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语法学习在于重视学生的参与,旨在让学生在做中学,在做中领悟具体的语法规则,最终实现准确交际的目的。新课程标准下的语法教学倡导任务型语法教学,任务型语法教学更需要学生对大量的语用材料进行探索和领悟,并在此基础上采取归纳,类比等语法学习策略进行归纳和总结,并达到正确使用的目的,这有利于学习者思维能力的训练和对英语语法的有效学。因此,新课标英语语法的教学应该在语法课堂教学模式上有所转变和突破,有效运用探究性学习模式,培养学生的探究性思维和批判性思维。如何在语法教学中贯彻新课标倡导的高中英语语法教学,采用任务型教学模式,设计多层次的任务,营造多彩的任务执行环境,给予学生充满情趣的输入,引导学生通过完成活动的任务来学习语言,达到“Learning by using, learning for using”的目的,是所有英语教师所面临的重要研究课题。

任务型教学模式根据教学目的及教学侧重点不同,可有多种选择,我们可以把学习过程划分为pre-learning, while-learning, post-learning 三个阶段,即PWP教学过程。本文认为在语法教学中,结合PWP教学模式可以把语法课堂教学模式表述为:Pre-grammaring, While-grammaring,和Post-grammaring。现按照此模式以虚拟语气的任务设计为例进行分析。

Step1 Pre-grammaring

T: This morning, some Ss were late for school. Can you tell us the


S1: I went to bed very late last night.

S2: I got up late this morning.

S3: I didn’t catch the first bus.

T: Ok. if you had gone to bed early last night, you would have got up early; if you had got up early, you would have caught the first bus; if you have caught the first bus, you would not have been late for


But in fact, you were late for school today.


Step 2:While-grammaring (Task1 group work)

Give Ss some minutes to discuss, then each group send a representatio-n make a conclusion and then the whole class work together to sum up

the usage as the followings, the teacher give help when necessary.

Task2 Learning more about the grammar

Ask Ss to turn to page 10 and read the reading passage A Few Simple

forms of English chant to pick out the sentence with the subjunctive


We would have won …

If Jack had scored that goal,

If we had had a few more minuets,

If we had trained harder,

If Ben had passed the ball to Joe,

If we had had thousands of fans screaming,

If I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball,

if we hadn’t stayed so late the night before,

If we hadn’t run out of energy,

We would have won…

If we had been better!

Task 3

T: now, we are learning the subjunctive mood. If you were not here now, you couldn’t learn it.

Give Ss some minutes to discuss, then ask Ss to draw a conclusion.

If Sam were here, she would be so excited to learn it.

If I were a poet, I could write English poems.

If I can write poems, I would write English poems.

Task 4

Playing a game

Ask Ss to take turns to imagine what they would do if they were

someone or did anything with their partners. Make their own sentences as interesting and imaginative as they can.

Step3 Post-grammaring

Ask Ss to change the following sentences into the subjunctive mood.

1.He has no right to choose his holiday, so he can’t go to Shanghai.

2.I can’t treat shellfish because I am allergic to them.

3.As the marble statue is too large for her garden, the housewife won’t buy it.

4. We know very little about the disease, so we are not able to treat the patients very effective.

5. She was busy, so she didn’t come.

6. We don’t know your telephone number, so we didn’t call you.

7. Everybody who ate the fish got sick. I didn’t eat any fish.



[1]程晓棠.任务型语言学. 北京:高等教育出版社,2004

[2]罗凌,石敏 高中英语语法的任务型教学设计初探. 南昌,2012

[3]李海,基于任务型语言教学的新课标. 英语教师. 2012