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新目标英语七年级(下)单元测试题(Units 5~6)

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Unit 5 I’m watching TV.

Ⅰ. 词汇

A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. There are two b______ in the tree.

2. Look! The boys are swimming in the p______.

3. My sister c______ her room every day.

4. There are many a______ in our school.

5. Lucy is w______ for the bus at the school gate.

B) 用方框中所给单词或短语的正确形式填空,完成下列句子。

wait for,on the phone,want,boring,do

1. This TV show is______ .

2. My father is talking to my math teacher______ .

3. Who is Linda______ ?

4. What are you______now?

5. Do you______to play basketball with me?

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. ―Where are Tom and Lily?

―They are______in the library. They like studying there.

A. sleeping B. singing

C. reading D. playing

2. ―What’s that on the wall?

―It’s a photo______my class.

A. in B. of C. on D. for

3. Amy is______the pictures on the wall in the classroom.

A. seeing B. looking for C. looking at D. watching

4. ―______ do they usually play basketball?

―After school.

A. What B. When C. Where D. How

5. Lucy______that in summer it is too hot in Beijing.

A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells

6. ―Is Mr Green playing games?

―No,he______ . He’s cooking.

A. isn’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. is

7. The actor is at work now. He’s______ .

A. asking people questions B. acting in a play

C. helping doctors D. looking after the children

8. Class Two______an interesting math lesson in the classroom now.

A. have B. has

C. having D. are having

9. I like to read books when I am______a bus.

A. drawing B. waiting for

C. looking for D. taking a photo of

10. ―Your coat is very beautiful. Can I have a look at it?


A. No,it’s mine B. You can buy one

C. Sure. Here you are D. Please pay for it

Ⅲ. 完形填空

I like to be with my family after dinner. It is a happy time in my __1__. It’s a time for the family members to relax. Look! My mother is __2__ the floor and she does it every day. My father is __3__ on the sofa and reading a newspaper. From time to time(不时地),he __4__ about something with my grandfather. My grandfather is a teacher and __5__ likes reading,too. Now he is reading a book,but his eyesight(视力) is not very __6__,so he can’t read for a long time. My grandmother is __7__ an interesting story to me. I am __8__ her carefully. I don’t know why my grandmother __9__ so many stories. __10__ is my brother,Tom? Oh,he is drawing pictures in his room.

1. A. school B. classroom C. house D. room

2. A. drawing B. paining C. cleaning D. writing

3. A. standing B. sitting C. sleeping D. waiting

4. A. says B. talks C. speaks D. tells

5. A. it B. him C. she D. he

6. A. good B. clean C. well D. nice

7. A. seeing B. writing C. telling D. talking

8. A. listening to B. asking for C. getting to D. waiting for

9. A. has B. buys C. wants D. gets

10. A. What B. Who C. Where D. Why

Ⅳ. 阅读理解


Harold Black is a singer. He gives two or three concerts(演唱会) every month. He is often on a trip and this week he’s in New York. He is staying at a five-star hotel. He’s in the hotel now. He is having his breakfast in the dining-room. He is drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper.

Harold’s always very busy. He sings for four hours every day. He goes to bed late and always gets up early. But he sometimes gets dressed too quickly,and this morning he is wearing one blue sock and one red sock!


1. The singer gives a concert every week.

2. The singer is staying at a very good hotel now.

3. The singer is drinking apple juice for breakfast now.

4. The singer has a lot of things to do every day.

5. The singer wears his socks in a wrong way because he is too tired.


Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop there and his mother is a doctor. He is seven years old now and begins to go to school this autumn. His home is a little far from his school,and his father drives(驾驶) a car to take him to school every day. He’s never(从不) late for class and his teachers like him.

It’s Monday today. Miss Hunt is teaching the students to count from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon he can count them. Miss Hunt is happy and asks,“How many people are there in your family,Sam?”

Sam stands up and begins to count with his fingers(手指). Then he says,“Two,Miss Hunt.”

“Who are they?”

“My father and mother.”

“Oh?” Miss Hunt says,“there’re three people in your family. Your father,mother and yourself.”

“But now I’m not at home,you know!”


1. Sam is a(n)______boy.

A. English B. American

C. Chinese D. Australian

2. The word “count” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 数 B. 加 C. 减 D. 除

3. Why is Miss Hunt happy?

A. Because Sam isn’t late for class.

B. Because the children are listening to her.

C. Because Sam can count from one to ten very soon.

D. Because she likes the children.

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The teachers like Sam because he always helps others.

B. Sam goes to school in a car with his father every day.

C. Sam is seven years old and gets to school on time(按时).

D. Sam can count from one to ten.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Sam isn’t a clever boy.

B. There are two people in Sam’s family.

C. Sam is a hard-working student.

D. Sam goes to school by bus.

Ⅴ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. Susan often cleans her room. (用now替换often改写句子)

Susan______ ______ her room now.

2. She is reading an English book now. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______reading an English book now?

