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To reach Madonna, you must wait for a sign. When it comes, if you are pure of heart, you begin to move toward Madonna, and move fast. Like a pilgrim, you read and reread sacred texts: profiles and reviews, the first published in the early 1980s, the most recent published just a second ago, which constitute a kind of record, the good news, the 1)Gospel of Madonna.

I felt the presence of Madonna as soon as I landed at 2)LAX. It was as if she had been there a moment ago, and, in fact, while waiting for my luggage, I scanned a copy of the New York Post and came upon a picture taken the day before which showed Madonna, having come through customs, holding her two-and-a-half-year-old son, David, whom she had adopted in Malawi in 2006, the cameras an inch from her face.

I was rushed to Century City from the airport, to the towering new office building of CAA (Creative Artists Agency), the talent agency that represents Madonna, and seated in an empty 3)screening room. The lights went down, and for 90 minutes I watched a documentary Madonna has written and produced, I Am Because We Are, which is African folk 4)wisdom that means something like “It takes a village.” It too is about community―about identity and how it’s rooted in place. The movie

5)sings of Malawi, a landlocked little nation in sub-Sahara Africa, ravaged by aids, filled with orphans.

It opens with Madonna walking in a crowd of Africans. Then her voice, which is the voice of the upper Midwest painted in Oxford glaze: “People always ask me why I chose Malawi. And I tell them, I didn’t. It chose me. I got a phone call from a woman named Victoria Keelan. She was born and raised in Malawi. She told me that there were over one million children orphaned by aids. She said there weren’t enough orphanages. And that the children were everywhere. Living on the streets. Sleeping under bridges. Hiding in abandoned buildings. Being

6)abducted, kidnapped, raped. She said it was a state of emergency. She sounded exhausted and 7)on the verge of tears. I asked her how I could help. She said, You’re a person with resources. People pay attention to what you say and do. I felt embarrassed. I told her I didn’t know where Malawi was. She told me to look it up on a map, and then she hung up on me. I decided to investigate, and I ended up finding out much more than I 8)bargained for, about Malawi, about myself, about humanity.”

After the movie, I was brought to the office of Madonna’s manager, where I sat in a boardroom and listened to Madonna’s new record (Hard Candy) on an iPod. It was a long day. The morning flight, the articles, the movie, the record, then the interview. It was like being brainwashed. Like being dropped in a 9)vat of Madonna.

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Madonna made the record with Justin Timberlake, who co-wrote five of the songs and sings on four. Many of the songs are 10)hybrids, traditional Madonna super-pop, workout tunes giving way to white hip-hop, Justin Timberlake showering 11)cascades of rhyme. I was listening to the music, and it’s a record I think Madonna fans will like, because it’s filled with songs you can imagine blasting from the room where they hold

12)spinning class, but I kept thinking about Britney Spears. I mean, here is Madonna, singing with Justin, whose very public breakup with Britney marked the moment the pop 13)tart began her battle with the furies. And, of course, I was also thinking of those MTV Video Music Awards in which Britney, already well on her way to madness, 14)frenched Madonna. 15)In light of this record, and all that’s happened, I wondered if, in the course of that kiss, Madonna somehow extracted Britney’s soul from her body, or implanted the crazy chip.

This is a big moment for Madonna. There is the documentary and the record, but also a dramatic film, Filth and Wisdom, which she co-wrote, produced, and directed. Madonna’s debut as an 16)auteur. The movie will be released on iTunes, which, depending how you see the world, is a desperate act or a bold gesture.

What’s Madonna’s genius?

It’s not her work as a singer, nor as a songwriter, nor as a director, certainly not as an actor. In the end, Madonna will be remembered as a

17)minter of images. If you go back and consider her career―because Madonna is one of the stars of the age so presumably tells a story greater than her own, about her people or time―you will see there has been nothing but images, spun off one after another, like souls flying off the mighty wheel. Beautiful artifice, puzzles, surfaces, masks…Think back on her career. It’s not songs you remember, or not primarily, nor films, nor videos; it’s the scenes or 18)tableaux. You recall her career as a series of lit boxes, 19)face cards in a 20)deck: Madonna as a street 21)urchin, in

22)spangles; Madonna as Marilyn, in satin; Madonna as a deflowered virgin, 23)writhing onstage in a wedding dress; Madonna as 24)Saint Francis of Assisi, covered in 25)icons and weeping for fragile things. Madonna on the Cross, like Jesus, but better, because did Jesus ever come down from the Cross to sing a song?










她的天赋并非体现在唱歌,写歌,或者导演上,当然也不是体现在演戏上。到最后,麦当娜将会作为一个“形象塑造者”让人铭记于心。如果你回头审视她的事业,浮现在你脑海里的只是无数的形象,仿佛从时代的巨轮里一个接一个飞出的灵魂。因为麦当娜是时代巨星之一,她应该不单单代表自己,还反映了当时的人们或整个时代。漂亮的技巧、谜团、外表、 面具……回顾她的事业,你记得的不是她的歌,至少主要的不是歌,不是她的电影或音乐电视,而是她的舞台布景或造型。在你的记忆中,她的事业就像是一系列的发光灯箱,一副扑克里的人头牌:身着镶满闪光珠片的衣服,打扮成街头古惑女的模样;身穿丝缎,作玛丽・莲梦露状;扮演被蹂躏的处女,穿着婚纱在舞台上痛苦挣扎;化身基督教圣人圣方济,如圣像般披裹装束,悲悯天下弱小。麦当娜还上过十字架,像耶稣一样,但是她更胜一筹,因为你有见过耶稣从十字架上走下来放声高歌吗?

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