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雪花莲 第11期

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It was wintertime; the air was cold, the wind sharp, but inside it was warm and comfortable. There lay the flower; it lay in its bulb, under the snow-covered earth.

One day the rain fell. The raindrops fell onto the bulb, telling it of the world of light up above. Soon a sunbeam pierced its way through the snow, down to the bulb, and tapped on it.

“Come in,” said the Flower.

“I can’t,” said the Sunbeam. “I’m not strong enough. When summer comes, I shall be strong.”

“When will it be summer?” asked the Flower, and repeated this every time a new sunbeam came down to it. But summer was far off; snow remained on the earth.

“What a long time it takes! What a long time it takes!” said the Flower. “I must stretch myself; I must open up; I must come out and wave good morning to the summer. What a wonderful time that will be!”

And the Flower extended itself against the thin shell that had been softened by the rainwater. It burst forth beneath the snow, with a white and green bud on its green stalk, and with narrow thick leaves for protection. Now the Sunbeam streamed down with greater strength than before.

“Welcome!” sang every sunbeam when the Flower rose above the snow, out into the world of light. The Sunbeams caressed and kissed it, so that it opened itself fully, white as snow.

“Beautiful flower!” sang the Sunbeams. “How fresh and pure you are! You are the first; you are the only one! You are our love! You ring out the call of summer, lovely summer! All the snow shall melt, the cold winds be driven away! Everything shall grow green! And then you will have company, the lilacs and laburnums and finally the roses. But you are the first, so tender and pure!” This was a great delight to the Flower. It was as if the air itself was singing, as if the Sunbeams were all penetrating the leaves and stem of the Flower. There it stood, beautiful and fragile, and yet so strong, in all its youthful beauty, praising the summer. But summertime was far off; clouds shrouded the sun; sharp winds blew on the Flower.

“You have come a little too early!” said Wind and Weather. “We still have power. You shall feel this! You should have remained inside, instead of rushing out here to display your finery! It is not the time for that yet!”

It was very cold, and the following days didn’t bring a sunbeam. It was the weather to freeze such a little flower. But it had more strength than it realized. That strength was in its happy faith that summer must come. And so with patient hope, it stood there in its white dress, in the white snow, bowing its head when the snowflakes fell thick and heavy or while the icy winds swept over it.

“Youl’vl break!” they said. “What did you want out here?” Why did you let yourself be enticed?” The Sunbeam has hoaxed you! Now you have what you deserve, you snowdrop, summer fool!

“Nowdrop, summer fool!” repeated the Flower there in the cold morning.

“Snowdrop!” rejoiced some children who came into the garden. “There stands one, so sweet, so beautiful” the first, the only one! “And these words made the Flower feel so well; they were like the warm Sunbeams. In its gladness, it never noticed that it was being plucked. Then it lay in a child’s hand, was kissed by a child’s lips, brought into a warm room, gazed upon by kindly eyes, and set in water. The Flower thought that it had all of a sudden come into midsummer.

The daughter of the house was a lovely little girl who had just been confirmed. And she had a dear boyfriend who was studying to equip himself for earning a living. “He shall be my snowdrop!” she told herself. Then she took the lovely Flower and laid it on a piece of paper that had a verse written on it. It was a verse about the Flower, beginning with nowdrop and ending with nowdrop. The paper was then folded up like a letter, with the Flower placed inside; it was dark in there, as dark as when it had been in the bulb. The Flower was sent on a journey. It lay in a mail sack, was pressed and squeezed. It was not pleasant at all, but finally this came to an end.

When the journey was over, the letter was opened and read by her dear friend. He was so delighted that he kissed the Flower. And then it was locked up in a drawer, where there lay many charming letters, though none had a flower in it. Here, too, it was the first, the only one, as the Sunbeams had called it, and that was pleasant to think about.

The Flower had a long period to think about it; while it thought, summer passed, and the long winter passed. When it was summer again, it was brought out from the drawer. But this time the young man was not happy. He seized up the letters very harshly, and flung away the verse, so that the Flower fell onto the floor. It had become flattened and withered, but why should it be thrown on the ground? Though it was better to be here than in the fire, where the paper was being burnt to ashes. What had happened? The girl had mocked him. She had chosen another boyfriend this midsummer.

In the morning, the sun shone in on the little flattened Snowdrop, which looked as if it were painted on the floor. The maid who swept the room picked it up and placed it in one of the books. And so once again the Flower lay among verses.

Years passed. The book stood on its shelf. But now at last it was taken down, opened, and read. It was a good book the songs and poems of the Danish poet Ambrosius Stub. The man who was reading the book turned a page.

Oh, here is a flower!he said. snowdrop! The flower must have been put in there with a meaning!Poor Ambrosius Stub!He was a snowdrop, too, a poet-snowdrop. He came too early before his time, and therefore he had to face sharp winds and sleet. He was like a flower in a water glass, a summer fool, a winter fool, full of fun and drollery yet he was the first, the only young Danish poet of those days. Yes, you are laid here with meaning! And then the Snowdrop again was placed in the book. It felt both honored and delighted to know that it was a marker in the beautiful book of poetry, and that the poet had also been a snowdrop and been mocked in the winter. Now the Flower understood this in its own way, just as we understand things in our way.

That is the fairy story of the Snowdrop.









“美丽的花朵!”阳光唱道,“你是多么清爽和纯洁!你是第一朵;你是惟一一朵!你是我们的爱!你呼唤着夏日,美好的夏天!所有的雪将溶化,寒风将被驱走!一切都将变成绿色!而那时你将会有同伴,丁香、金链花,还有玫瑰。但你是第一朵,你是那么柔嫩、纯洁!” 花儿感到十分快乐,就像空气在唱歌,就像所有阳光都穿透了花儿的叶和茎。它就站在那里,美丽而脆弱,但又是如此坚强;它用自己年轻的美丽赞颂着夏天。但夏天还很遥远;云层遮盖了太阳;刺骨的寒风吹打在花儿上。













