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摘要: 国家创新体系的建立是当前我国建设创新型国家的重要内容,国家创新体系的研究是理解创新演进系统化的重要方法。根据国

>> 发达国家农村科技创新体系的模式分析及对中国的启示 发达国家农业科技创新体系建设对江苏的启示 发达国家关于海洋创新体系建设国际经验与借鉴 发达国家长期照护服务体系比较 发达国家学生资助体系比较研究 发达国家与中国支持企业“走出去”的政策体系比较研究 发达国家如何驱动科技创新 发达国家高校与中国高校创新创业政策比较研究 浅论国家创新体系 看看发达国家 发达国家消费信贷制度比较及借鉴 发达国家土地税制的比较研究 中国与发达国家体育保险比较研究 发达国家农民培训方式的比较与借鉴 发达国家教育督导制度比较及启示 发达国家工业物流的比较优势研究 发达国家标准体系的特色和启示 西方发达国家的两种诚信体系 发达国家养老服务体系的现状 发达国家“以房养老”体系完善 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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National Innovation System In the Developed Countries

HUANG Haixia

(School of International Business, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China)

Abstract: The establishment of the national innovation system is the important content of the current our country to build an innovation-oriented country and researching of national innovation system is an important way to understand the evolution of innovation systematic. According to the structure characteristics of national innovation system of the innovation system of developed countries can be divided into three types: represented by the United States market external regulation; represented by the Japanese government domination; represented by German officer, the types of integration of production, study and research. The essay focuses on the analysis the innovation system, innovation of policy, innovation strategy of the three countries of the United States, Japan and Germany. Study these countries in the path of the construction of national innovation system and features, for our country's construction of an innovative country providing practical significance.

Keywords:National innovation system; Innovation; Innovation policy; Innovation strategy