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[例1] Everywhere can see the shadow of cleaners.


改为:Cleaners can be seen/ found everywhere. ( 或It is not unusual to see cleaners clean the streets.) 到处都可以见到清洁工。

[例2] We very respect ordinary workers.

分析:“very” 一般可用于修饰形容词,如very happy, 但切忌修饰动词。

改为:We respect ordinary workers very much. (或 We have the greatest respect for ordinary workers.) 我们非常尊重普通劳动者。

二、句子结构不完整(Sentence Fragments)



并列句:主谓结构+ 连词(and, but, so, or...) +主谓结构

复合句:引导词+主谓结构, 主谓结构

(从句) (主句)


[例3] There are many people do ordinary but important jobs.

分析:因there are... 本身是一个句子,后面又出现谓语动词do,而这个动词又没有主语,句子结构不完整。考生使用there be 结构时,经常会犯类似的错误。

改为:There are many people who do ordinary but important jobs.或There are many people doing ordinary but important jobs. 有许多人做着普通而又重要的工作。

[例4] The weather was terrible, they still had to get up early to clean the streets.

分析:逗号前后各有一个主谓结构,即共有两个句子,而两个句子之间缺少连词。切记: 并列句由“主谓结构+并列连词+主谓结构”构成。

改为:The weather was terrible, but they still had to get up early to clean the streets. 虽然天气很糟糕,但是他们依然不得不很早就起床清扫街道。

[例5] Some experts think that the living conditions on the Mars are hard. Because it is difficult for volunteers to face the cold weather, loneliness and fear.

分析:因Because it is difficult for volunteers to face the cold weather, loneliness and fear.” 不是一个完整的句子,仅为一个由because引出的原因状语从句,缺少了主句。复合句由“主句+连词+从句”或“连词+从句+主句”构成。

改为:Some experts think that the living conditions on the Mars are hard because it is difficult for volunteers to face the cold weather, loneliness and fear. 有的专家认为,火星上的生活条件太艰苦,面临严寒气候、孤独和恐惧。

[例6] The volunteers must willing to get on well with others.


改为:The volunteers must be willing to get on well with others. 志愿者必须愿意与他人友好相处。

[例7] Some volunteers believe that they will be the heroes of human beings if succeed.

分析:if 从句成分不全,缺少主语。

改为:Some volunteers believe that they will be the heroes of human beings if they succeed. 有的志愿者认为,如果他们成功了,他们就是人类的英雄。

三、悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)


[例8] At the age of four, her mother became a laid-off worker and had to earn her living by working as a street cleaner.

分析:句中at the age of four 只点出“四岁时”,但没有说明“谁”四岁,按一般推理不可能是her mother, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了。

改为:When she was four (years old), her mother became a laid-off worker and had to earn her living by working as a street cleaner. 当她四岁时,她的母亲成了下岗工人,不得不做街道清洁工来谋生。

[例9] To be a volunteer, a good relationship with other people is essential.

分析:句中不定式短语“to be a volunteer”的逻辑主语不清楚。

改为:To be a volunteer, you should be willing to keep a good relationship with other people. 要成为志愿者,你必须愿意与人友好相处。

四、词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech)


[例10] The volunteers must over 18 years old.


改为:The volunteers must be over 18 years old.志愿者必须要18岁以上。

[例11] They have to face the cold weather, lonely and terrify.

分析:lonely为形容词,考生误作名词;terrify 为动词,考生误作名词。

改为:They have to face the cold weather, loneliness and fear. 他们不得不面临严寒气候、孤独和恐惧。

[例12] Some volunteers believe that if they success, they will become heroes of human beings.

分析:success 为名词,考生误作动词。

改为:Some volunteers believe that if they succeed, they will become heroes of human beings. 有的志愿者认为,如果他们成功了,他们就是人类的英雄。

[例13] By 2015, about thirty volunteers to go to the Mars will be choiced from all over the world.

析:choice 为名词,考生误作动词。

改为:By 2015, about thirty volunteers to go to the Mars will be chosen from all over the world. 到2015年,在全球选出约30名去火星的志愿者。

五、用词不准(Inaccuracy in the use of words)


[例14] They are tired of living on the earth, so they want to experiment the life on the Mars.

