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人教版高中英语新教材Learning Tip板块的教学研究

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《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(教育部,2003)明确指出:在教学中教师引导学生调整学习方式,提高他们的自主学习的能力,使他们具有终身学习的能力。所以与之相对应的是,教材的内容编排也在发生变化,特别是人教版高中英语新教材每单元新增加的learning tip 板块更是一大特色。该板块提供了丰富的关于英语学习技巧与策略的指导,突出了对学生自主学习能力的培养。因此,在具体的英语教学过程中,对该板块的充分利用,有利于学生将语言知识的学习与学习策略,文化意识的学习结合起来,为学生终身学习和发展打下良好基础。

一、Learning Tip板块的内容

Learning Tip 即,学习技巧。从模块1到选修模块10,每单元1篇,共50篇。内容涉及到英语语言知识文化的学习技巧以及听、说、读、写的具体学习策略,详细内容见上表。

二、 Learning Tip板块的特点

通过以上的10个模块的Learning Tip 内容的对比研究,笔者发现该模块的内容具有以下的特点:

1. Learning Tip 板块的内容安排与同单元的话题或内容基本一致。

Learning Tip板块所选的学习技巧内容与同单元的话题基本一致,尤其是必修模块1到模块3更是如此。以必修模块1为例来说明:第1单元的文章涉及到Anne写的英文日记,该单元的Learning Tip为“ Write a dairy to improve your English”。第2单元讲 English around the world, 在Learning Tip部分给出了“ When you learn English, try to have fun with the language.” 第3单元是 Travel Journal, 在Learning Tip板块安排了“Keep a travel journal to improve your English.” 第5单元是 Nelson Mandela—— a modern hero, 相应地,Learning Tip板块安排了 “Choose a famous person and try to find out as much as you can about his or her life. Try to find out for what reason people like this person or not, which will teach yourself a useful way of learning.”

2. 必修模块1到模块4的Learning Tip板块内容安排旨在激发学习学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立信心,养成良好的学习习惯,从总体上形成学英语的策略。


例如,模块2第1单元的Learning Tip建议学生 “Go to a museum and look at some real cultural relics. Read the information that is provided for the visitors. Learn as much as you can about the history. To do this well, you need to learn more English. It will not only give you a chance of practising English but also developing an interest in history.” 模块2第5单元的Learning Tip 给出 “ Music is more than just a sound. You can learn English from songs too.” 模块3的第2单元的Learning Tip:“You can learn more English words and expressions from the food packets of tins in your daily life.”等等。


例如,模块2第2单元的Learning Tip:“Be active in your pair work or group work. Make sure that you all get equal turns in talking and speaking. It will make you become more confident in speaking English. ”模块3第3单元的Learning Tip:“Write an English play and act out the play with your classmates to make you confident and improve your pronunciation.”模块4第3单元的Learning Tip:“Reading short stories that are easy and contain no more than 2% of new words can make you feel a sense of success and can improve your English vocabulary.”等等。


例如,模块2第3单元的Learning Tip: “ To be a good learner and improve your English, you cannot just study the textbook. You must make full use of library books, newspapers and magazines. You should also learn English from the radio, TV programs and the Internet.” 模块3第1单元的Learning Tip: “ Collect information from newspapers, books, encyclopedia, magazines, CCTV international and the Internet. In this way, you can increase your vocabulary and knowledge.”模块4第2单元的Learning Tip: “ Using notes is very useful for planning writing as well as speaking.”等等。

3.模块5到模块10的Learning Tip板块的内容旨在指导学生掌握具体的听,说,读,写技巧,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。

在模块5到10的25单元的Learning Tip板块中,给学生提出了听、说、读、写的具体学习技巧策略。例如,模块5的第1,2,3,5单元的Learning Tip各给出了写作技巧与策略:“How to do a persuasive writing” “What should you do after you finish a writing” “Make notes to organize your ideas into a plan for writing” “If you want to write a particular type of text, you can use an examples of that text as a model for your writing.”模块6的第1、3、4单元的Learning Tip内容是阅读技巧与策略: “ Skimming and some other ways to help you get the main idea of a text.” “ Use closed questions and open-ended questions to help you comprehend English passage.” “ When you are reading, you can use capital letters in the passage to help you find some detailed facts.” 再如模块7到模块10Learning Tip 还给出了英语词汇,英语口语,英语写作的技巧与策略等。

