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The silence on the other end of the phone said it all.

Finally, my father’s voice, a sound of reason for my then 19 years of life, began to speak.

“George, I don’t think this is a very good idea.”

He continued. I should not have adopted the 1)Golden retriever puppy who was, at the time, snuggled up asleep across my feet. Nineteen-year-old college sophomores who have just joined a 2)fraternity and teetered on expulsion from lack of studies don’t need another distraction. It’s not wise, and it’s not fair to the dog.

His logic, as always, was 3)impeccable. But this time, something was different. He ended up being wrong.

Something changed in me when Jumpin’

4)Jasper bounded into my life. I won’t lie and say I suddenly woke up with a sense of responsibility suddenly enveloping my every breath. Nothing comes that easily.

I had grown up in two middle-class homes where I was showered with love but, because of my parents’ divorce, had almost no responsibilities. No one expected me to do much more than take care of myself. I was not needed by anyone.

Jasper whimpered through that first night. For the first few hours, I wondered whether I had erred. Was my father right?

Sometime before the sun rose, I realized something. This little ball of fur needs me. I told myself, “Watson, you gotta get it together.”

Feeding, exercise, training. These were my chores, and those were his needs I had to fulfill. There was more. My days of last-second trips were over. I had to make sure Jasper was welcome, too. And while he didn’t say much, he took part in every conversation about our future life together.

How close was the nearest park to any potential apartments? Did the neighbors mind dogs? Did they have any unfriendly animals of their own?

As Jasper aged, my concern became wondering if a potential home had too many stairs for him to climb. Was there an elevator?

I must say, it really is something to be needed.

And as Jasper taught me his lessons of life, I learned volumes about myself. I liked to help

others. I gained a special satisfaction from helping those who couldn’t help themselves.

I didn’t become a reporter because of Jasper, but he’s one reason why I have stuck with it for a dozen years and will likely continue for decades to come.

Jasper passed away a year ago, 5)succumbing to a rapidly spreading cancer that turned my powerful and noble friend, for years the one consistent part of my life, into a frail, trembling shell of his former self.

When the time came for a vet to help him reach his personal ending, he looked up at me one last time from the floor where I 6)crouched beside him. His beautiful brown eyes perked up for me and then closed forever. I had never cried―make that 7)blubbered―for anyone like I did for Jasper.

I thought to myself, “I wish I had done more. I should have given him more brushings or the massages that he liked so much in his older years.”

It was a final lesson. While it sounds cliche, I decided to drink in all that life offered, especially in friendship and personal relationships.

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The reality of his final lesson revisited me just this past weekend. My boss, a true 8)pillar of journa-lism named Lawrence Young, died at the age of 47 on Saturday of an apparent heart attack. He was my biggest advocate and as I have learned in recent days, a mentor for 9)legions of other journalists around the country.

It’s how I can 10)stomach Lawrence’s death. He was always teaching, always pushing me for more. I 11)gobbled up his lessons, which he offered up over afternoon sessions in his office. Certainly, I wanted more from him, and of course, I never expected him to die so soon. My tears told me that.

But however brief the time, Lawrence was there to touch my soul and fill my mind. I can only be glad I was so fortunate to have listened and learned as often as I did.






















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