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芥川由岸边洋溢着“闲适之趣”的场景,进而联想到“晚春时节的石碣村”,这段内容当取自《水浒传》《吴学究说三阮撞筹 公孙胜应七星聚义》一回。芥川龙之介自幼喜读《水浒传》,学生时代甚至背诵过一百单八将的姓名。所以他在楼外楼前的“闲适”风情,情不自禁地便与《水浒传》里“篱外高悬沽酒旆,柳荫闲缆钓鱼船”的石碣村联想在一起。










The Lakeside Restaurant and the Japanese Writer

By Qin Gang

The 160-year-old Louwailou Restaurant is an integral part of the picturesque West Lake. It has not only witnessed the ups and downs of the West Lake over the past 160 years across three centuries, but also seen numerous Chinese and international celebrities visit the restaurant. Akutagawa Ryonosuke (1892-1927), a prominent Japanese writer, is one of the international celebrities who are fondly remembered for their connections with the restaurant.

From March to July 1921, the 29-year-old writer traveled through China as a journalist for Osaka-based Mainichi Simbun. On May 2, 1921, the writer arrived in Hangzhou. Impressed by the beauty of the West Lake, he poeticized the lake in letters to his friends. But in his travel essays, he commented that the lake was overly delicate and it was not as beautiful as imagined. Seeing the western-styled villas around the lake, he knew they were the ugly consequences of the imperial colonization. He hated the worsening vulgarization of the lake and the city. He wrote about his sightseeing around the lake in six chapters in the travelogue. One of the chapters was about his lunch at the Louwailou Restaurant.

After a boat tour on the lake and visiting quite a few sites of historical and cultural interests, Akutagawa came to the restaurant at the recommendation of the oarsman. Akutagawa and his Japanese journalist friend sat down to a table on the bank in the shade of pagoda trees outside the front door of the restaurant. The writer later wrote about a restaurant chef rinsing a chicken with its feathers all plucked, a man washing a padded coat in the lake and a man fishing. He wrote about the wavelets splashing languidly and softly against the stones of the bank. He wrote about a family of five arriving on a pleasure boat and sitting down at the next table for lunch. The two daughters of the family were attracted to the two Japanese and the camera.

Akutagawa had steamed fish and Dongpo Pork, among other delicious local dishes, for lunch. In a postcard to a friend dated May 5, the day he traveled back from Hangzhou to Shanghai, Akutagawa wrote a haiku and mentioned Dongpo Pork in the two-line poem.

When I was working as a guest researcher at Tokyo University, I conducted a research on Akutagawa's private library. In his book collection were the four-volume "Couplets of West Lake", the six-volume "West Lake Anecdotes and Historical and Modern Sites", and "Landscape Paintings of the West Lake". The writer must have bought these books on his tour to Hangzhou. In his private library was a photo album which contained 71 photos taken during his visit to China. Two of the photos were taken at the Louwailou Restaurant. One photograph shows a vertical panoramic view of the front of the restaurant; the other displays a horizontal view of Akutagawa having lunch by the lake. No doubt the photographs were taken by Akutagawa's Japanese journalist friend.

The two photographs show what the restaurant looked like back then. The first one features the road in front of the restaurant; the second records a dramatic scene: a shed of bamboo and wood stands tall in front of the restaurant by the lake bank; it must have been set up by the restaurant; inside the shed are tables; Akutagawa is sitting at a waterside table. Other historical evidences also testify to the shed service adopted by the restaurant. In 1925, the restaurant ran an advertisement in a local newspaper, explaining why it was going to expand the two-storied building into a three-story affair. The advertisement reads in part that "insects were a problem in summer when they molested diners at tables under the trees in front of the restaurant".

When I saw the two photographs, my translation of Akutagawa's travelogue entitled "My Notes of Travels across China" had already been included in the publishing plan by Zhonghua Publishing House for that year. The photographs could serve as a graphic illustration for the text in the book. So I immediately applied to the Japan Museum of Modern Literature for using the two pictures and some other pictures of the writer in my book. I received the approval after paying a handsome fee. After the book was published I received a telephone call from Wu Liu, a senior journalist in Hangzhou. Much to my surprise and delight, he told me that the two photographs of the Louwailou restaurant were the oldest existing pictures of the restaurant. The year 2008 would see the 160th anniversary of the restaurant. A memorial album to be printed by the restaurant will have the two pictures I discovered in Japan. Akutagawa's account of his lunch at the restaurant and the two pictures will help Chinese readers look into a lost past.

September 15, 2007 was the 80th anniversary of the death of Akutagawa Ryonosuke.The International Akutagawa Ryonosuke Association held its second seminar on the campus of Ningbo University. More than 50 experts and scholars from home and overseas attended the seminar and focused on Akutagawa's 1921 Chinese trip. After the seminar, all the participants came to Hangzhou and toured the West Lake exactly as Akutagawa Ryonosuke had done 86 years before. On the evening of September 17, a ceremony was held at Louwailou to welcome the photographs home. The restaurant entertained all the experts and scholars. Louwailou president Shen Guanzhong said at the meeting that "the two photographs pushed the photographic history of Louwailou back by 36 years. Before the two were known, the earliest photograph available was dated 1957. The precious record will be a rare gift for the 160th anniversary of the restaurant."

(Translated by David)