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The five-cereal paintings not only have the characteristics of the traditional Chinese paintings, but also integrate styles of the western oil paintings. Li Yankao likes to read some artistic books to seek enlightenment for her creation.


The raw materials like millet and seeds of the Chinese cabbage are so small. So they must be placed by the toothpick one by one. To create a 2 m2. painting takes six to seven days. To create palm-size mini painting, takes a whole day.


Natural appearance is needed for the raw materials. So Li Yankao carefully chooses the material suitable for her painting in the crop field.


Five-cereal painting works by Li Yankao: Little Rider on the Prairie, The Martial General, The Eternal Dunhuang and A Rural Household


She takes the glass, wooden boxes or cartons as her canvas, forceps and toothpicks as her brushes, and seeds as her pigments to make her special painting creations.


Figures, landscapes, mountains, waters and flowers, whatever, Li Yankao tries her best to illustrate them with the five cereals.

The seeds of crops such as millet and mung bean, after being designed and glued, can become marvelous vivid pictures. These pictures called “five-cereal paintings” are uniquely created by 28-year-old Li Yankao, a young lady of Yuanshang Village, Zouping County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province.

Li Yankao liked painting in her childhood. When by chance she saw a map made of millet on TV, she had the idea to painting pictures with millet. So she found many kinds of crop seeds, with which she started to create her five-cereal paintings.