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设计单位Ippolito Fleitz Group Identity Architects

充满田园味道的登肯多夫市位于Filder高原,在这个有着近900年历史的老城中,Ippolito Fleitz Group专门为业主量身设计了一幢住宅。有趣的是,设计师不仅要满足客户的审美需求和可持续性发展的设计标准,同时还要遵守当地的建筑法规,这对设计师来说是一个挑战。





Its structural unity is further underscored by the identical grey colour of the entire exterior, which is reflected in both the roof tiles and the smooth, plastered façade.

The house stretches over three storeys. The lower level contains an office, a guest bedroom and guest bathroom, a garage and various utility rooms. It is positioned at street level and serves as a climatic buffer zone. A light shaft was dug into the slope to the right of the house, enabling many of the rooms on the lower level to be lit by daylight. A small, sheltered terrace giving onto the office creates an additional place to relax and imbibe the fresh air.

The basic principle behind the main living level was to create a loft-like space, as this was something the clients valued from their former Stuttgart town apartment. A kitchen, living and dining area as well as a library are organised as an open unit around a central stairwell. The completely white kitchen is divided from the dining area by means of a free-standing kitchen counter. An L-shaped panoramic window in the adjacent living area casts south-facing light onto the dining table and provides a fantastic view of the town. The glass extension to the living level makes this a generous space and offers the ideal place for romantics to while away an hour or two and savour the panorama from an exposed concrete, heated window bench. A fireplace embedded into a corner of the living room wall makes the house a cosy place to reside.

The colourful wall surfaces offer a vibrant contrast to the white colour that dominates everywhere else in the house. The design of the staircase leading up to the private area on the top level is particularly compelling: The stairs lead up towards an expanse of daylight at the top. A skylight window in the roof throws light onto a corner to play and read that also boasts a fabulous view of the town below. The rooms housed on the top level include two children’s bedrooms and the main bedroom. These rooms stretch right up to the roof giving them an extremely spacious feel.

The floor throughout the entire house is covered in an anthracite, mineral coating in which the production traces are deliberately conserved. The terrace design uses a similar-looking cement surface, transforming living space and exterior into a unified whole. The house was built according to low-energy construction methods and is heated by geothermal energy from two 100-metre-deep boreholes. Rainwater is collected in a 5000-litre cistern, which provides water for domestic use.

设计/ Peter Ippolito & Gunter Fleitz摄影/翻译/夏明媚 编辑/刘序雯