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Eyes “Cut” Fruits 眼睛“切”水果

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In ancient Greek fairy story, Medusa’s stare turns onlookers to stone. Yang Shuo, a junior software major at Wuhan University, can cut fruit in the Fruit Ninja game(水果忍者游戏) simply by moving his eyes. The 21-year-old and his teammates recently developed a mask which operates a computer by eye movement.

The aim is to help physically challenged people and possibly to open up a new area in computer control technology. Their product enables users, who have weak muscles or are disabled, to operate a computer. Their eye movement is caught by digital cameras fixed to the glasses, enabling the eyes to act like a computer mouse.

“We wanted to develop a technology that helps others and solves the hardest problems,” said Yang, leader of the team named “Xight”.

Li Jin, 21, a junior software major at the university, found a challenging problem during his visit to Chongqing Disabled Person’s Federation in an off-school activity last year. Li noticed that disabled people wanted to communicate through the Internet, but many were unable to because of their physical condition.

“Let’s see what we can do,” said Yang.

The idea of using the eyes to control a computer came up. “Because the eye is one of the most agile parts of the human body,” said Li.

However, the team discovered that eyes can be too quick to be captured by camera for an accurate positioning function. For 20 days they worked wearing a neck brace before they finally met with success with a head localization algorithm(运算法则), which can exactly locate the target and carry out commands.

In the US, software and digital glasses with a similar function cost $8,000. But Xight’s can be much more competitive if put into the market.

“Even if we perfect the appearance of the glasses and the function in a more user-friendly way, it won’t cost more than 500 yuan,” said Yang. “At present, our focus is to improve Xight and make it an ideal application for disabled people. When we achieve this, we’ll consider making our invention a big business,” said Yang, who has been busy preparing papers and materials for Xight’s patent application(申请专利).

“One day, when you return home, you will tell the computer to dim the light, use a hand gesture to turn on the TV and glance at the air conditioner to lower the temperature,” said Yang.

1. Who will benefit more from this invention?

A. Computer technology companies. B. Computer game players.

C. People challenging physical limits. D. People with muscle problems.

2. The underlined word “agile” in Paragraph 6 probably means “ __________ ”.

A. movable B. transparent C. special D. useful

3. Which is TRUE about the glasses according to the passage?

A. The glasses are run by the computer.

B. Cameras on the glasses act like a mouse.

C. The glasses appearance still needs improvement.

D. The glasses have been commercially successful.

4. The digital glasses have advantages over similar ones at__________ .

A. idea B. cost C. operation D. application

5. We can conclude that__________ .

A. Yang Shuo is making preparations for patent application

B. the idea came up when Li Jin took an off-campus activity

C. in the future all the home equipment can be operated with glance

D. the digital glasses might win a good market competition in the future


1. D。推理判断题。第二段的首句以及第二句Their product enables users, who have weak muscles or are disabled, to operate a computer. 可以得出这个结论。

2. A。词义猜测题。第一段最后一句话有eye movements的提示,说明了他们产品的工作原理,与该词所在句结合起来考虑。注意猜测词义有时需要理解主题与词汇所在相关句子结合考虑。

3. C。细节理解题。从第二段最后一句话: ...enabling the eyes to act like a computer mouse可知是眼睛扮演了鼠标的角色。从倒数第二段第一句可知C正确。

4. B。细节理解题。倒数第三段最后一句话,与下面一段的第一句话,都说明了他们产品的优势就是成本优势。

5. D。推理判断题。从倒数第二、三段可推断出。


1. turn... to 把……变成/转向

例如:Their friendship was turned to enmity through gossip. 因为闲言碎语,他们的友谊变成了敌意。

Let’s turn our attention to the matter at hand. 让我们把注意力转向我们手中的事务上吧。

He turned his energies to completing the job. 他所有的精力都放在完成这项工作上了。

turn to 找某人帮助;变成

例如:They always turn to me when they are in trouble. 他们有困难时就来找我。

His love turned to hate. 他的爱变成了恨。

2. come up 被提出;发生

例如:The question of drug-taking is to come up at the next conference. 吸毒的问题必须在下次大会上提出。

His name came up whenever the matter of the proposal was discussed. 每次讨论这个提案总要提到他的名字。

I expect something to come up soon. 我估计有什么事情要发生。

3. glance at 迅速看一眼

例如:He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle’s handwriting immediately.他扫了一眼信封,立即认出是他叔叔的笔迹。

I glanced at my watch and felt surprised to see that it was nearly midnight. 我看了一下手表,很惊讶地发现都快午夜了。


1. The aim is to help physically challenged people and possibly to open up a new area in computer control technology. 这项发明旨在帮助残障人士,并可能开拓计算机操控技术的新领域。

整个句子是简单句,主语是the aim,is是系动词,表语由两个动词不定式并列充当。注意第二个动词不定式理解时要注意。它的主语实指the invention,而不是aim,这种现象在语言中也是常见。be to open up...在第二部分中含有“一定会开拓……”的意思。

2. Their eye movement is caught by digital cameras fixed to the glasses, enabling the eyes to act like a computer mouse. 固定在眼镜上的数码相机能够捕获用者的眼球运动,这样一来双眼就可以代替电脑鼠标的功能。

这也是一个简单句。主语是their eye movement is captured by cameras是谓语部分,为被动语态,fixed to the glasses是过去分词作定语修饰cameras,相当于定语从句which are fixed to the glasses, enabling是现在分词作结果状语。

3. However, the team discovered that eyes can be too quick to be captured by camera for an accurate positioning function. 但是该团队发现眼球运动太快,相机难以捕捉其运动状况,无法实现精确定位功能。

这是一个复合句,主句主语the team,谓语discovered 后接宾语从句。宾语从句中主语是eyes, can be too quick to be captured是谓语,too... to...太……而不能……,for+名词短语表示目的,相当于to position accurately。