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Integrity - Students Socialist Concept of Honor Education Foundation

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Abstract. Socialist concept of honor is the perfect combination of the traditional Chinese virtues and the spirit of the times, and the basic criteria to judge achievements and failures, to determine values and to make moral choices under the conditions of a market economy. Credibility is an important content of the socialist concept of honor, a college student self-cultivation and the Founding of the career. Strengthening students’ socialist concept of honor education is based on good faith. In the concrete work of honesty education, there should be educational approaches and methods which are targeted, guided, and operational. In order to enhance students honest consciousness, regulate ethical behavior of college students and improve student's moral qualities, we carry out social practice and take efforts to build campus culture and resolve the practical problems of college students.

Key words: Socialist Concept of Honor; integrity; Education

1. Introduction

Seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session proposed to establish and practice the socialist core values, strengthen the core value system, which has a strong practical significance. Socialist core value system is rejuvenating the soul and the essence of socialist advanced culture, and determines the direction of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must take the socialist core value system throughout the reform and opening up, drive socialist modernization in various fields, and promote patriotism as the core of the national spirit of reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times. Socialist concept of honor, as the basis for the socialist core value system, cover other three aspects of the system of the socialist core value and make it specific, so that the socialist core value system can be implemented with support, and people practice relying on it.

Socialist concept of honor is the perfect combination of the traditional Chinese virtues and the spirit of the times, and the basic criteria to judge achievements and failures, to determine values and to make moral choices under the conditions of a market economy. Strengthening students in good faith is based on socialist concept of honor education. Consolidating the basis of ideological and political education to improve the ideological and political qualities, train them to become builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics and successors having important theoretical and practical value.

2. Integrity is the basis of the composition of the socialist concept of honor

Wing and a philosophy of life is a disgrace to the basic category, but also in the important areas of morality. Concept of honor and disgrace is that people honor the fundamental views and perspectives, that is, how to treat honor and disgrace, what kind of things to be proud of, what kind of things to be ashamed of. From the basic connotation of honor and disgrace, it is the evaluation criteria and ethical standards that society values people's thinking and behavior, reflects the people of their own or others' social behavior of an inner psychological feelings, moral evaluation and value measurement. Socialist concept of honor is based on socialist morality to safeguard the interests of the masses as the fundamental starting point, to adapt the nature of socialist society. "Eight Honors and Eight Shames" as the main content of the socialist concept of honor covers patriotism, collectivism and socialism rich content, is the traditional Chinese virtues and the perfect combination of spirit of the times and vivid expression based on the spirit of patriotism as the core of the national reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times, erect a new benchmark for civic morality. Brilliantly summarize the overall dominant values of a socialist society, unambiguously point out that what is the good and the beautiful, what is false, ugly and evil in the socialist society, what should be adhered to, objected, promoted, boycotted, and finally clear the most basic values and code of conduct in the contemporary Chinese.

"Integrity" is put forward aimed at current market economic moral anomie and closely focusing on morality, reflects the respect for the legitimate rights of individuals and the unity of social responsibility, focuses on efficiency in harmony with the principles of social justice, emphasizes in social and public life, family life, and professional life citizens should follow the basic guidelines.

In the system of the socialist concept of honor with the main content of "Eight Honors and Eight Shames", the "honest and trustworthy, to unscrupulous ashamed" is the cornerstone, which runs through the whole system of the socialist concept of honor.

Practice the "Eight Honors and Eight Shames" whose key is to achieve unity of knowledge, to treat their own moral sentiments, externalize as ethical behavior. Namely, integrity is value judgments and behavior orientation to practice the "Eight Honors and Eight Shames”. This not only shows a man of the "Eight Honors and Eight Shames" knowledge and attitudes, but also reflects a person on this issue should have the moral quality. Character only with good faith can truly practice the concept of honor. Credibility is an important content of the socialist concept of honor and a citizen fundamental ethical principle. Shaping civic morality and improving morality, the basis and premise is to establish the socialist concept of honor. Socialist concept of honor is to create a socialist spiritual guidance of citizens, which is essential for the individual citizen’s self-cultivation, strengthening moral self-discipline and moral breakwater maintenance.

