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The emperor??s new clothes

Therefore the easiest way of entering a saturated market is by building on an existing and successful brand image and to simply take over a share of the market, rather than to build it all from scratch

In the June issue I focused on how foreign automobile manufacturers were the winners of the sales increase of 16.19 percent in May, Chinese manufacturers even had to face a slight decrease in sales in the year to year comparison.

One of the reasons for the success of foreign brands and the troubles of local manufacturers lies in the fact that local manufacturers have to compete for product leadership with brands that have established an international reputation with established brand images over the years. At the same time local manufacturers have to compete with numerous manufacturers for cost leadership. This makes it a hard and costly endeavor to achieve a strong market position within the (or any) market.

Cost leadership set aside, most brands would want to become a strong brand that offers added value to the customer and becomes her choice, not just because of price, but because of value. Rather than building an image from ground up, and taking the risks and costs associated with this step. Local brands also have the possibility to simply buy themselves an established brand. This option - whilst not coming cheap - gives an advantage that can hardly be bought otherwise: It also allows gaining the yearlong tradition of a brand.

Many local manufacturers have been trying to make their way into foreign markets, especially those of developed countries and no doubt have experienced the problems a new brand is facing against well-established brands. In those markets it is even harder to get a foothold, because of the status of established brands, plus legal requirements that are more strict than those in China (as previously pointed out by myself).

Therefore the easiest way of entering a saturated market is by building on an existing and successful brand image and to simply take over a share of the market, rather than to build it all from scratch. This might not be the cheapest option available in the short run, but has a higher chance to pay out in the long run.

Geely’s has managed to get itself in this favorable position with the acquisition of Volvo Cars in 2010. With this grand coup Geely does not only gain access to Volvo’s technological know-how and the distribution network of the Swedish maker, but it can also built on the excellent image of the Swedes and their base of loyal customers. Especially when going abroad this use of an established brand name is a common strategy and undoubtedly makes sense.

But the use of a successful brand name does not only give advantages to enter or gain ground in foreign markets. A well-established brand name can be perfectly used for the domestic market as well.

Looking at other industries we can see that this is not a new idea. The most prominent example would be AT&T, which was taken over by SBC Communications in 2005. Even though financially stronger SBC decided to built on the tradition of AT&T’s name and renamed itself to AT&T rather than keep its own name. Another example would be the Japanese retailer Ito-Yokado who decided to name the new parent brand of its retailing business Seven & I, to incorporate the name and the logo of the 7-Eleven convenience store chain into its name and profit from the image of the brand it had acquired before. In both examples the brands might not have been the most successful on a purely economic level, but the image of the brand was worth more than that of the new owner.

Another - less successful - example would be the attempt of Youngman Automobile to take over SAAB Automobile. Youngman reportedly had no interest in acquiring SAAB Automobile if it could not acquire the brand name, which is owned by Saab AB and Scania AB.

Giving the Youngman and Geely example is not to say that the brand should rename itself, but to show that it generally makes sense to consider the value of a brand name over the financial aspects.

Geely’s move does not only give the brand a stepping stone as access to foreign markets, but also on the national level Geely can combine its strength with that of Volvo and gain from the technical expertise and brand recognition of the Swedish brand.

Of course incorporating the image of another company into one’s own company is not an easy task. Often the corporate cultures themselves are different, and cultural as well as language barriers can be a most challenging task to overcome, but successfully doing so creates a strong international brand.

In order to profit from an acquired brand image it is of course vital to prevail the image of the company. This reaches from aspects of quality assurance, to prejudices towards the acquiring company. Especially in the case of companies with strong national affiliation, the public reaction to a foreign buyout might be damaging to the image of the brand itself - especially if the brand was seen as to have had some of the “virtues” attributed to the country or culture. What would Volkswagen be if it suddenly lost the “German” of “The Power of German Engineering” as in the maker’s slogan in North America?

Eventually the availability of established brands is of course a limited good, therefore simply buying a brand is not an option for all local manufacturers. Further the decision on acquiring a brand and how to make use of it must be carefully weight.