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Primary Exploration of the Diversified Development of Sports Public Service in o

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Abstract. The ultimate objective of sports public service is to pay attention to the development of human beings. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. When the modern society is interpreting the concept, the connotation and the development objective of sports public services, it conforms to the scientific concept of development that takes humans as essentials. With the target of the development of three stages, it realizes the service system at which the government macro-control and all sectors of society mutually participate. In addition, it also realizes the service system in which the rural-urban sports public service develops with the characteristics of diversification, multi-subjects and multi-centers. These are to be gradually realized on the perspectives of management mode, supply mode, and operation mechanism as well as the social guarantee mechanism, etc. In this way, the sports public service in our country is ensured to develop gradually and stably.

Key words: Sports; public service; ultimate objective; human development

With the rapid development of the economy in our country, the production ability and the financial ability in our country develops continuously. The living level of the people in our country keeps on improving as well. It tries to find out the way for establishing an innovation model from the two aspects of management organization and activity contents. It also analyzes the existing problems and the ways for solving these problems. It is very important to consider how to perfect the connotations, the operation mechanisms and the supply guarantee system of the sports public service for they play a vital role in the promotions of the equity of the sports public service. This paper has primary explorations from three aspects, the current situation of the sports public service, the problems and the countermeasures.


Sports public service is a service content in the fundamental public service. It has contained three basic parts, which are shown as the followings: (1) guarantee the fundamental survival rights of human beings, (2) satisfy the fundamental respect and fundamental ability needs, and (3) satisfy the needs of fundamental health. The development of sports public service in our country has mainly gone through the following three stages:

A.Stage One

From the establishment of the country to the beginning of the reformation and opening up, implement the planned economy in our country.

B.Stage Two

From the reform and opening up to the beginning of the 21st century, Public sports service is gaining growing attention during this period. Primary explorations have been made on its fundamental model and the operation guarantee mechanism. However, the development of the public sports service is relatively slow and a lot of problems have been exposed.

C.Stage Three

Since entering into the 21st century, the concept of the sports public service is being recognized by all sectors in the society. They have accepted the attention from all sectors of the government and the sports popular projects have also gained continuous development [5].

The ultimate objective of sports public service is to pay attention to the development of human beings. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. While obtaining the deserved development, we cannot ignore the potentially risks. They are shown as the following five points.

1)The government public service department management system is old and the management method is single.

2)The sports public service government department composition takes the government institution as the subject. The forms are excessively single and its socialize participation and control over the public field is very strict. They have, to a large extent, restricted the participation of the social forces into the management part.

3)The sports public service products are restricted in its supply. There is even a lack of theoretical guidance and technical guidance of the development of the community sports.

4)Regional science is a field of the social sciences concerned with analytical approaches to problems that are specifically urban, rural, or regional. Any social science analysis that has a spatial dimension is embraced by regional scientists. Regional science was founded when some economists began to become dissatisfied with the low level of regional economic analysis and felt an urge to upgrade it. The contradictory occurs, with the shortage of supply and the waste.

5)The community sports public service system is not perfect. The value of sport is immense. Sport has unique attributes that enable it to bring a particular value to society. It is very popular, which derives from the fact that it is fun and enjoyable, and connects people and communities, bringing together players, teams, coaches, volunteers and spectators to create community networks. This has resulted in the limitations of the social community sports form development.


This paper bases on the previous researches and combines the theoretical research results of the sports industry to the sports public service. It is summarized as the followings: The ultimate objective of sports public service is to pay attention to the development of human beings. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. When the modern society is interpreting the concept, the connotation and the development objective of sports public services, it conforms to the scientific concept of development that takes humans as essentials. With the target of the development of three stages, it realizes the service system at which the government macro-control and all sectors of society mutually participate. In addition, it also realizes the service system in which the rural-urban sports public service develops with the characteristics of diversification, multi-subjects and multi-centers. The connotation construction should be shown in the following contents as the content, the types and the characteristics of the sports public service.

The entire objective of the sports public service is to satisfy the basic sports needs of the social members. It focuses on the improvement of the physical health and the life quality of the citizens. It can not only provide the citizens with basic sports cultural enjoyment, but can also provide and make sure the sports public service and produced needed under the sports environment and condition of the social survival and development. In order to realize this overall target, three stages must go through. In the first stage (short-term objective), it should pay major attention to the governmental investment and gradually turn to the stage with multiple subjects, multiple centers and socialization. In the second stage (medium objective), the sports public service system construction, the equipment construction and the service system construction are basically perfect. In the third stage (long-term objective), it tries to realize the equity of nationwide sports public service.

