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银行实战英语 轻松服务外国客户

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银行人员:Is there anything I can help you with, sir?(有什么可以帮到您吗,先生?)

格林先生:I would like to enquire about your bank's credit cards.(我想咨询下贵行有关信用卡的信息。)

银行人员:Okay sir, no problem.(好的,很高兴为你服务。)

格林先生:How does your bank's credit cards help me with my personally?


银行人员:Firstly, credit cards can lower your daily expenses and it can be a useful tool for your family wealth management.(首先,使用信用卡为生活节省开支。是家庭理财的好帮手。)

格林先生:Is it convenient to use?(它使用方便吗?)

银行人员:Of course. We have twenty-four hours ATM self service kiosks which enables you to withdraw cash, check your accounts, change your PIN and perform many different sorts of account transactions.


格林先生:Can I use it for shopping?(我可以用它来购物吗?)

银行人员:Definitely sir. All you need is a simple swipe of your card on the POS machine followed by your PIN and the transaction is completed. You can shop first and pay later with our credit cards.(可以啊。只需将信用卡在POS机上轻轻一划,再敲几下健,即可完成消费付款。您可以先购物后付款。)

格林先生:Is that so?(是这样吗?)

银行人员:Yes sir. All the major shopping malls, supermarkets and hotels in the city provide an installment payment plan for our credit card holders. As our bank's credit card holder, you can opt for this plan whenever you need it.


格林先生:What happens if I need cash urgently?(如果我急需资金该怎么办呢?)

银行人员:You can make use of the overdraft option in our credit card for your emergency usage.


格林先生:Thats great. I would like to apply for one of your credit cards.(那太好了。我想办一张贵行的信用卡。)

银行人员:Would you like a gold card or just a normal one?(您喜欢办金卡,还是普通卡呢?)

格林先生:What's the difference?(啊!这是怎么回事呢?)

银行人员:The main difference will be the credit limit for the two cards.


格林先生:Do I get any discounts or privileges with the gold card?(金卡能得到什么优惠和特殊服务呢?)

银行人员:With the gold card, your credit limit will be between twenty thousand to fifty thousand dollars whereas the normal card only allows up to a maximum of twenty thousand dollars.


格林先生:Is there any requirements for the gold card?(办金卡有什么规定吗?)

银行人员:You will be eligible for the gold card if your monthly income is above two thousand dollars.


格林先生:In that case, I would like to apply for a gold card.(那我办一张金卡。)

银行人员:Okay sir, please complete the credit card application form.(好的,请填写信用卡申请单。)

格林先生:Okay, Thank you!(好的,谢谢!)
