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prefer和would rather都可以表示“宁愿”,是很常用的语汇,用法有同有异,不注意常会用错。下面就其用法进行说明和比较


I prefer some short stories.

I prefer going by bike to school.

He prefers to study in the library.

They preferred her not to go with them.

She preferred that we should have the discussion right after the lecture.


I prefer tea to coffee.

He prefers doing to talking.

The hero preferred death to surrender before the enemy.

3.prefer...rather than句型也表示“宁 愿……不愿”,在prefer后接带to不定式,rather后则用动词原形。前面的例句就可改为:The hero preferred to die rather than surrender before the enemy.本句的surrender是动词原形。又如:

He preferred to stay at home rather than go swimming.本句也可改为would rather...than句型:He would rather stay at home than go swimming.

4.would rather后接动词原形。例如:

―Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?

―I’d rather have tea.

I would rather live in the countryside than in a big city.

would rather后还可接if引导的条件从句,而if又常被省略,条件从句常用虚拟语气,其谓语动词要用过去式来表示现在或将来。例如:

I would rather(if) they came tomorrow.

I would rather you posted the letter right away.

I, rather than you, should do the work.该做这工作的是我,而不是你。

It is rather cold than otherwise.天还是挺冷的。


not only...but also和as well as都可以表示“不但……而且”的意思,其用法上的异同如下。

1.not only和but also连接的两个并列主语,其谓语要和后一主语致,因为这类句子强调的是后者。例如:

Not only he but also I am a league member.

Not only we but also our teacher agrees to this arrangement.


Not only was everything that he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship(was taken away from him).不仅他所有的一切都被没收了,而且连他的德国国籍也被剥夺了。

当然,若后句表达不同意思时,就不用省略了。如:Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a diligent student.

2.as well as 连接两个并列主语,汉语译作“不但后者,而且前者”。因为该句型强调前者,其后所接谓语动词也要以前者来定。例如:

He as well as I knows about it.

as well as 还可以连接两个介词短语或两个加ing的动词形式。例如:

We’ll travel by night as well as by day(日夜兼程).

She likes singing as well as playing the piano.

3.not noly...but also可和as well as或as well互换,但要注意汉译顺序。例如:

She is not noly clever but also hardworking.

She is hardworking as well as clever.

She is clever and hardworking as well.

此外,as well用在肯定句中可以和too换用,用在疑问句中可以与either替换。例如:

He knows English as well(=too).

Do you think we ought to have our dressing gown dyed as well(=either)?你也认为我们该请人把衣服染一下吗?