III.THE diversified development AND ITS COUNTERMEASURE RESEARCH INTO THE sports public service IN OUR COUNTRY

According to the connotations of the public sports service, this paper has put forward five countermeasures focusing on the problems of sports public service in our country.

1)Keep on improving the operation mechanism of the sports public service. Give full play to the market adjustment function and the government macro adjustment function.

From the perspective of the sports public service in our country, it can be found that the orientation problem of the sports public service places great emphasis on the government service function. It greatly strengthens the subject place and the leading function of the government in the sports public service. Sports public service is formed from government innovation and it belongs to public administration study. The need of public sport is the basic need of human in social life. It can not only provide the citizens with basic sports cultural enjoyment, but can also provide and make sure the sports public service and produced needed under the sports environment and condition of the social survival and development. In order to realize this overall target, three stages must go through. Otherwise, it will bring unnecessary material and spiritual loss to the country and the people. The core concept of the government is to serve the public. This is also the good manifestation of the “taking people as the essentials” in the sports public service.

2)Keep on improving the supply model of the sports public service and form the supply model of multiple subjects and multiple forms.

In the sports public service, the government should be taken as the leading core. When the role of macro-control and decision is giving into full play, it should at the same time break the traditional method in which the government does the unified procurement in terms of the sports public service and products. Multiple social forces should be introduced. The forms are excessively single and its socialize participation and control over the public field is very strict. They have, to a large extent, restricted the participation of the social forces into the management part. It is the absolute trend of health conception pursuit by the growing material and cultural lives of the people. Such things as the enterprises, associations, groups, communities and local government should be taken into consideration on the services and products. The living level of the people in our country keeps on improving as well. It tries to find out the way for establishing an innovation model from the two aspects of management organization and activity contents. It also analyzes the existing problems and the ways for solving these problems. It is very important to consider how to perfect the connotations, the operation mechanisms and the supply guarantee system of the sports public service for they play a vital role in the promotions of the equity of the sports public service. It should make sure the quality of the sports supply products, the technology support of the after-service and its maintenance. It should make sure the public interest of the people and gradually establish the new-type sports public service supply mechanism with the center of the government and the mutual participation of the other supply subjects.

3)Keep on introducing the social diversified forces into the participation of the market competition. Realize the management of the sports public service that is of multiple subjects, multiple centers and diversification. Realize the advantage complementary of the subjects and improve the quality and efficiency of the sports public service.

Along with the progress of reformation and development in China, how to improve the work of marketing and service of sports service enterprise by combining the modernization instrument and advantaged method of management becomes a important problem in the presence of every handlers to adapting to the development of market economy. Gradually form an adverse market competition mechanism with diversification participation, diversified management and multiple forms supply. The reformation of the sports public service has broken through the traditional planned economic model. Through the cooperation between all industries and all sectors in the government, give full play into the adjustment and demand function of the market. In terms of the sports public service products, apply the principle of survival of the fittest so as to enable a great amount of resources to be fully used instead of being wasted.

4)Strengthen the investment degree into the rural areas and shorten the city and rural distance of the sports public service. Gradually realize the equalized development of the sports public service.

When the county makes macro-control efforts on the rural and city sports public service, the investment on finance, materials and human resources should be strengthened. At the same time, perfect the rural sports public management institutions. Cultivate the sports management skill talents and let the farmers to carry out the technology and theoretical guidance and let the farmers to do well the maintenance of the sports public products. Give full play the subject role of the people.

5)Give full play the forces of the community and the retire group. Perfect the community sports public service organization and do well the monitoring mechanism of the sports public service and the emergency treatment mechanism of the emergencies.

Sports public service is formed from government innovation and it belongs to public administration study. The need of public sport is the basic need of human in social life. Public sports service refers to the public goods and mixed goods provided by public organizations. Public organizations should provide public sports service, and all the citizen are the objects of public sports service. The need for public sports is plentiful and the model of public sports service is multiple.

The operation model, the supply model, the management model and the social guarantee mechanism of the sports public service cannot be accomplished at one stroke. Sports public service system in China is undertaking a new stage of development, with fair and equal, and public welfare, diversity, convenience and universal characteristics. People-oriented is he basic values to public service system construction. Centering on the rights and interests of the masses to carry out various Sports fruitful work of public services is the government's goals and mission. Gradually form an adverse market competition mechanism with diversification participation, diversified management and multiple forms supply. Realize the equity of the development of the rural sports public service. Make sure that the sports public service industry in our country develops gradually and stably.


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