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1. 结果

例如:cause and effect因果关系

2. 效果,作用,影响

例如:The medicine is said to have no side effects. 据说这种药没有副作用。

3. 要旨,意义

例如:I don’t remember his words exactly, but he said something to that effect. 我不记得他的原话了,但他说的就是那个意思。

4. (法律的)效力

例如:The new marriage law came into effect on August 13, 2011. 新婚姻法于2011年8月13日生效。


例如:Large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions effected the global warming. 大量的二氧化碳排放导致了全球气候变暖。

1. effect的常用搭配

effect最常用的搭配是have an effect on,意思是“对……产生影响,对……起作用,对……有效果”,其中on也可以用upon来代替,effect可以用great, slight等词修饰表示受影响的程度。

例如:Teachers’ words usually have a great effect on/upon students. 老师的话往往对学生有很大影响。

与这个词组意思相近的词组有have an influence on/upon和have an impact on/upon等。

例如:Experts believe the policy would have little influence on/upon the regional economy. 专家认为这项政策不会对地区经济产生很大影响。

have effect表示“见效,生效”的意思,也可以用take effect。

例如:The aspirins soon have effect. 阿司匹林药片见效快。

bring/put sth. into effect表示“使生效,实行,实施”;come into effect表示“生效”。

例如:The rules will soon be put into effect. 这些规则即将付诸实施。

in effect 表示“有效;实际上”;其反义词组为out of effect,表示“失效”。

The rule that no one should make noise in the library is still in effect. 任何人不得在图书馆里喧哗的规定依然有效。

In effect, the two systems are the same. 事实上,这两个系统完全一样。

The contract will go out of effect next week. 这份合同下个星期就失效了。

2. effect, affect和influence的区别


例如:The policy has a great effect on the local economy. 这项政策对当地经济产生了很大影响。

The injury effected Yao Ming’s retirement. 伤痛导致了姚明的退役。

affect只作动词,相当于have an effect on...,而且,affect表示“影响”时,含有“对……产生不利影响”的意思。

例如:The injury on his left leg affected his performance on the field. 左腿上的伤影响了他在场上的表现。(= The injury on his left leg had an effect on/upon his performance on the field.)


例如:It’s clear that his painting style has been influenced by Zhang Daqian. 他的画风显然受到了张大千的影响。

3. effective和efficient


例如:His teaching method is very effective and most of his students make some improvement with their English. 他的教学方法很有效,他多数学生的英语都有一些进步。

The bank says that the new interest rate will not be effective until next month. 银行说新的利率水平要到下月才开始生效。


例如:He needs an efficient assistant. 他需要一个工作效率高的助手。

To save energy, we need to develop more energy-efficient products. 要节约能源,我们需要研发更多高能效的产品。

Efficiency and experience are important for a good manager. 效率和经验对一个好的经理来说很重要。



1. 现代农业耕作方法可能会对环境有影响。

Modern farming methods can _____________ ____________ ___________ ______________ the environment.

2. 他们没有正式的合同,但实际上,他就是她的经理。

They have no formal contract, but he is ____________ ____________ her manager.

3. 新的法律从明天开始生效。

The new law____________ ____________ from tomorrow.

4. 心情不好影响了她的表现。

The bad mood her performance.

5. 这些药片很有效果,而且副作用很小。

These tablets are ________________ and have

____________ .

Keys: 1. have an effect on/upon; 2. in effect; 3. takes effect; 4. affects/affected; 5. effective, little side effects.