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The goal was simple: land a ball in an upside-down peach basket. As such, the first 25 years of the game-turned sport were played in baggy3) trousers and wool undershirts—essentially whatever the players were already wearing. As basketball gained popularity amongst college students and trade unions in the early 1900s, efforts were made to coordinate attire4) to avoid inadvertently5) passing the ball to the opposing team.



Shorts, Kneepads6) and Converse7) Shoes


Trousers and long wool shirts mercifully gave way to mid-length shorts and jerseys8) made from more breathable, stretchable wool, fastened underneath the crotch9) to avoid becoming untucked. Women and schoolchildren, the more delicate lot, were required to wear kneepads during games. Converse released a rubber-soled canvas high-top in 1917 and later named it after Charles "Chuck" Taylor10), who traveled around the country playing for the Converse All-Stars, teaching kids how to play basketball—and selling shoes.





Wool had become unmanageable on the basketball court—too hot and too difficult to launder11). The advent of polyester/nylon marked a whole new era, and mid-length shorts gave way to shiny satin briefs and formfitting, track-style jerseys.



The Snug Look


Following the national trends of the late 1960s and 1970s, basketball uniforms got tighter, tube socks got longer (and stripe), and headbands did their best to keep long hair at bay12). In 1982, the MacGregor Sand-Knit became the NBA's exclusive outfitter13) and offered a more breathable cotton-polyester blend14) that controls moisture better. NBA jerseys became more colorful (and more lucrative15)).

追随美国20世纪60年代末和70年代初的时尚潮流,篮球球衣变得更加紧身,球袜变得更长(且加了条纹),发带也竭力不让长发碍事。1982年,MacGregor Sand-Knit公司成为NBA的独家服装供货商,推出一种更透气的棉涤混合材料,该材料控制湿度的效果更好。NBA的球衣变得更加多彩(也更有利可图)。


A Farewell to Knees


In 1987, Michael Jordan personally asked the president of Champion (then NBA uniform manufacturer) to make his shorts longer so he could have something to hang on to when he bent over, out of breath. The next season, he got his wish, and the image of basketball was changed forever.


1. satin [?s?t?n] n. 缎子

2. turtleneck [?t??tlnek] n. 高翻领毛衣

3. baggy [?b?ɡi] adj. (衣服)松松垮垮的;宽松下垂的

4. attire [??ta??(r)] n. 衣着;服装

5. inadvertently [??n?d?v??t?ntli] adv. 非故意地;无心地

6. kneepad [?ni?p?d] n. 护膝

7. Converse: 匡威,世界顶级运动品牌之一,1908年创始于美国,创办人是美国人马奎斯·摩尔·匡威(Marquis Mills Converse, 1861~1931)。

8. jersey [?d???zi] n. 紧身(运动)套衫

9. crotch [kr?t?] n. 胯部

10. Charles "Chuck" Taylor: 查尔斯· “查克”· 泰勒(1901~1969),美国篮球运动员。1921年,泰勒进入匡威公司,参与改良并推广All-Star运动鞋,大获成功。1923年,匡威公司把这款鞋命名为“Chuck Taylor All-Star”。

11. launder [?l??nd?(r)] vt. 洗涤

12. keep ... at bay: 使……无法近身

13. outfitter [?a?tf?t?(r)] n. 户外运动用品商店

14. blend [blend] n. 混合物

15. lucrative [?lu?kr?t?v] adj.
