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生产 第10期

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招工难,劳资成本上升似乎已经成为社会常态,企业一再“瘦身”也不能从长远解决问题,未来科技的突破是必然趋势,就像再一次的“机器大生产代替手工制造”时代来临,一些智能软件和设备的开发利用将是第二次的“工业革命”。未来,企业巧用高效、智能软件设备节省人力和时间成本将成为大的发展趋势。就像“3D CLO立体裁剪试衣软件成趋势,立体裁剪试衣,在轻点指尖中完成。”

The Second Industrial Revolution Has Come?

The difficult recruitment and rising labor costs have been widespread. Enterprises have kept downsizing, but no one could solve the problem in the long term. The next technological breakthrough is an inevitable trend. The development and utilization of the equipment and software will be the second industrial revolution, just like the era of large-scale production of the machine instead of hand-made period once again. In future, it will be the main trend that enterprises apply the efficient and intelligent software device to save time and manpower costs. Now 3D CLO draping fitting software has been a trend. More details inside.



Share the Sustainable Management Innovation Mode of Apparel Enterprises

Over the past decade, the challenges faced by the garment enterprises have gradually shifted from technological innovation to ecology and sustainable development. Although it is rare to find the sustainable oriented innovation in the textile and garment industry, but it can not rule out the presence of environmentally innovative enterprises. The article, Sustainable Corporate Apparel Management: Manomama Case, will analysis the knowledge technology, machinery and plant construction, suppliers, employees and sponsors in the case of German company Manomama, as well as its innovative ways on how to solve the problems.