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关键词:垂枝小叶杨 中华红叶杨 快繁技术

1 Abstract

In recent years, our country city landscaping industry is developing rapidly, greatly increased the green seedlings demand, but the rapid development of modern landscape architecture is not only reflected in the green index rose steadily, also reflected in the greening level increasing. Enter new century people expect to improve environment is more and more high, especially in the north of the city, city color is rich, in urgent need of excellent tree species traits.

Our country in recent years, the introduction and breeding of many tree species, especially red leaves and yellow (gold) color leaf plant, such as the United States of America red Lu, Japanese maple, Photinia, Prunus cistena, gold leaf Caryopteris, golden leaf Euonymus rattan, gold leaf acacia tree species, these unique characteristics, greatly enriched the city landscape greening, improve the level and grade, has been so drab city greening level can be improved rapidly. But look at the colorful species, mostly low shrubs, trees are mostly small trees, most of the existence of defects smaller or growth, slow speed, and the part of colored-leaf trees color is not bright.

In the city, as the greening effect the pursuit of an ideal, a large number of seedlings, or the whole group planting. And the current number of colored-leaf trees are difficult to meet the requirements in the short term, to quickly form piece, big landscape and color is difficult. As the tree species in Hong Yang not only has the poplar growth speed, strong adaptability, easy propagation characteristics, and leaf color bright, overcomes the defects of the current tree species, can quickly form a large area, high-grade landscape.

In the tall tree of color the world's only fast-growing species, on the road, the outskirts of the city, landscape architecture, can achieve "site into King" effect, whose variability of leaf color, overcomes the defects of the current tree species, can quickly form a large area, high-grade garden landscape.

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小叶杨( Populussimonii Carr.)又名白达木、冬瓜杨、大白树、水桐、山白杨、南京白杨、白杨柳、明杨,为杨柳科杨属植物。在我国的黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、河南、山东、山西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、江苏、安徽、湖北、四川、新疆、云南等省(区)均有分布。其中,以河南、陕西、山东、甘肃、山西、河北、内蒙古、辽宁等省最多,为适生分布地区。垂直分布在1500m,最高可达海拔3000m,是一种分布广,适应性强,材质较好的树种,广泛用于防风固沙、保持水土、“四旁”绿化,是我国西北、华北、东北地区主要造林树种之一。