We must develop a high degree of departure times, firmly establish and vigorously carry forward the socialist concept of honor, continue to inspire all citizens especially students’ noble spirit of the pursuit, take efforts to promote the formation and development of good social atmosphere, promote the smooth development of economy and society, achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and provide a strong ideological guarantee and a strong spiritual power. Thus, social morality education of students should be based on Integrity education.

3. Integrity college education is self-cultivation, the founding of the career

Today, gradual deepening of reform and opening up and further development of socialist market economy, the problem of integrity arouses great concern in various fields, the Party Congress report that "we must focus on honesty" to strengthen ideological and moral construction, "civic virtue construction " includes " integrity "into citizens basic ethics, the" honest and trustworthy "is one of the main socialist concept of honor. University is the tie to inherit human civilization, the place for leading the social atmosphere, creating a social atmosphere and spreading social mainstream values. College students are the disseminators of advanced culture, the main force in building an advanced culture. It is imperative to educate college students for credit who can not be divorced from real society and become a party to the Pure Land.

What is integrity? Honest is sincerity, honesty; believed is promises, trust. The basic meaning of integrity is keeping promise, no cheating. Colloquially expressing, that is, say practical thing, do practical things and become honest people. People living in society, they want to have relations with other people and society. Handling this relationship must comply with certain rules, there are rules that must be followed, Connaught must be practiced; otherwise, the individual loses the conduct and society loses rules of the operation.

Credibility is an important social morality. From the content point of view, integrity, as a moral category, firstly refers to a concept, will, and quality of people, but this concept, will, and quality can only exist with a specific social relations and reflected through this relationship; integrity is a code of conduct for adjusting human beings, the reality of the relationship between society, and thus form a particular moral practice. Therefore, faith is an obvious social and practical ethics. It is in this double sense that we seem "good faith" as "social integrity."

All moral integrity, as the foundation, is the important qualities of man as man and the basis for the development of social survival, and a virtue our education must promote. Quality education is a people-oriented education, its primary goal is to educate students to do a real sense of the people, and the integrity of nature is indispensable.

Education is not just a cultural heritage, its essence is to train and teach people to behave. The moral is fundamental in life, is the human mind and soul of wit. Currently, many units in numeracy and employment context, not just focus on its professional qualities, academic achievement, and more emphasize on students' honesty, integrity, learning ability and modest quality. Therefore, universities should shoulder the important task of nurturing new socialist man, but college is a systematic and important position in the ideological and moral education, credit education must start from the schools, we should teach the man closely together. School education and social reality always maintained a certain distance, school education is a pointer to the future and the embodiment of the direction of social progress; school education has a relatively independent environment, the object is to have greater plasticity education students, therefore, education, especially moral education, strengthen the integrity of college education, not shake the fundamental purpose of education because of the difficulties caused by social values.

4. Practicing the concept of honor as an opportunity to penetrate integrity education in the moral curriculum

There is a saying that in the background of lost social integrity, in some areas, some areas of moral anomie, counterfeiting, fraud, deceit unhealthy erodes campus, causing some students words and deeds, copying assignments, examinations cheating, malicious arrears tuition and other bad faith, seriously affecting students’ social reputation, which is the school's ideological and moral construction of new proposed requirements. Therefore, strengthening the integrity of education is the foundation of college socialist concept of honor education, we should firmly grasp.

Credibility is an obvious social and practical morality. Therefore, honesty education should build a network from the idea to conduct education platform, both to strengthen the integrity of moral education and to avoid empty talk, but also to strengthen this virtue in a variety of practical activities through various channels, in order to regulate their own behavior students continue to reflect on themselves, show themselves, improve themselves and improve overall quality.

4.1 The integrity of education combines with classroom teaching

For exam-oriented education disadvantages, as well as the impact and challenges of moral education, we can appeal to even cry, but yet unable to completely change the status. What we can do is to give full play to the primary positions of school classroom and the role of the main channel.

Firstly, in education and teaching activities, we further penetrate and strengthen the content of the integrity education against characteristics of the children from different ages, scientifically design educational content and carry out integrity education easily. Spare no efforts to make this educational into ear, brain, and heart. Secondly, curriculum about moral integrity education should be implemented; we should pay attention to adhering closely to reality, life, and the principle of university students. Strive to make every lesson, every truth, a point of view, become real specific, understandable and practicable, and strive to lay a mark in the minds of the students. Moreover, we combine classroom education with extracurricular education. We can take many forms and methods to foster and promote the integrity of the objective requirements for internalizing into college's initiative. For example, you can visit the students’ favorite patriotic education bases, extra-curricular experiment, Social Practice, theme camps, and watch educational films of patriotism and revolutionary heroism, invite outstanding figures of contemporary to make a report and so on, so that students get the spiritual purified, ideas nurtured, understanding sublimated and consciousness improved in the subtle process.