3. The girl is shopping in the supermarket. (对画线部分提问)

______ is the girl______ ?

4. His father is cleaning the car. (对画线部分提问)

______ is his father______ ?

5. Lisa is talking with Mrs Green. (对画线部分提问)

______ is Lisa______with?

Ⅵ. 汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子,每空限填一词。

1. 露西正在给她的朋友写信。

Lucy is______ ______ her friend now.

2. 在第三张照片里,他正在做作业。

In the______photo,he is_____ _______ ______ .

3. 那听起来是个好主意。

_____ _______a good idea.

4. 他的父母正在做什么?

What______his parents______ ?

5. 比尔和汤姆正在打篮球。

Bill and Tom are______ ______.

Ⅶ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,完成对话。

A:Excuse me. __1__

B:I’m looking for something.


B:I can’t find my Chinese book.


B:No,it isn’t.

A:Don’t worry. By the way,__4__

B:Let me see. What are you doing,Kate?

C:I’m doing my homework. It is your book.

B:I’m looking for it now.


A. Is it on your desk?

B. What are you looking for?

C. Sorry,I don’t know. Here you are.

D. What are you doing?

E. What is Kate doing?

Ⅷ. 书面表达




Unit 6 It’s raining!

Ⅰ. 词汇

A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. The food is t______. I don’t want to eat it.

2. The bell is ringing. I’m s______ that there is no one in the room.

3. In w______,the weather is cold,so we have to wear warm clothes.

4. This g______ of girls are from Canada.

5. What is the w______ like in your city?

B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. It’s a______ (cloud) day today.

2. He______ (study) very hard,but his brother doesn’t.

3. Tina is______ (lie) on the bed,reading a book.

4. The girls are wearing______ (scarf) and the boys are wearing hats.

5. It’s______ (snow) outside. Let’s go and make a snowman.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. ―It’s______today. Let’s go and play basketball.

―OK. Let’s go.

A. windy B. cloudy C. sunny D. rainy

2. Every year lots of people go to Hong Kong______vacation.

A. at B. on C. to D. of

3. ―______?

―She is cooking in the kitchen.

A. What’s Lucy doing B. How is Lucy

C. What does Lucy do D. Where is Lucy

4. Look! Mr Green is______photos over there.

A. taking B. having C. doing D. giving

5.______is the weather in Shanghai now?

A. What B. Where C. When D. How

6. The boys are lying on the beach. They are very______ .

A. shy B. relaxed C. lazy D. funny

7. ―Listen! Who______an English song in the next room?

―Joe. He likes singing.

A. sings B. is singing C. singing D. sing

8. ―______?

―Not bad.

A. How is it going B. Where is it doing

C. When is it going D. What time is it

9. I have two cats. One is black and______is white.

A. others B. the others C. other D. the other

10. Some girls are singing and dancing in the park. They are______ .

A. having a good time B. having a walk

C. watching TV D. having a rest

Ⅲ. 完形填空

Katie and her brother,Eddie,like snow. Katie gets up in the morning and she __1__ a white world.

“It’s snowing!” she says happily. She runs out and dances in the snow. Her brother Eddie __2__,too. And they make a snowman! In the evening they __3__ the snowman through their window.

They feel very much __4__. The snowman comes to life!

“__5__,” the snowman says,“would you like me to __6__ with you?”

“Yes!” Katie answers. “But __7__ I want to give you something.” She goes back to her house and __8__ a scarf and a hat. She puts them on the snowman and says,“You __9__ beautiful now.”

Then they play together happily in the snow. The next morning,the sun comes out. The snowman __10__ to melt(融化).

“Goodbye,” he says,“see you next year!”

“OK!” Katie and Eddie answer sadly.

1. A. pays B. finds C. opens D. visits

2. A. comes out B. goes up

C. comes in D. goes in

3. A. speak to B. listen to

C. look at D. help with

4. A. relaxed B. surprised C. clever D. friendly

5. A. Bye B. Sorry C. Morning D. Hello

6. A. eat B. clean C. play D. study

7. A. first B. second C. next D. last

8. A. buys B. passes C. waits D. brings

9. A. watch B. show C. look D. see

10. A. starts B. wants C. learns D. wishes

Ⅳ. 阅读理解


It’s snowy. A horse,a cock,a duck,a dog and a squirrel(松鼠) are playing in the snow.

“Let’s play hide-and-seek(捉迷藏),” one of them says.

“OK,” the squirrel says with eyes closed. “You hide(藏) and I’ll seek. One,two,three,... twenty.” He opens his eyes.

“It’s a piece of cake. The horse’s footprints(脚印) are like the crescent moon(弦月). Ha-ha,you’re hiding behind the stone.” He finds the horse.

The cock’s footprints are like the bamboo leaves. “Ha-ha,you’re sitting in the box.”

The duck’s footprints are like the maple leaves(枫叶). “Ha-ha,you’re standing behind the tree.”

