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大开眼界 第8期

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It’s tough to bunch up all the shells you got on the shore, especially when you got those too pied and too lustrous to discard any. My trip to America is just like that, a laborious trawl―painful but joyful―too many gains, too many losses at the same time, too much for me to leave out even a snippet. Eventually I decided to leach some of my shells. After all, seashells are supposed to be kept and shape pearls rather than be left to collect dust, aren’t they?

In America, you can’t get what you really want without poking around. What I found is: to live, and to know why you live, the art of poking around is a premise―either on a shore, or among an immense tract of land, not to speak of a land with boundless cement forests and high-tech aliens and... yup, consecutive non-skyscrapers in the 18th century array with pretty modern insides. The knowledge of poking around, it’s safe to say, one of my most cherished earnings during my one semester’s stay in America. The most fetching part is, there we were first heartened to poke around then were indulged to boggle at the results, whatever they might be. We would not have to bear pressure for the bad, nor catch special eyes for the good. All we needed to do is DO IT, ruminate the course of what we’d done then enjoy the surprise―even if we failed. American educationists seem to delight in fostering challenge-lovers: the more gripping the better, the more arduous the perkier. Trying and observing, perceiving and brainstorming thus become the major tasks of American students. They’re trained to make a mess, to think in odd ways, to solve problems by whatever means they grasp (surely not to break the law.) If it’s feasible, the ultimate outcome should be perfect; if not, try again. To be honest, on this point American people are much crazier than their language (American English), but it’s indeed a highlight of American education.

Eyes-Wide-Open Spot 1

My arriving day was by no means smooth: I was almost the last to be there (Thanks to Jesse’s family; otherwise, it could have been worse); The day was sprinkling hard like someone had punched a spray nozzle in the sky; and the worst was, I was the first to move into Voorhees 303, which means, I would have to stay in an empty double-room quad for a few days―alone! With the help of my friends, I settled my luggage. And I arranged my stuff before I could sit down to take a close look at my new dorm. There were four sets of furniture, each of which included a desk outfitted with a double-deck bookshelf, a soft-matted chair, a boxwood wardrobe and a nice bed. Two sets were located in the outer room, the rest in the other. Two of the beds overlapped. A sign on the upper read “Clamps available at Room XXX for stacking beds―RA (Residence Assistant): Laura Steel.” I was not comfortable with the original arrangement. I nosed around but still, no better idea came up to me. “Now that the Americans were comfortable with it,” I thought to myself, “Why not?” I furtively took pride in my happy-go-lucky aptitude, tossed back my head and strode straight for supper. So it was. I spent two days hanging around with my diplomat, busy registering and shopping daily uses in Wal-Mart, utterly leaving behind my whim to rearrange the rooms.

Days went on after my Nepali roommate Jolie arrived. Jolie was a social-butterfly, stunning and smart, good at most musical stuff. Hanging out with her Nepali friends took most of her time and she didn’t really care the furnishings, though she frowned as she poked her head in the first time and caught a glimpse of the inside.

The fifth day, however, was a blast.

It turned out that my two American roommates moved in really late, right the day before the New Student Orientation and... Well... they were such typical Iowans that their American way dumbfounded me. They had a jumbo cosmetic surgery on both rooms when Jolie and I were out: desks and chairs in one room, beds in the other. Emily brought her typewriter and mini-refrigerator while Caitlin spread her rug over the floor. They did it all by themselves while their parents took care of the hanging mirror and the Internet cord. “Oh, my gosh!” both of them paused and turned to me as I pushed in, mouth wide, “the...!” “What?” they wondered, looking puzzled. “...The...” I tried to contain myself, eyes still bulged, “the...I mean...” They followed my pointing fingers amusedly, then beamed, “Ahhh! You mean the arrangement? Yup, we rearranged. We just don’t like it. It’s much better now, isn’t it?” Yes, indeed. It looked like a suite deluxe...I thought. “We should have told you and Jolie first. But it takes time, you know,” they chirpily went on, “Come on, Terry! We have a study and a bedroom now! What a big surprise! Say, ‘Wow!’ Say it! Say it! ” They made at me before I could let out a word. What could I do? Run!!!




我去寇伊学院报到的日子可一点也没省心:我抵校可以算是当天最晚一个(要不是热心的Jesse家人帮忙,情况也许更糟);天又凑热闹下起了蒙蒙细雨,像是谁在天上捅了个不大不小的窟窿;最郁闷的是,我竟是第一个搬进Voorhees 303的人,也就意味着,我将面临单独一人在这间空荡荡的四人间里住上好几天的命运!在朋友们的帮助下,我安顿好了我的行李。整理好个人物品后我便开始仔细打量起房间来。屋子里配有四套家具。每套包括一台安着双层书架的书桌,一把软座靠椅,一件黄杨木衣橱和一张舒适的床。其中的两套摆在外间,而其余两套则摆在里间。有两张床重叠在一起。上铺有张纸条写着:“某某号房间提供架床铁夹――联系人:寝室长Laura Steel(美国学校的寝室长都按楼层选派)。”我不是很满意寝室的原装设计。可我转来转去就是想不出更好的办法。“既然这里的学生都觉得这样挺好,”我暗自思忖,“何乐而不为呢?”我为自己随遇而安的禀性着实偷乐了一番,随即昂首阔步去就餐了。就这样过了些时日。两天来我都一直在学姐的带领下东奔西跑,又是注册又是去沃尔玛买日用品――忙得不可开交,早把给寝室改头换面的兴致抛到九霄云外去了。