分析:形近词混淆。experience 可作动词,意为“经历,体验”,experiment是名词,意为“实验”。

改为:They are tired of living on the earth, so they want to experience the life on the Mars. 他们厌倦了地球上的生活,所以想体验火星生活。

[例15] Some experts think that the living conditions in the Mars are hard.


改为:Some experts think that the living conditions on the Mars are hard. 有的专家认为,火星上的生活条件很艰苦。

[例16] The volunteers should be prepared not to return the earth.


改为:The volunteers should be prepared not to return to the earth.

[例17] By 2015, about thirty volunteers to go to the Mars will be choosed from all over the world.

分析:考生对不规则动词记忆不牢,choose 的过去分词出现拼写错误。

改为:By 2015, about thirty volunteers to go to the Mars will be chosen from all over the world. 到2015年,将从全世界选出大约30个志愿者去火星。

[例18] Some volunteers believe that if they succeed, they will become heros of human beings.


改为:Some volunteers believe that if they succeed, they will become heroes of human beings.



[例19] I know a cleaner who is a woman and is 32 years old.


改为:I know a woman cleaner aged 32.我认识一位女清洁工,她有32岁了。

[例20] She had to take care of her daughter. But she also had to clean the street. She had no idea about what she should do in such a condition.


改为:With her daughter to take care of while at work, she didn’t know what to do.由于在工作期间要照顾她的女儿,她不知怎么办。



[例21] We should not judge a man by what he wears, but by the contributions he made to the society.

分析:“not ... but ...”连接的是并列成分,“what he wears”为从句,而“the contributions he ...”为名词,明显不平衡。

改为:We should not judge a man by his clothes, but by the contributions he made to the society.我们不应该根据衣着来评判一个人,而要根据他对社会的贡献来评判。

[例22] Respecting ordinary workers is one of our national virtue.

分析:“one of ... ”后面的名词宜用复数形式。

改为:Respecting ordinary workers is one of our national virtues.尊重普通劳动者是我们的民族美德之一。

八、时态、语态错误 (Misuse of tense or voice)

[例23] It should be taken measures to raise the payment of ordinary workers.

分析:考生分不清楚句子“We take measures ... ” 的主语和宾语,因此用被动语态表达时,出现错误。

改为:We should take measures to raise the payment of ordinary workers. 或 Measures should be taken to raise the payment of ordinary workers.我们应该采取措施来提高普通劳动者的工资。

[例24] If there were no cleaners, the world will become a dirty place with rubbish everywhere.


改为:If there were no cleaners,the world would become a dirty place with rubbish everywhere.如果没有了清洁工,这个世界就会变成一个到处是垃圾的肮脏的地方。

九、高级句式出错 (errors in advanced sentences)


[例25] Only we respect ordinary workers, can we all live in harmony and create a better world. / Only do we respect ordinary workers, we can all live in harmony and create a better world.


改为:Only when we respect ordinary workers, can we all live in harmony and create a better world.只有当我们尊重普通劳动者时,我们大家才能生活和谐并创造一个更加美丽的世界。

[例26] It was their hard work made the world clean and pleasant.

分析:考生用强调句时,容易忘记写“that”,对“It is / was ... that ... ”强调句型掌握不牢。

改为:It was their hard work that made the world clean and pleasant.正是他们的辛苦劳动才使得这个世界清洁舒适。

十、不连贯 (Incoherence)


[例27] Some volunteers believe they are tired of living on the earth and they want to experience the life on the Mars. If they succeed, they will become heroes of human beings.


改为:Some volunteers hold the belief that they will be the heroes of human beings if they succeed. Moreover, they want to know what life is like on the Mars because they are tired of the life on the earth.


综上所述,写作时,请一定避免简单但严重的错误。如:单复数、主谓一致、时态、搭配和简单单词的拼写。因为这些错误的出现会使评卷老师质疑你的语言的基本素养,从而不会给你高的分数。作文写好后一定要检查,Check the person “人称”、the agreement “一致性”、the number “数”、the tense “时态”、the spelling “单词拼写”以及 sentence pattern “句型”,简而言之,check your “pants”(裤子) !




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