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时辰景色 第11期

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The air was utterly dead. These was not a breath stirring. It was the sleepiest of sleepy days.… Away off in the flaming sunshine,Cardiff Hill lifted its soft green sides through a shimmering veil of heat, tinted with the purple of distance;a few birds floated on lazy wing high in the air;no other living thing visible but some cows, and they were asleep.

―Mark Twain


It was one of the usual slowsunrises of this time of the year, and the sky, pure violet in the zenith, was leaden to the northward, and murky to the east, where, over the snowy down or ewe-lease on Weatherbury Upper Farm, and apparently resting upon the ridge, the only half of the sun yet visible burnt rayless, like a red and flameless fire shining over a white hearthstone.

―Thomas Hardy


A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone,and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east. The evening star flashed and glittered in the dusk.

― John Steinbeck


It was now the sweetest hour of the twenty-four:“Day its fervid fires had wasted.” And dew fell cool on panting plain and scorched summit.Where the sun had gone down in simple state―pure of the pomp of clouds ―spread a solemn purple, burning with the light of red jewel and furnace flame at one point, on one hill-peak, and extendinghigh and wide, soft and still softer over half heaven. The east had its own charm of fine, deep blue, and its own modest gem, a rising and solitary star:soon it would boast the moon, but she was get beneath the horizon.

―Charlotte Bronte


Here the sea, not the stream, was night’s voice; the sea with its sign and rustle; no little bird, no owl, no night-jar called or spun; but a piano tinkled, and the white houses cut the sky with solid curve, and the scent from the lilacs filled the air.

―J. Glasworthy


这是每年这种时节常见的一个日出缓慢的清晨,天顶是纯紫色的,北边的天空一片铅灰,东方,韦瑟伯利上农场那积雪的平原或牧羊租借地的上空迷雾蒙蒙,刚刚从山脊上露出脸来的半边太阳亮而无光,宛若一团红色无焰的火在东方白色的炉石上空燃烧着。(托马斯• 哈代)



