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走进畲乡大就是走进了一方古老与现代合理布局的高山村落。随处可见的农家乐,起的名也是具有乡土风味:“老梅家”“三亩地”“ 半丘田”等等。落脚就可随便点几个农家菜的干净小院,无疑是休闲、放松的最佳去处。高山是原始的,乡民是憨厚的,民风是淳朴的,到大如同回到远古一样,享受着古风古情。



A Summer Resort in Ethnic Minority Habitat

By Yan Lingzhu

Daji is a summer resort nestled away in Jingning, a mountainous county in southern Zhejiang Province. About 40 kilometers away from the county seat, Daji sits in an alpine basin at an altitude of more than 1,600 meters above sea level flanked by towering peaks that look like ladders soaring and disappearing into the heaven.

Now an AAAA scenic zone, Daji features a bubbling stream, a booming waterfall, ancient stone bridges, and cottages. The waterfall falls for 70 meters and in three stages. The widest part measures 25 meters wide and the narrowest 8 meters. In the high water period, the waterfall booms as it splashes down, making deafening noises and creating a mist as tall as 200 meters. In dry season, the waterfall is tender and the mist scatters like snow flakes.

The defining centerpiece of Daji as a unique tourist attraction, however, is not the spectacular waterfall. It is the Shisi Temple, a precious prototype of architecture of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The temple was first built in 1140. In 1368, the structure morphed into an academy and in 1426, it officially became a religious sanctuary. As the location is far away from anywhere, the wood architecture of the Song remains intact and it is a rare phenomenon in China. It is a cultural relic under national protection since 2001.

The temple stands in a 1,193-square-meter compound with a number of halls. The temple in the name may be a little bit misleading as the temple compound displays a number of different religious components. It has a hall for Buddhism and a hall for Taoism. Yet in another hall, a local legendary woman is worshiped as a goddess. The fourth major structure in the temple is a memorial house of the Mei clan. The temple is never a destination for pilgrims. It is a sanctuary for the faithful to stay and contemplate the metaphysics of their chosen faith. Scholars see the messages of art, wisdom, ideology and morality in the architecture. Some describe it as a book of history, a monument, a jar of vintage wine, and an epic.

The temple originated with a seven-year-old boy who missed his deceased grandfather so much that he lived by the tomb for three years. In order to make the mourning easy, the father built a thatched hut for the boy. The county magistrate reported the piety of the boy to the court. The emperor gave the boy a title and named the hut Shisi Compound.

In front of the temple gate are two ancient trees, which local people call “Dragon Firs”, one towering and one hanging low above the ground. They add a touch to the grace of the ancient temple. On a hill slope east to the temple towers a 1,500-year-old Cedar. It was 47 meters tall and now it stands at 28 meters tall due to a lightening that struck the cedar and snapped it and cut it shorter. The diameter of the trunk measures 4.47 meters. The trunk of the giant tree has hollowed. Now you can put a square table inside the hollow trunk and eight people can sit around it. In 2001, someone concluded that it was the world’s oldest of its species.

The temple is only part of the breathtaking beauty that is Daji. Daji maintains its altitude and ancient charms whereas displaying some new aspects of modernization in the village huddled in the basin. Around the basin are many scenic spots with poetic names. Woods in surrounding peaks change colors in spectacular ways as seasons slowly evolve. Some ancient residential houses can be seen in the village. Nowadays, many households double as restaurants and inns and give visitors boarding and meals.