三、 Learning Tip 板块的教学实践

虽然人教版高中英语新教材的Learning Tip板块独具匠心,提供了丰富的英语学习技巧和策略资源,但是在实际的教学中,有些教师觉得该板块不够有序系统,不用该板块,有些教师一笔带过,流于形式,没有充分利用这些宝贵的资源。笔者使用了该新教材2轮后,从具体的教学实践探索中,总结出Learning Tip在教学过程中应注意的要点:

1. 根据具体的教学需要,把Learning Tip板块的内容灵活地贯穿于教学过程中

新课标下新的英语教材中,Learning Tip板块被设计于一单元内容的最后部分,但是在实际的教学实践中,教师可以根据实际需要,进行适当地内容调整,打破单元与模块的限制,把相应具体的学习技巧与策略适时地传授给学生。例如,在上听力课时,就可以把模块7第5单元的Learning Tip:提高英语听力水平技巧这一块内容先提上来指导学生:

(1) Try listening to language tapes all the way through without stopping. Play them several times if you need to, but don't keep stopping.

(2) Don't worry about understanding every word you hear. Concentrate on getting the general idea.

(3)Listen to English-language movies without the Chinese subtitles. Pay attention to body language and context to help you understand.

(4) Listen to English-language radio and TV programs.

(5)Don't be afraid to ask English speakers to explain or repeat what they have just said if you don't understand.


2. 对各模块单元中的同类内容或同一话题的Learning Tip板块内容进行调整或整合,便于系统有序的使用到教学中。

新一轮的课程改革建议教师们要懂得结合教学实际需要,灵活地、创造性地使用教材。对教材内容能够进行适当的调整或整合。笔者认为,在人教版模块1到模块10的各单元的Learning Tip板块中,有很多内容是属于同类或同一话题的技巧指导,对这些内容除了可以调整其在实践教学中的先后顺序,还可以对同类内容进行整合,例如,模块3第5单元的Learning Tip是:Knowing some prefixes and suffixes can help you guess the meaning of words. 模块4第5单元的Learning Tip是:Ways of forming English words:compounding,derivation and conversion.模块6第5单元的是:Using grouping words to help you learn and remember new words.模块7第3单元的是:How you can make up two-part adjectives.模块9第1单元的Learning Tip是:Different ways to remember new words. 从以上可以看出,这几单元的Learning Tip板块内容讲的都是关于英语词汇的学习技巧与策略,所以教师就可以先把这几个单元的Learning Tip进行整合,整理出完整,系统的英语学习词汇学习策略了:

(1) 用前后缀学习单词

模块1第5单元的Learning Tip是:

① You can put the prefixes super- in front of many words to give them the meaning“more than” or “above”.

eg, superman, supermarket, superpower, superstar

②You can change some words into nouns with the suffix -ment.

eg,advertisement,agreement,achievement, excitement


模块4第5单元的Learning Tip是:

compounding: gold+fish=goldfish

derivation: re+load+able=reloadable

conversion: water n.& v. eg,Don't water the plants with dirty water.

(3) 在语境中学习单词

模块9第1单元的Learning Tip是:

Write a sentence containing the new word——this shows the word in context.

(4) 用分类或分组法学习单词

模块6第5单元的Learning Tip是:

① You can group words with the same base form or root.

eg, volcano, volcanic, volcanology, volcanologist

② You can group words that belong to the same topic. Such as job: accountant, receptionist, lawyer, politician. or clothes: scarf, zip, underwear, overcoat.


模块9第5单元的Learning Tip是:

①Find different ways of describing an action:

eg,Some can see in different ways. He/she can glance, stare, examine, observe and so on.

②Learn words that have similar meaning:eg,salary / wage

Learn words that have opposite meaning:eg,certain/uncertain

这样整合总结出来的词汇学习策略系统完整,在课堂教学中指导学生,将极大提高学生学习词汇的效率,提高学生的语言能力,所以各模块中关于阅读、写作、口语技巧的Learning Tip板块内容也同样应该进行系统整合,并在具体的教学实际中加以运用,使学生系统地掌握听说读写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。

总之,教师在教学过程中,要充分合理地利用Learning Tip板块内容,使之更好地适应具体的教学实践和学生的学习需求,并能真正激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们更有信心地学习英语,并养成良好的英语学习习惯,形成有效的英语学习策略,为学生的终身学习打下良好基础。



