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Alexis Bledel (Gilmore Girls注1, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and Northwestern 2004 graduate Zach Gilford (Friday Night Lights) star in Post Grad, a film about a college graduate’s “pre-life crisis注2.” Ryden graduates from college and is forced to move back home and deal with her eccentric[古怪的] family and an

unsuccessful job search. It’s coincidental[巧合的] that this plot is so fitting with the current economic climate

seeing as production on Post Grad began back in 2007. In a web conference, Bledel and Gilford talked about their experiences and advice current college students might take away from Post Grad.

What message does Post Grad send to graduates?

Bledel: The point of the movie is that you can’t plan everything, which is really the case right now. It’s a difficult time and it wasn’t this way when we filmed the movie. But it was relevant[相关联的] then and, now even more so.

Alexis, you said you wanted to make your character Ryden different from your TV character in Gilmore Girls. What are the differences between Rory and Ryden?

Bledel: Well, as the years went by on Gilmore Girls, I noticed that Rory was kind of like an idealized product of the show’s imagination, because she was really perfect

in a lot of ways, which started to annoy me a bit, but you have to keep playing the character. But Ryden I think she’s much more relatable[与……有关系的] in a lot of ways, and this character’s story picks up in the same stage of life where Rory left off, graduating from college.

So for anyone who likes the show, it’s kind of…it’s a continuation in a way, but she’s a completely different girl because she makes a lot of mistakes. She has a very typical college experience. She’s kind of an average girl, and I can relate much more to her.

Zach, you were a theater major at Northwestern. Do you have any advice for current students?

Gilford: I remember when I was at Northwestern, a lot of people would come and talk and say, “This is the way it works. This is what you have to do. This is what you can’t do,” and it’s all kinda rubbish. It’s gonna happen

how it’s gonna happen. I mean, it sounds trite[陈腐的], but just stay positive and go with it, and something’s gonna work out. It really is.

Did you experience any post grad nightmares when you graduated from Northwestern?

Gilford: No, not really. I mean, I was unemployed for a long period of time, but I found stuff to do. I worked at a school in Queens for a while, which was fun. And then I also worked in retail[零售] and whatever I could do to keep busy. And then eventually, I got a job doing this kind of stuff, which was fun and lucky.











注2:“pre-life crisis”一般出现在毕业后、找到工作之前,意味着安逸的生活一去不返,要开始承担社会责任。