The dog’s footprints are like the clubs(梅花). He finds the dog under the table. “Ha-ha. I find all of you.”


1. How’s the weather?

A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Snowy. D. Rainy.

2. How many animals are there in the story?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

3. Where is the horse?

A. Behind the stone. B. In the box.

C. Behind the tree. D. Under the table.

4. What does “a piece of cake” mean in this passage?

A. It’s boring. B. It’s cute.

C. It’s not difficult. D. It’s not cold.

5. Where does the squirrel find the cock?

A. Under the table. B. Behind the stone.

C. Behind the tree. D. In the box.


Good morning,everyone! I’m John Green. Welcome to VOA. Here’s the weather around the world. It’s 7:10 a.m. in New York. We’re having a beautiful sunny day! But it’s a little hot and the temperature(气温) is 32℃. In Beijing,the time is 7:10 p.m. It’s pretty warm and the temperature is 19℃. The time now in Tokyo is 8:10 p.m. It’s raining there and the temperature is 18℃. Paris time is 12:10 in the afternoon. The sky is clear and the temperature is 27℃. It’s afternoon in Moscow now. The time is 2:10 p.m. It’s a windy day with the temperature at 26℃. That’s all for the weather report today. Thanks for listening.


Ⅴ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. Uncle Joe is watching TV. (改为一般疑问句)

______ Uncle Joe______TV?

2. How’s the weather in Sydney? (改为同义句)

______ the weather______in Sydney?

3. It is windy in Shanghai today. (对画线部分提问)

______ is the______in Shanghai today?

4. His mother is cooking there. (对画线部分提问)

______ is his mother______there?

5. The boys are playing basketball. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ basketball?

Ⅵ. 汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子,每空限填一词。

1. 谢谢你给我写信。

_____ ______ ________ _____to me.

2. 朱莉亚和莫莉在海滩上玩得很高兴。

Julia and Molly are_____ _______ ______ ______ on the beach.

3. 我有很多朋友,一些来自美国,其他的来自英国。

I have many friends.______are from America,and______come from England.

4. 下雪时你通常干什么?

______ ______you often______when it’s snowing?

5. 北京是一个非常有趣的地方。

Beijing is______ ______ _______ _____.

Ⅶ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,完成对话。其中有两个选项是多余的。

A:Hello! This is Jeff from Boston.

B:Hi! Jeff. __1__ How’s it going?

A:Pretty good.

B:How’s the weather in Boston?

A:It’s raining. __2__

B:It’s sunny.

A:Great! __3__

B:He’s cooking hot dogs.

A:Is Mum cooking,too?

B:No. __4__


B:I’m eating an apple and talking to you.

A. And what about you?

B. Lucy is speaking English.

C. This is Lucy speaking.

D. What’s Dad doing?

E. And how about the weather in New York now?

F. Is Dad cooking?

G. She’s watching TV and eating hamburgers.

Ⅷ. 书面表达


Dear Bill,

Welcome to our city.


Key to Unit 5:

Ⅰ. A) 1. birds 2. pool 3. cleans 4. activities 5. waiting

B) 1. boring 2. on the phone 3. waiting for 4. doing 5. want

Ⅱ. 1-5 CBCBA 6-10 ABDBC

Ⅲ. 1-5 CCBBD 6-10 ACAAC

Ⅳ. (A) 1-5 FTFTF (B) BACAC

Ⅴ. 1. is,cleaning 2. Is,she 3. Where,shopping 4. What,doing

5. Who,talking

Ⅵ. 1. writing,to 2. third,doing,his,homework 3. That,sounds

4. are,doing 5. playing,basketball

Ⅶ. 1-5 DBAEC

Ⅷ. One possible version:

It’s Children’s Day today and it’s a fine day. My father and I go to the park. There is a big lake in the park. The water is clean. There are many people in the park. Some people are swimming. Some people are drawing. Some people are taking photos. Some people are boating. All of them are very happy. My father and I are very happy,too.

Key to Unit 6:

Ⅰ. A) 1. terrible 2. surprised 3. winter 4. group 5. weather

B) 1. cloudy 2. studies 3. lying 4. scarves/scarfs 5. snowing

Ⅱ. 1-5 CBAAD 6-10 BBADA

Ⅲ. 1-5 BACBD 6-10 CADCA

Ⅳ. (A) 1-5 CBACD

(B) 1. sunny 2. 19℃ 3. rainy 4. clear 5. windy

Ⅴ. 1. Is,watching 2. What’s,like 3. How,weather

4. What,doing 5. Who,are,playing

Ⅵ. 1. Thank,you,for,writing 2. having,a,good/wonderful,time

3. Some,others 4. What,do,do 5. a,very,interesting,place

Ⅶ. 1-5 CEDGA

Ⅷ. One possible version:

Dear Bill

Welcome to our city. Let me tell you something about the weather here. It is very cold in winter in our city. And it often snows. I often go skating with my friends. And we often make snowmen,too. I think you need to bring your warm clothes with you when you come to our city.

