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Abstract: The appearance of ecosocialism started as strong criticism and active reaction to contemporary capitalism and its anti-ecology nature as well as strived for overcoming ecocrisis. In terms of the fundamental principles and intrinsic properties, ecosocialism cannot move towards global universalism but towards complex modernity.

关键词:生态社会主义 普遍主义 复合现代性 资本主义

Keywords:ecosocialism universalism complex modernity capitalism

作者简介:卢文忠 (1985- ),男,广东广州人,华南师范大学政治与行政学院思想政治教育专业硕士研究生。

As Belem Ecosocialist Declaration puts it: “It’s time to choose, either ecosocialism or barbarianism.” Human are now confronted with a dilemma in which the prosperity of economy keeps company with the risk of ecocrisis. Under this circumstance, ecosocialism blazes a new trail: The Fourth Way, which is distinct from capitalism, scientific socialism and democratic socialism, acting as ecologist proponent and political power, advocating focusing upon ecologic benefit instead of economic benefit through many feasible ways and portraying a series of blueprints. Taking all these into account, ecosocialism sheds lights on the dialectics relation of human and nature, economy and ecology. So it deserves attentive analysis of some aspects of ecosocialism.

1.The appearance of Ecosocialism

Ecosocialism originated from Germany Green Movement in the 1970s and occurred against the ever-increasingly notorious background of environment pollution and ecology destruction. Ecosocialism strived for combining Green ecological movement with Red socialist movement, criticized the anti-ecology nature of capitalism and advocating establishing an alternative mode, which is just itself――ecosocialism, to capitalism by means of social revolution in order to overcome ecocrisis. Ecosocialism started as an inevitable product of capitalism’s long-range development and a vigorous reaction to it. Capitalism is a social form and institutional framework which has a tremendous appetite for realizing capital unbridled proliferation and economic profits maximization. In addition, propelled by hi-tech innovations, the rapid expansion of industrial production leads to rapid expansion of exploiting natural resources, conversely, capital proliferation will break down without natural material source. Capitalism has committed hideous crimes to environment and ecology, together with threatening human survival even triggering ecology catastrophe.

Consequently, ecosocialism took some radical measures to keep ecological balance and protect Homo sapiens. Ecosocialism developed Marxist thoughts about the relation between mankind and nature, came up with equal rights for both mankind and nature, shifted emphasis from on exchange value supremacy to on use value, restrained speeding economic growth(just as what Andre Gorz said: produce less, live better, which must be essentially far more than capitalism can tolerate), realized abolition of private property and did away with technology rationality, eradicated human alienation and natural alienation and did its utmost to change the status quo through great efforts of demonstration, appeal, education and propaganda for the purpose of putting the screws on concerning government administration and enterprises. This has been obviously demonstrated in Belem Ecosocialist Declaration in 2009, exerting a dramatic influence on global ecologic movement. Eventually, ecosocialism bends over backwards to construct a nonviolent and humanitarian social change scheme in the realm of contemporary capitalism.

2.Towards universalism

Undoubtedly, ecosocialism aroused and attracted consensus that we should criticize and resist against the imperialistic unbridled plunder to ecology under the capitalist economy expansion and capital modernity’s domination, coupled with taking the shared responsibilities of overcoming global ecocrisis, creating ideological impetus and institutional framework support for protecting the home that mankind exists. Nonetheless, this kind of “consensus” or “shared responsibilities” seems not to have the connotation that ecosocialism could attain the possibility of global universalism. This is conditional on ecosocialism’s inherent characteristics.

First, ecosocialism is a counter-action against the human’s unbridled plunder to ecology, carrying anti-anthropocentrism’s thought motive and action principles, but in fact it is just the ecological damage causing serious threat to human’s survival and development, that is to say, human interests suffer, that it makes the so-call ecosocialism come on stage. This demonstrates that an antagonistic logic exists in ecosocialism: anti- anthropocentrism of anthropocentrism.

Second, ecosocialism criticized the anti-ecology and mercenary intrinsic of capitalist mode of production and assiduous attempt had been made to maintain the normal function of capitalist state and society by ways of restraining economic growth, or, exactly speaking, capital proliferation, aroused people’s ecologic consciousness and ultimately overcame ecocrisis. All these ecosocialism has done, however, are not prone to fundamentally revolutionize capitalist mode of production but reduced to reformism which is inclined to advance and revise the present capital system. As a result, ecosocialism would slip into such embarrassing plight as not only revolting even revolutionizing capitalism but also maintaining it which will continue to damage ecology inevitably.

Third, on one hand, ecosocialism are to restrain economic growth. When this occurs, it, which could be regarded as an inappropriate choice, will prove difficult for a good many underdeveloped countries to accept. These countries are exceedingly anxious to develop economy so as to improve people’s livelihood, where at least people’s basic needs have never been satisfied, by virtue of exploiting much more ecologic resources untapped. In this sense, ecosocialism carries an odor of Europeanism and its extension, if possible, more or less has suspicion of western hegemony. On the other hand, it’s not hard to envisage that the shrinkage of resources-exploiting in LLDCs ascribed to, if any, ecosocialist movement which will to some extent deprive them, namely many developed countries, of the opportunities to “make big fortunes” from overseas resources and international market under the tide of economy globalization, it warrants concerns that whether or not ecosocialism could play a vital role in protecting these countries’ ecology as well as guarding against neo-colonialism.

To sum up, as stated in the above exposition, ecosocialism cannot move towards global universalism.

3.Towards complex modernity

Modernity can be defined as summation of following elements and traits including practice mode, living style, institutional framework and social values embedded in modern society in some significant ways different from traditional society. Modernity derived from the Age of Enlightenment, carried forward by bourgeois political revolution and capitalist mode of production’s development. As a rule, it means that modernity is confined to the category of the profound limitations of capitalism, reflecting in the relation of society and nature that ecology suffers from cruel exploitation and enslavement. Ecosocialism is subject to criticize and revise capitalism, but it has no real possibility to transcend capitalist modernity. Actually ecosocialist theoretical tenets partly bases on Marxism and socialism, full of critical spirit and deconstruction dimension against capitalism, revises capitalism by some principles of socialism and changes the vehement opposition between society and nature, economy and ecology. Whereas, it has abandoned several most important theories about proletariat revolution, surplus value and historical materialism.

Thereby, this will lead to the socialist modernity construction in the field of capitalist modernity, moving towards capitalist modernity and socialist modernity coexisting in a “core―periphery” distinction complex modernity. However, due to the leadership of this movement, which depends mostly on some intellectuals who have ecological consciousness, lack of participation of the broad masses of the people and their practical actions, the humanitarian traits of its ideology, reformism in practical actions and the ambiguous portray image of new social mode, regardless of its positive effect, ecosocialism dooms to be Green Utopia.

Of course, it is unreasonable to extinguish the precious embers of the pains and responsibilities taken by ecosocialism for the sake of human common interest. If the current passion for conquering nature stimulated by temporary profits continued to be out of control, resulting in pollution pervading in every corner and ecology destruction in accordance with evoking natural retribution, and we still become reluctant to resort to effective measures and serious determination, on this score, we could take a vivid instance, if a book will be written about Homo sapient world in the future, the title of it may be depicted as “The end of the history and there is no man”. Then, in other words, it is of epic importance that members living in this planet make joint efforts to emancipate both human and nature from capitalist domination and move towards bright future.


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