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Professor Studies European Integration

By Ma Lingguo

The first time I knew of Professor Wu Yikang was 1988 when he steered a debate team from Fudan University to win a debate contest held in Singapore.

When Wu was appointed to organize a team to participate in the first-ever debate contest, he was 51 years old, but not too old to train a team of young debaters. The professor immediately signed up 20 plus experts to act as advisors and handpicked Wang Huning, an extremely brilliant multilingual professor at the International Politics Department, to help coach the youngsters. Wu and Wang interviewed 80 volunteers and handpicked the best five. They were trained for 4 months before facing their rivals from five other universities. Through storm-like heated debates, the Fudan team laughed the last laugh. Though the contest was held 17 years ago, echoes of the winning can still be heard on the Fudan campus today.

But Professor Wu Yikang is not just known for the role he played in organizing and coaching the winning team at Fudan University.

His honors date back to years much earlier. The year 1973 was a year when Chinese intellectuals experienced chaos and weariness. Wu had worked as a farmer, a factory worker, a shop assistant, a train attendant before. As an intellectual, he never gave up studies. He watched the world and Europe in particular. His focus was on the European system. It was in 1973 that Wu sensed the trend Europe was taking toward integration. He began to devote himself to the subject. In the same year, he coauthored China’s very first book that systematically discussed the issue of European integration entitled Western European Common Market. This book was designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a must-read for Chinese diplomats.

Another big book Professor Wu compiled was References on European Community, which explored the European integration from the Chinese angle in a pioneering way. Over nearly 30 years, he has published 300 plus articles and papers on European issues in China’s heavyweight newspapers and academic journals. His most influential book is European Economic Community published in 1983 by People’s Press. Many of his outstanding papers have won academic honors. His research results paint a good picture about how Europe, shattered by wars over a course of hundreds of years, eased the tensions among neighboring countries and gradually built up a union and harmony for collective survival and prosperity.

Professor Wu has been in important leading positions for over twenty years. Two positions he has held are administrative deputy director of Shanghai Higher Education Bureau and director of World Economic Research Institute.

During these years, he remains a scholar. He has published award-winning books. And he has helped set up China’s very first full-time private university in Shanghai. And he helps new scholars research issues about Europe’s integration.

Those who have received Wu’s help are deeply impressed by the way the help was offered and by Wu’s generosity and kindness.

Cao Jianming, then the youngest professor at East China University of Politics and Law, went to Belgium’s Ghent University to study European Community Law In 1988. During his stay there, he began to write a book on the law. Unexpectedly he ran into problems such as no adequate materials for references. Wu reached out to help Cao. He got books from his individual library and sent them to Cao. When Cao came back to Shanghai and wanted to set up a doctoral course on international economic laws, it was Professor Wu again that helped him. After all the events, Cao finally found an opportunity to pay a visit to Wu with gratitude and in admiration for his charisma.

Zhou Jihua did not do well in an important English exam because of an unexpected incident at home. The result of the written exam disqualified Zhou for an interview for the doctoral course at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Wu had met Zhou before and said Zhou spoke English fluently and was a highly talented person. It would be a great regret if Zhou was disqualified as a result of a family incident. At Wu’s recommendation, Zhou was granted an opportunity to appear at the interview. The examiners were all impressed by his oral proficiency. The rule was bent and Zhou was enrolled.

Two star debaters on the winning team in 1988 made some mistakes in their lives and were faced with a school’s decision that might send them home. When Professor Wu was consulted to help make the final decision, he was dissident with the proposal. He stressed that the two young men were not sages and that they should be given a chance to go straight. The two students were saved from the worst frustration in life.

(Translated by David)