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Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don't agree with them.

Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.

In our everyday life, we can do many things to stop wasting, for example, turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.

1. From the passage we know that some students often______ in the school.

A. eat too much B. don't work hard

C. waste things D. throw rubbish everywhere

2. Which is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A. Fresh water. B. Forest. C. Oil. D. Coal.

3. What may happen in 100 years?

A. We may still have enough oil.

B. We may still have enough coal.

C. We may have a little oil.

D. We may have no coal or oil to use.

4. Which of the following is Right?

A. Waste brings problems. B. Waste can bring no problems.

C. China is rich in fresh water. D. Students never waste things.

5. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. School Life B. Stop Wasting

C. Waste in the School D. Rich Resources in China


We were going to play against a team from a country school.

They didn't come until the last minute. They looked worse than we had thought. They were wearing dirty blue trousers and looked like farm boys.

We sat down for a rest. We felt that we didn't need any more practice against a team like that.

The game began. One of us got the ball and he shot a long pass to our forward(前锋). From out of nowhere a boy in an old T-shirt stopped the ball and with beautiful style(姿势) he shot and got two points. Then another two points in a minute. Soon the game was all over. We were beaten by the country team.

After that, we thought a lot. We certainly learned that even though your team is very good, you can't look down upon(轻视) others and still need to do your best. And the most important lesson we learned was: One can't judge(判断) a person or a team only by clothes.

1. The team from the country were in old clothes so the writer's team______.

A. looked down upon them B. couldn't win

C. didn't like the city boys D. were afraid of them

2. The country team arrived so late that______.

A. nobody saw them B. the writer's team were angry

C. they had no time to warm up D. they looked worse

3. The team from the country won because______.

A. they were in old clothes

B. they didn't practice before the game

C. they practiced before the game

D. it was better than the writer's

4. From the passage, we can guess the writer's team is______.

A. a basketball team from a country school

B. a basketball team from a school in the city

C. a football team from a school in the city

D. a football team from the country

5. The writer's team learned a lot from the game. They got to know how to______,

A. do better from then on

B. fight against the country boys

C. play against a weak team

D. judge a man or a team by clothes


Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833, but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented landmine and made a lot of money from the government during the Crimean War, but went bankrupt soon after. Then, the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred began his own study of explosives(炸药) in his father's lab. He had never been to school or university but had taught himself, and by the time he was twenty, he became a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. He was always searching for a meaning to life. He spent much time and money working on how to end the wars, and the peace between nations, until he died in Italy in 1896. His famous last will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideas. And so, the man is remembered and respected long after his death.

1. Where was Alfred Nobel born?

A. In Sweden. B. In Stockholm.

C. In Russia. D. In Moscow.

2. What did Immanuel Nobel invent during the Crimean War?

A. A strong position. B. The engineering industry.

C. Landmine. D. Explosives.

3. Alfred Nobel returned to Sweden because his father______.

A. went bankrupt B. was put in prison

C. was ill D. died

4. Alfred Nobel built up more than______ companies in different countries.

A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80

5. What was Alfred Nobel always searching for?

A. More time and more money. B. A meaning to life.

C. How to end the war. D. The peace between nations.


Now satellites are helping to forecast(预报) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气), because this is where the weather forms(形成). They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists(气象学家) can see the weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather will change.

Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.

So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead(提前).

1. Satellites travel______.

A. in space B. above space

C. above the ground D. in the atmosphere

2. We use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere because______.

A. clouds form there

B. the weather forms there

C. the weather satellites can do it easily

D. the pictures can forecast the weather

3. Meteorologists forecast the weather______.

A. without studying satellite pictures

B. after they have compared the satellite pictures

C. when they have received satellite pictures

D. before they receive satellite pictures

4. Maybe we'll soon be able to forecast the weather for______.

A. one day B. two days

C. five days D. seven days or even longer

5. The main idea of this passage is that satellites are now used in______.

A. taking pictures of the earth

B. receiving pictures of the atmosphere

C. weather forecasting

D. doing other work in many ways


When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do?” as an example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, one at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language.

Languages do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. It's important to master(掌握) the rules for word order in the study of English, too. If the speaker puts words in a wrong order, the listener can't understand the speaker's sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn't change. Let's see the differences between the two pairs of sentences.

“She only likes apples.”

“Only she likes apples.”

“I have seen the film already.”

“I have already seen the film.”

When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit(精神实质) of the language and use it as the English speaker does.

1. From the passage we know that______ when we are learning English.

A. we shouldn't put every word into our own language

B. we should look up every word in the dictionary

C. we need to put every word into our own language

D. we must read word by word

2. The writer thinks it is______ in learning English.

A. difficult to understand different sounds

B. possible to remember the word order

C. important to master the rules in different ways

D. easy to master the rules for word order

3. We can learn from the passage that______.

A. the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words

B. the order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence

C. sometimes different order of words has a different meaning

D. if the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different

4. “She only likes apples.”______.

A. is the same as “Only she likes apples.”

B. is different from “Only she likes apples.”

C. means “She likes fruit except apples.”

D. means “She doesn't like apples.”

5. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Different Orders, Different Meanings

B. How to Speak English

C. How to Put English into Our Own Language

D. How to Learn English


(A) 1-5 CBDAB(B) 1-5 ACDBA(C) 1-5 BCADB

(D) 1-5 ADBDC(E) 1-5 ABCBD