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1. 认为独生子女好:A. 父母可精心照顾;B. 家庭开销少得多……

2. 认为独生子女不好:A. 父母娇惯孩子;B. 感到孤独而依懒家长……

3. 你个人的观点。

4. 词汇:only one child独生子女,pay more attention to更多的关注, spoil 宠坏, disadvantage 劣势,depend on依赖, get along with与……相处得很好

Dear Editor,



Best wishes!


Liu Shuai


Dear Editor,

I write to you(1)about what we have discussed about the points of having only one child.Some think that,with only one child,parents can pay more attention to him or her.The cost of the family is much less,the child can live a better life(2). However, have only one (3) child alsohas its disadvantages. Parents will spoil the children easily. They must (4) feel lonely sometimes and greatly depend on their parents. In my opinion,the only child doesn’t know to solve the problems (5) they meet and even can’tget along with other children.(6) What’s your idea?

Best wishes!


Liu Shuai

(山东省临清市先锋中学 马 强)



(1) 正式写信告诉某人某事的时候,通常用进行时态,同时要用动词tell。此处应改为:I am writing to tell you。

(2) 一种修改方法:逗号前后是两个句子,所以两者间必须断开,逗号改为句号,child前的定冠词the的第一个字母大写;或者在逗号后面加上连接词and。

(3) 本句谓语动词是has,此处应用非谓语动词短语。改为having only one child。

(4) must用于判断是“肯定”的意思,用在此处不太恰当,应改为may(可能)。

(5) to solve the problems意为“解决问题”。此处句子应表示怎样解决问题,应改为how to solve the problems。

(6) 并列复合句运用得精彩。

(山东 世 一)