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when意为 “当……时候”,表示过去某一段时间内所发生的动作。此外when引导的时间状语从句还时常用在以下固定句型中:

sb. had done sth. when sb. did sth.“当某人刚做完……,突然……”

sb. was doing sth. when sb. did sth.“当某人正在……,突然……”

sb. was about to do sth. when sb. did sth.“当某人正要……,突然……”

1. One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away _______my daughter heard cries for help.

A. after B. while C. since D. when

2. Tom was about to close the windows _______ his attention was caught by a bird.

A. when B. if C. and D. till

3. I used to love that film _______ I was a child,but I don’t feel it that way any more.

A. once B. when C. since D. although




(1)sb. had done/did sth. before sb. did sth.“还没来得及……,就……”

(2)it will/would not be some time before sb. do/did sth.“过不了多长时间就会……”

(3)it was some time before sb. did sth.“过了多长时间才……”

(4)it was not long before sb. did sth.“没过多长时间就……”

(5)it won’t be long before sb. do sth.“过不了多久就……”

4. John thinks it won’t be long _______he is ready for his new job.

A. when B. after C. before D. since

5. The girl had hardly rung the bell _______ the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet her.

A. before B. until C. as D. since

6. You can’t borrow books from the school library _______ you get your student card.

A. before B. if C. while D. as


三、not until引导的时间状语从句

until用于肯定句,意为“到……时候”“在……之前”,指某一动作或状态一直延续到until所表示的时间为止,主句谓语动词多为延续性动词或表示状态的动词。until用于否定句,意为“直到……才……”, 表示直到此时才开始某个动作,谓语动词多为非延续性动词。在not...until的句型结构中,要对until部分进行强调时,要将not提前,与until一起置于被强调的部分之前,即:it is not until sb. do sth. that sb. will do sth./it was not until sb. did sth. that sb. did sth.;也可用在倒装句式中,即:not until sb. do sth.,will sb. do sth.或not until sb. did sth.,did sb. do sth.。

7. If a lot of people say a film is not good,I won’t bother to see it,or I’ll wait _______ it comes out on DVD.

A. whether B. after C. though D. until

8. It was not until I came here _______ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.

A. who B. that C. where D. before

9. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _______ having a holiday abroad.

A. he had considered B. had he considered

C. he considered D. did he consider

解析:三道题的答案分别为DBD。第7题考查until引导时间状语从句,谓语动词wait为延续性动词,指“等”这一动作或状态一直延续到until所表示的时间为止。第8题考查not until在强调句中的用法,即“it was not until sb. did sth. that sb. did sth.”。第9题考查not until在倒装句中的用法,即“not until sb. did sth. did sb. do sth.”。



(1)这类名词主要有the moment,the minute,the second,the instant,the day 等。

(2)这类副词主要有immediately,directly,instantly,once 等。

(3)这类句型主要有no sooner...than,hardly...when等,若将 no sooner和hardly 置于句首,则其后要用倒装语序,即:Hardly had sb. done sth. when sb. did sth./No sooner had sb. done sth. than sb. did sth.

10. He had no sooner finished his speech _______ the students started cheering.

A. since B. as C. when D. than

11. I had hardly got to the office _______ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.

A. when B. than C. until D. after

解析:两道题的答案分别为DA。第10题考查no sooner...than,根据句意“他一讲完话,学生们就开始欢呼”,可知后面应搭配than。第11题根据句意“我刚到办公室,妻子就打电话让我立刻回家”,可知hardly与 when搭配。


since引导的时间状语从句,表示主句的动作开始的时间,意为“自……以来”。主句常用一般现在时或现在完成时,从句常用一般过去时,常用的句型有:sb. has(have) done sth. since sb. did sth./it has been some time since sb. did sth./ it is some time since sb. did sth.

12. As it reported,it is 100 years_______ Qinghua University was founded.

A. when B. before C. after D. since

解析:答案为D。考查固定句型:it is/was some time since sb. did sth. “自从……以来,已经有多长时间了”。

六、once,every time等引导的时间状语从句

once引导时间状语从句时表示“一旦……, 就……”。名词every time(每次),each time(每次), next time(下次),any time(随时),(the)last time(上次),the first time(第一次)等也可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。every time,each time,any time前习惯上不用冠词,(the)next time,(the)last time中的冠词可以省略,而the first time中的冠词习惯上不省略。

13. I found her nice and honest _______ I saw her.

A. for the first time B. the first time

C. on the first time D. at first

14. _______ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.

A. As B. While C. Until D. Once

解析:两道题的答案分别为BD。第13题根据句型结构,可知考查时间状语从句的引导词,四个选项中能作引导词的只有the first time。第14题重在句意的判断,as意为“当……时候”“因为”,while作连词,强调一件事发生时另外一个动作正在进行,until意为“直到……”,均不符合句意。once意为“一旦”,符合句意。(责任编校/彭益)