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Charles Lutwidge Dodgson(1832-1898), better known by the pseudonym1 Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician and photographer, who authored the famous novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. His writing has enchanted2 readers of every age and class; his word play, logic and fantasy have overjoyed people ranging from children to the cream-of-the-crop3 of the literary world. This great artist has influenced many others with his exemplary4 work in modern art and culture.

Early Life and Education

Lewis Carroll was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27th, 1832, the eldest son and third of 11 children born to the Reverend5 Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge. Carroll had a happy childhood. His mother was patient and gentle. His father tutored all of his children and raised them to be good people. Carroll frequently made up games and wrote stories and poems, some of which were similar to his later published works, for his seven sisters and three brothers.

Although his years at Rugby School (1846-1849) were unhappy, he was recognized as a good student, and in 1850 he was admitted6 to further study at Christ Church, Oxford, England. He graduated in 1854, and in 1855 he became a mathematical lecturer at the college. This permanent7 appointment8, which not only recognized his academic skills but also paid him a decent9 sum, required Carroll to take holy orders10 in the Anglican Church11 and to remain unmarried. He agreed to these requirements and was made a deacon12 in 1861.

Photography and Early Publication

Among adults Carroll was reserved13, but he did not avoid their company14 as some reports have stated. He attended the theater frequently and was absorbed15 by photography and writing.

After taking up photography in 1856, he soon found that his favorite subjects were children and famous people. Though photography was mostly a hobby,

Carroll spent a great deal of time on it until 1880. He was considered one of the best photographers of his time, becoming a major influence for modern art photographers.

In the mid-1850s, Carroll also began writing both humorous and mathematical works. In 1856, he created the pseudonym “Lewis Carroll” by translating his first and middle names into Latin, reversing16 their order, then translating them back into English. His mathematical writing, however, appeared under his real name.

Alice Books

In 1856, Carroll met Alice Liddell, the four-year-old daughter of the Dean of Christ Church. During the next few years, Carroll often made up stories for Alice and her sisters. In July 1862, while on a picnic with the Liddell girls, Carroll recounted17 the adventures of a little girl who fell into a rabbit hole.

Alice asked him to write the story down for her. He did so, calling it Alice’s Adventures Under Ground. After some changes, this work was published in 1865 as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland with illustrations18 by Sir John Tenniel.

Encouraged by the book’s success, Carroll wrote a second volume, Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1872). Based on the chess games Carroll played with the Liddell children, it included material he had written before he knew them. The first section of “Jabberwocky,” for example, was written in 1855.

Unlike most of the children’s books of the day, Alice and Through the Looking-Glass did not attempt to convey19 obvious moral20 lessons. Nor did they contain what critics have tried to insist are there―hidden meanings relating to religion or politics. They were delightful adventure stories in which a normal, healthy, clearheaded little girl reacts to the “reality” of theworld. Their appeal21 to adults as well as to children lies in Alice’s intelligent response to ridiculous22 language and action.

Other Works

Although the Alice books were definitely Carroll’s best-known works, he also wrote a lot of poetry, stories and essays. Another of his less-remembered works is The Hunting of the Snark(1874), a rather long epic tale of a ship which very loosely relates to the “Jabberwocky” poem.

He also published another set of two novels, Sylvie and Bruno(1889) and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded (1893). These were never as popular as the Alice books, and received little critical approval23.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson vs. Lewis Carroll

The Reverend C. L. Dodgson was a reserved, fussy24 bachelor25 who refused to get wrapped up in the political and religious storms that troubled England during his lifetime. Lewis Carroll, however, was a delightful, lovable companion to the children for whom he created his nonsense stories and poems. Biographers and historians have long been confused that one man could have two completely different sides.

One solution is that he had two personalities: “Lewis Carroll” and “the Reverend Mr. Dodgson,” with the problems that go along with having a split personality26. There were peculiar things about him he had stammered27 ever since he was a child, he was extremely fussy about his possessions28, and he walked as much as 20 miles a day. But another solution seems more nearly correct: “Dodgson” and “Carroll” were parts of one personality. This personality, because of happiness in childhood and unhappiness in the years thereafter, could blossom only in a world that resembled29 the happy one he knew while growing up.





















1)pseudonym n. 笔名

2)enchant v.使心醉,使迷住

3)cream-of-the-crop 精华,最佳部分

4)exemplary a.值得模仿的

5)Reverend n.对牧师的尊称,前面与the连用

6)admit v.获准(入学)

7)permanent a.永久的

8)appointment n.任命,职位

9)decent a.得体的,适合的

10)holy orders (天主教和英国圣公会教堂三个高级职位的)圣职

11)Anglican Church 圣公会(英国国教)

12)deacon n.(英国国教教会等的)执事

13)reserved a.沉默的,话不多的

14)company n.陪伴

15)absorb v.吸引

16)reverse v.倒转

17)recount v.描述,讲述

18)illustration n.插图

19)convey v.传送

20)moral a.道德上的

21)appeal n.吸引力

22)ridiculous a.荒唐的

23)approval n.赞许

24)fussy a.过分注意细节的,挑剔的

25)bachelor n.未婚男子,单身汉

26)split personality 人格分裂

27)stammer v.口吃,结结巴巴地说

28)possession n.(私人)财产

29)resemble v.像,类似