4.2 The integrity of education combines with morality construction

Serve as role models, a consistent moral requirement a teacher should follow in the whole educational activities. Teacher's words and deeds directly affect students' thinking and behavior, and even the growth of student life. "The body is not to make the trip". To conduct integrity of education, teachers should guide their students based on moral virtue and the line. To do this, we ask teachers to improve their own morality, and constantly improve their own personality training; we resolutely eradicate the bad behavior of professional ethics of teachers, they infect students with love and sincerity, guide students with words and deeds. Through a variety of institutional building and commitment for parents and students, etc., implement the integrity of education to all teachers’ educational activities, and receive a good education results.

"True" from the sentence, "thousands of time to teach people to be true, thousands of time to be a true man", Mr. Tao said, the connotation is rich, but the most fundamental is the "good faith.” Tao highlighted the theme of social "reality", the ideal of education, in a dark environment; we now have no reason to shake the confidence of a good faith education. We ask teachers to do: the first is to listen to the truth equally, sincerely. Teachers should encourage students to speak the truth, speak their own language, and guide them to speak Westward cliches, to tell the truth. The second is speaking the truth with reasonable fusion. Teachers should speak scientific truth, the party's policies confidently without insincerity, put their own true feelings into them and have a personal transcend and feelings, so students feel that the teachers said the truth. Third, practice what they preach to live. Teachers should maintain good ethics, improve their morality, so that students experience "true" noble, "false" insignificance through teacher's personality model.

4.3 The integrity of education combines with student code of conduct routine

A drop of water can reflect the sun's colorful and gorgeous, a person's gestures, words and deeds can embody human morality. Faith teaches us to think big and start small office, so we require students not lie, not to plagiarize assignments, not to cheat in examinations, return lost money, in conclusion, to guide students to walk towards self-discipline. For example, students were fraud in the assessment of classes. How to deal with this situation? The key is that teachers should have the right attitude. This behavior can not see it as a desire to be a good palliative, on the contrary, we should point out that this is an immoral behavior with deviating from the principles of fairness and justice, and guide students to look at appraisal with a normal sense, promotes the improvement of the overall quality of the class.

Integrity is a wide range of educational content: cultivate civility education can cultivate inherent quality of integrity; compliance education can cultivate awareness of personal reputation in the community; honest and trustworthy, honest education help to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, improve the individual's social affinity; practicing what they preach can enhance the sense of responsibility and will be trusted and welcome by the people and so on. These basic elements can be reflected in the daily behavior.

4.4 The integrity of education combines with construction of campus culture

Put faith education into the important content of school routine management. Mobilize all forces; carry out integrity education activities with multi-direction, multi-angle, multi-form. Also establish a monitoring mechanism, regularly research and report integrity situations that teachers and students learn and practice. The construction of campus culture is oriented with socialist concept of honor and based on integrity of education. Make teachers teach, staff inflect people around by service, manager educate people through management, so does school. Through the influence of culture on campus, guide students to advocate the beautiful, hate fake, ugly and evil. We try to form a good school spirit, class atmosphere, and teaching style, study style to create a campus cultural environment with the leading of concept of honor, faith-based, vivid, natural and harmonious.

In short, the integrity is the cornerstone of school moral education, the inherent requirement of quality education, and an important and urgent task that each educator must bear. Schools give students faith education in different ways, the purpose of it is to deepen students' understanding of faith, this is definitely a good way of "individualized", and it here contains a profound modern educational concepts and management philosophy. Through solid and effective integrity education, make it highly effective, and make its honesty character so popular, so students accept and appreciate the value of honesty from the ideology, developing behavior quality of integrity makes people generally reach this consensus: the integrity is a moral foundation that a person grows, achieves success and realizes the value of life.


[1]"Civic Morality," People's Publishing House, 2001 edition.

[2]Liang: "social credit" theory, the Central Party School Press, 2003 edition.

[3]Ting Yung: "Honesty: Pass the future society," Strait Art Publishing House, 2002 edition.