.凄凉的

trappings /`tr2piMz/ n.外部装饰

shiftless /`Hiftlis/ adj.无能的

drop out 退出世俗的人

cynical /`sinik9l/ adj.愤世嫉俗的

idealism /ai`di9lizm/ n.理想主义

mould /m9uld/ v.铸造

bombard /`b4mb3d/ vt.轰击;炮轰

slacker /`sl2k9(r)/ n.懒鬼

fare /f^/ vi.进展

alienated /`eilj9neitid/ v.疏远

underachiever /`7nd9 9`tH1v9/ n.成绩不良的人(尤指学生)

exemplify /iG`zemplifai/ vt.例证

hedonistic /`h1d9nistik/ adj.快乐主义的

drudgery /`dr7_9ri/ n.单调乏味的工作

notoriety /,n.t9`rai9ti/ n.恶名;丑名

unequivocally /`7ni`kwiv9k9li/ adv.不含糊地

ideological /,aidi9`l4_ik9l/ adj.意识形态的

pragmatic /pr2G`m2tik/ adj.注重实效的

free agency 行动自由;自由意志

corporatism /,k5p9r9tiz9m/ n.社团主义

amass /9`m2s/ vt.收集;积聚

The following are some typical Generation X movies:


01. Sex, Lies and Videotapes 《性、谎言和录象带》

02. Pulp Fiction《低俗小说》

03. Four Weddings and a Funeral 《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》

04. Trainspotting 《猜火车》

05. Run Lola Run 《罗拉快跑》

06. The Big Lebowski《大人物拉伯斯基》

07. American Beauty 《美国丽人》

08. Fight Club 《格斗俱乐部》

09. The Matrix《骇客帝国》

10. Being John Malkovich 《傀儡人生》